【Character: Walter Joyce】

【Identity: The first Herrscher, the Herrscher of Reason, the first generation of Walter; the first leader of Anti-Entropy;】

【Personality: Kind and gentle. Very easy to trust the words of people around him. Full of sacrifice, when faced with the choice of sacrificing himself to save the city, he would sacrifice himself without hesitation. Wants to protect everyone around him.】

【Character rating: 10.0 (out of 10)】

【Hu Pu's comment:"Tyrant of the sky, have you ever seen the power of shattering stars?"

"Plain yet great!"

"The first attorney!"

"Walter Yang sit-ups inherited his will!"

"Collapse: Traitor?"】

【Coming soon: Against Entropy》】................................

When the ratings were revealed, everyone in the chat group was shocked again.

【Kafka: Another perfect character?】

【Ruan Mei: It seems that in the face of such a devastating disaster, there is always a glimmer of humanity.】

【Collapse·Walter Yang: Yang Sit-ups....? What the hell? ?】

【Tesla: He...A great man indeed.】

【Einstein: Full marks?...Not surprising】

【Einstein: Anti-entropy is the will to fight against collapse...】........

In the command room of the destiny,

Otto saw the name of Walter Joyce and the score of 10.

He smiled without surprise.

"As expected of you, my friend."

I think, in the eyes of ordinary people,

Walter Joyce's determination and sacrifice to protect the world would be more popular, right?

This is human nature.

And if it were me......

Thinking of this,

Otto smiled self-deprecatingly.

Then a hint of pride appeared on his face.

Otto Apokalis never needed anyone's evaluation....................................

Amid the chaotic discussion, a picture slowly appeared on the screen.

The only survivor of the first Honkai incident.

A young man who seemed to have no memory, no name, and no origin. He was sent to a research institute.

In the research institute, he was named Walter by Dr. Einstein!

The meaning is the world!

There seems to be a huge secret hidden in his body!

In order to save more people in the world, Walter willingly accepted human body research and examinations by various organizations in the world!

He endured pain that ordinary people could not bear and was studied for three whole years!...............

【Theresa: Being studied for three whole years?!】

【Tesla: Three years! Three whole years! You know I...Uh...how did he get by?】

【Paimon: Oh my god....so poor...】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: He willingly accepted the research with the idea of saving more people in the world!】

【Walnut: That’s great....】

【Ningguang: And after three years of torture, he still stood firm in his stance of protecting the world....】

【Tartaglia: Wow, what an admirable guy.】

【March 7: Um, Uncle Yang, you haven’t experienced these, right?】

【Star Iron Walter:..............】

【Star Iron Walter: This is what happened during the first collapse...Walter, as the first Herrscher, was found at the site of the collapse, and humans at that time were also in a state of fear.】...................................

During these three years, Walter had been able to stay together by writing letters to a mysterious pen pal, Clown α, and not collapse!

【Good afternoon, October. Before I knew it, this is already my 22nd letter to you. I have already told you the story of Saint Kallen.......】



【——Your old friend, Alpha the Clown】

"After all, it's just an anonymous pen pal assigned to me by some big shot..."

"I clearly don't intend to pay attention to this kind of political propaganda."

"But I have to admit that the story of"Saint Karen" preached in his twenty-two letters really moved me...."

"Since when did I start to look forward to his monthly updated Legend of the Saint?"

In the picture,

Walter Joyce was reading letters in a simple white room with only a bed and a table.

He looked at the comfort from Alpha the Clown in the letter and muttered to himself helplessly.

But it was obvious that he had become accustomed to communicating with the clown through letters and was deeply attracted by the stories told by this friend.

However, Alpha the Clown...How obsessed with Saint Kallen is he?...

Twenty-two letters, three years in total.

All about one thing....

Saint Karen!

It's a pity that even Walter Joyce could watch it....Even enjoying it!............

In the chat group, everyone suddenly realized something!

From Walter Joyce's previous voice, they could know the identity of this clown Alpha.....It was Otto!

Although I didn't know why Otto used this identity to contact Walter, it must not be a good thing!

【Ganyu: Twenty-two Letters...Are you all talking about Saint Kallen?】

【Einstein: Yes, it is well known....Otto is obsessed with Kallen.】

【Theresa: Or...That's grandpa's spiritual support....】

【Tesla: Is it a wonder Joyce could bear to see this?】

【Ningguang: Perhaps, that is his only pastime.】

【Kafka: Saint Kallen is Otto's spiritual pillar, so the clown Alpha at this time is Walter's spiritual pillar, right?】...................................

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