"So you must come back safely!"

"It’s a deal!"

"It’s a deal!"

After saying goodbye to Xi'er,

Kiana and Yulandel started to head towards the church.

At the door,

Kiana suddenly called Yulandel.

"Oh, right, Yulandel!"

"What's up?"

"After opening this door, we will have to make a final break with Otto."


"You also know that it was Otto who created me in the laboratory. It was he who brought me into this world, and it was he who treated me as just an experiment. A container for the resurrection of the Herrscher, experiment subject K423!"

Kiana said this.

She was a little depressed.

"Experimental subject K423, this name is all the dignity he is willing to give me. At that time, I was still a blank sheet of paper, not understanding what I should get and what I should give as a human being in this world."

"It was my father who set an example for me and taught me what kindness and sincerity are. He gave me the most simple love in the world and gave me the name Kiana. Then he disappeared!"

"I started to wander around the world, to find my dad, and to become a person who can help others like my dad. To become a righteous ranger!"

"At that time, I thought the past was over, but Otto appeared again, awakening the malice of the Herrscher! He took away everything from Saint Freya! I could only start wandering again! Carrying the sins of the Herrscher of the Sky, the pain of losing my teacher, and the self-blame that made my companions worry."

"It was in that state that I met you for the first time!"

"Naturally, we parted ways unhappily due to our different standpoints! Many things happened after that, and I also understood that the relationship between people is not simple!"

"It's much more complicated than we thought at first! But that's why, Yulandel!"

"At this moment, I must ask you a question!"

Outside the screen,

Kiana looked at herself on the screen and said such a thing.

She was also surprised.

Of course, the people beside her were even more surprised.

Kiana, who was usually lively and optimistic, and simple...

She can actually say so many words that are full of life thoughts!....I have experienced countless heartbreaking things! I have suffered countless separations.....

【Keqing: I feel sorry for Qiyana...】

【March 7: So pitiful!!】

【Silver Wolf: Otto really ruined Kiana's life...】

【Hanabi: But without Otto, Kiana wouldn't be able to feel the precious love of Siegfried and the others, right?】

【Ningguang: Even so, all tragedies are caused by Otto...】

【Black Tower: At this moment, what Kiana really wants to ask is Yulandel's determination, right?】

【Kafka: Indeed, I can understand Kiana. She just wants to win now.】

【Yulandel: Not only does Kiana want to win, the world also needs a victory】

【Rita: I also believe that Lord Yulandel's faith will not waver.】

【Jean: The last battle...Please give it your all!】

【Kiana: Come on! My future self!!】

【Changguang: Ahhhh!! Bishop!! My research and development funds!!】

【Funina: ? ?】

【Charlotte: What's going on?? News?!】

【Tesla: Damn Otto! Revenge comes so quickly?!】

【Silver Wolf: No way?!】

【Su Shang: What a despicable guy!】

【Honkai Jizi: Everyone in Destiny...Be careful of Otto's revenge!!】

【Theresa: But....Grandpa shouldn't be so bored, right? Maybe it's because of other reasons?】

【Otto: Haha, Theresa is still the one who cares about grandpa. 】

In the picture, just as the group members guessed,

Kiana looked into Yulandel's eyes and asked seriously and solemnly

"What is your identity now that you choose to fight Otto?"


Yulandel's expression paused.

She understood Kiana's thoughts.

"I can be a tit-for-tat avenger"

"Can be an insurgent against atrocities"

"Or simply serve as a guardian fighting for the fate of the world."

"But these are not the identities I want to claim for myself at this moment - at least when I face him again, I think I am still a Valkyrie of destiny."

"I know that Destiny is not a perfect organization, and I know that the work of the Valkyries is far from being as ideal as the slogan claims."

"Therefore, when faced with the dilemma that each of us must make a choice, I must give up destiny and the right to interpret the Valkyrie....Take it back from that self-willed bishop"

"Tianming is a militarized organization. Soldiers must obey orders as their first duty! But this does not mean that all members of Tianming should be puppets of their superiors! They should all be a cog in the grand destiny!"

"What is right and what is wrong; what is justice and what is evil; what is destiny - these are not things that can be decided by any one person!"

"They should be everyone's choice, everyone's path, everyone's life, and the scenery painted together on the canvas called the world!"

【Theresa: That’s right....This should be the meaning of destiny!】

【Yulandel: This...Is that really what I said?....】

【Rita: Haha~ Lady Yulandel has also grown a lot?】

【Ningguang: All organizations should maintain this kind of self-reflection!】

【Black Tower: But.....】

【Black Tower: Fighting against Honkai, to be honest, no one can guarantee that this mode of operation will be better than in Otto's hands】

【Ruan Mei: Indeed, the destiny under Otto is rigorous and stable, like a cold and running machine, without any human touch, but absolutely reliable and rigorous.】

【Kiana: But this...Isn’t it the loss of the essence of human beings?】

【Mei Raiden: In the face of collapse, do we really have to lose everything to defeat it?...】

【Tesla: In any case, Anti-Entropy will never be like Destiny!】

【Tesla: And Otto is also an opponent that must be defeated. 】

In the picture.

Yulandel continued

"So, at this moment, I want to work with you to take this painting back from Otto! Reserve the right for everyone to freely paint on it."

"These are also the colors and lines that I, as a Valkyrie, have left on this painting!"

"For myself, it is the will of the woman called Bianca Atagina!"

"No matter from which angle you look at it, Otto is a person who has changed the trajectory of my life forever!"

"To use Shakespeare's plays as an analogy - he is not just a Caesar, not just a Macbeth.....He is also Claudius, Othello, and even Hamlet!"

"He is like a beautiful but cruel, great but evil work of art - we will eventually defeat him and leave his history to the people of the future to judge"

"I think....This is also his own wish."

As Yulandel finished speaking,

Kiana also realized something, nodded, and sighed

"In your heart, he is still an elder, a complex and contradictory person."

"Yes, but that doesn't stop us from fighting side by side, nor does it stop me from seriously trying to defeat him - or even kill him."

"Well, I have fully understood this."

Kiana nodded.

"So, the strongest Valkyrie of destiny - before you officially enter the battle, would you like to give me a high five to represent team spirit?"

When she heard this proposal, Yulandel was stunned for a second. She really didn't expect that the other party would greet a fateful decisive battle with such a positive attitude.

But....Indeed, this is the real Kiana Kaslana.

This is like the daughter of Siegfried and Cecilia.

Whether it was ten years ago - or ten years later


The clear and sharp sound of clapping, which encompasses all the trust that does not need to be communicated with words.

"I'll leave my back to you."——Even without having to say it, they could understand each other's unshakable fighting spirit.

Not for the same reasons, not for the same emotions.

But it didn't matter - what mattered was that their paths had completely intersected today!

What mattered was that the stars that represented their destiny were now shining together in the sky.

At this moment, countless viewers in front of the screen sighed and shed tears.

This high-five contained all the trust that didn't need to be communicated with words.

This was Kiana and Yulandel.....The tacit understanding and trust between them.

They should be like this.....(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【March 7: Come on! You two!】

【Walnut: This high five...My eyes are filled with tears!】

【Einstein: I didn't expect that at this juncture, Yulandel still regarded Otto as an elder.】

【Rita: Lady Yulandel still respects the Bishop in her heart.】

【Tesla: What respect is there in that guy!!】

【Yulandel: My determination to defeat the Bishop will not waver.】

【Yulandel: But it is undeniable that the bishop has taken good care of me and nurtured me.】

【Youlan Daier: As I said in the future, the merits and demerits of the bishop can only be judged by future generations. 】

In the picture, there seems to be no sense of urgency for the final battle.

As the two walked into the church, behind the door, it was empty and quiet.

There was no solemnity or oppression as imagined!

"What's going on? There's nothing here?"

"No, look there."

"That is...A rift in reality torn by the imaginary space?!"


Let 's go and take a look.[]

Kiana and all the spectators also saw it.

That strange crack in the air!


"How about it? Can you sense the space behind it?"

"Well, if you just sense it, there is no problem. The power flowing behind it is indeed the same power that Otto used before."

Kiana frowned.

"only....If we were to open it to allow us to pass freely,...."

"Having trouble?"

"Let me try, but after all, this is the power of the Herrscher - you'd better keep a certain distance from me to avoid being affected"

""I understand."

Yulandel took a few steps back, leaving enough space for Kiana.

The Herrscher, who also possessed the power of the void, held his breath and tried to exert his power on the unstable crack.

"Cut off your delusions and focus your breathing....."

".....Knowing nothing, feeling nothing"

【Although she had tried this method of using power once in the Herrscher collision experiment not long ago,——】

【But at this moment, her own power is not as strong as it was then, and the object she is trying to control is much more complicated than the Herrscher core fixed on the device.】

【She could feel that behind the crack, a huge temple had risen from the ground, and the collapse energy throughout the imaginary space was concentrated in that direction.】

【She must be very careful - if she is not careful, her power may be taken away and devoured by something there. 】

(The opportunity is fleeting, I must accumulate as much energy as possible and tear it apart completely in one breath....)

(However, in my current state, ordinary control effects alone do not seem to provide enough explosive power.)


(.....No matter what, I still have to try my best to challenge my own limits.

So, Kiana decided that she would challenge the ultimate sword energy alone.

The next moment, a white light surged.

In front of Kiana, Jizi's face appeared again.

It was not any other place.

It was the last farewell between Jizi and her.....In front of that door.

"Are you ready? Kiana"

".....I understand, Mr. Jizi"

"In the blink of an eye, you have grown so much. To be honest, I also want to watch you grow up."

"I really want to go back to Saint Freya to continue teaching you and training with you...."

"Go write on the blackboard and have a drink in the room."

"The time I spent at Saint Freya is also my most precious memory."

"Sadly, I can't do that anymore."

"There is still a long way to go, but I seem to....I can't walk with you anymore."

"But it doesn't matter, Kiana, you never let me down"

"Always remember that there are always many people around you who will always support and protect you"

"Including me"

"Remember to say goodbye to everyone at Saint Freya for me."


"Tell Mei that I support her choice, but next time don't be so harsh on your friends."

"I will"

"Tell Bronya that I am very happy to see her growth now, and she will definitely become an excellent leader in the future"

"I think so"

"Tell Fu Hua that although she can't go back to the future, she will always be the monitor of everyone, no matter whether Saint Freya is still there or not."


"From now on, Theresa will be the only one left to take care of you. You all should be obedient and don't make the principal angry. It's best to help her more. Although she likes to show off, she actually works much harder than us."

"I know"

"Finally, tell yourself, Kiana....I will always be by your side"


Today is the fourth chapter! 20,000 words!

A small burst of updates, at least 30,000 dragons..

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