Otto staggered forward, his steps were slow but firm....

The target was in the abandoned building ruins.

Countless debris were floating.

A tree that seemed unreal and connected to the sky, shining with light! Standing there-!!

Looking at the distant place, everyone in front of the screen was surprised!

Their eyes trembled with a little disbelief!

In the chat group, after a moment of silence, there was an uproar!

【Kelli: So big...A tree!!】

【Keqing: What a strange place....】

【March 7: Wait, Wait...this...This won't be....】

【Keqing:...No way?!】

【Raiden Mei: This tree....Could it be.....】

【Yanqing: Imaginary Numbers....Tree!】

【Hoshitetsu Himeko:————The tree of imaginary numbers?!】

【Collapse Princess:————The tree of imaginary numbers?!】

【Collapse Walter:....It's actually true....】

【Kiana: This...It's not really the legend.....What is that tree of imaginary numbers???】

【Silver Wolf: Otto...Still arrived...】

【Ruan Mei: Does the existence of the imaginary number tree actually take this form?】

【Heita: This is probably just a more vivid way of expressing it.】

【Black Tower: This entire imaginary space and the images of each world bubble are all existences that are difficult to present in the picture in a way that we can understand.】

【Yulandel: Bishop....He finally did it....He is about to reach the tree of imaginary numbers.....】

【Rita: What Master Otto wants to accomplish will eventually be accomplished.】

【Tesla: This...I actually won the bet with this guy.....】

【Einstein: It doesn't matter whether I like it or not, Otto did discover it....Uncharted territory that none of the rest of us have explored...】

【Einstein: What I have learned since the battle with Otto, or what Otto has revealed, will probably become a valuable document for humanity to fight against the Honkai Impact!】

【Black Tower: Will Otto really finish it in his own way?...】

Behind countless screens, the light around the Tree of Imaginary Numbers illuminated the astonished faces of countless extraordinary people.

Even the people in the Star Iron Universe, whose technological level and development were significantly higher, watched Otto stagger.

The astonishment on their faces and even in their hearts was uncontrollable!

Even though Otto's past bad behavior and the harm he caused to others were still difficult to erase, excluding personal likes and dislikes, everyone had to admit that

Otto had accomplished a great feat.....It was something they could not imagine!

Otto arrived at the legendary Imaginary Tree.

It was an existence that no matter which world the extraordinary people in, they only had a preliminary understanding of.

And Otto, after hundreds of years of pursuit.

After countless roads came to an end and the search was fruitless.

In a way that ordinary people could not imagine at all.

With the whole world as the stage.

He deceived the rules and the collapse, and deceived everyone in the collapsed world.

At the end of the journey!

Set foot on this land......A place no one has ever heard of!

And the giant tree in the distance.

Is the origin and end of countless worlds!


In the headquarters of Destiny.

The moment this picture appeared.

Otto's figure suddenly appeared.

With trembling and uncontrollable excitement in his emerald green eyes, he stayed in the picture tightly, without moving an inch.

To be precise.

Stayed in the picture where his eyes were looking!

That tree, shining with light, like the center of the world - the tree of imaginary numbers!!

It is also in the picture and outside the picture, where the two Ottos pursued their whole lives.


Amber's voice trembled a little.

But Otto's mouth curled up slightly, still staring at the giant tree.

"Yes Amber, I did it....It will surely succeed."

Otto's voice fell.

Gentle, yet powerful.

At this moment.

Under the trembling gazes of countless extraordinary people.

In the screen.

Otto's staggering steps, stepping on the bright red desert.

Obviously not an ordinary desert.

But the faint rustling and wind sounds are still the only sounds.

Apart from that.

There is only Otto's weak breathing.

It seems to be a low whisper.

It seems to be summing up his life.

At this moment, both inside and outside the screen are extremely quiet.

Otto slowly spoke

"life....It's such a fragile thing....."

"When I was a child, my sister died on the battlefield...."

"They told me his soul is immortal......"

"...Her spirit will ascend to heaven....."


"Generation after generation, humans have always been happy to deceive themselves with such lies...."

"Believe in the so-called afterlife and the eternity of consciousness....."

"They pretend death doesn't exist...."

"Until death suddenly invades their lives and befalls the ones they love!"

"Even at this time...They will deceive themselves even more——"

"——Believe that love can transcend everything, and firmly believe that love can be eternal"


Otto's chuckle was full of sarcasm and a touch of self-mockery.

It was as if he was expressing contempt for such ignorance.

He was also mocking himself for believing these words when he was a child.

And outside the screen, there was still a silence that was deliberately suppressed even with every breath.

They would not forget Otto's misdeeds.

But he defeated the gods with his mortal body.

With his burning obsession, he achieved this pioneering act of human development.

Otto Apocalis deserved their respect.

And Otto's farewell performance. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Every word of it.

It deserves everyone's careful listening.

【Ningguang: Otto....Did you start to come into contact with death when you were a child?....】

【Silver Wolf: My sister died on the battlefield....】

【Funina: It must have been a big psychological blow to young Otto....】

【March 7: Although it is a bit offensive to say this....But with Otto's personality, I'm afraid he won't be particularly kind to his family....Are you concerned?】

【Rita: No, quite the opposite.】

【Rita: I think the bishop pays special attention to the saint because he lacks the love of his family.】

【Tesla: How can you tell? Maybe Otto was born this way....indifferent】

【Rita: The Bishop's sister who died on the battlefield....Bianca】

【Kiana: Wait....Bianca?!】

【Jean: Ms. Bianca?!】


【Kiana: You mean...Otto kept this name....】[]

【Hanabi: Hahaha, it is foreseeable that Otto's inner world will be as barren as this desert, right?】

【Fernina: Indeed....Facing Death...People often like to deceive themselves with all kinds of lies】

【Kafka: But for a smart man like Otto, he does not accept falsehood. 】

And just as Kafka said.

Otto does not accept false deception.

What he wants is the truth.

The truth that the saint still exists in the present.

0Please give me flowers

" more extensive emotions, they can trigger miracles...."

"But the creator of miracles can only be the person who is still alive at that moment."

"As an ordinary person who has been deceived by them....."

"I have also imagined that the human soul exists in a higher dimension......"

"I imagine that one day, the one I love"

"She can return to the world with a new body and live in a better future...."


"The rules of the world are not like this."

In the pure white space,

Kallen watched and listened to all this. She was extremely serious and silent. Even though her vision was blurred by tears,

Kallen still wanted to see clearly.

Everyone, even the Honkai Will, knew it very clearly.

They had even listened to Otto's final request more than once.

And this journey full of countless twists and turns was coming to an end.

Otto was about to arrive.

Would he get the relief and liberation he had never had since five hundred years ago?....

Kallen wants to know, and must know

【Keqing: Kallen's death is like the collapse of the whole world for Otto...】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Those days in the monastery were probably the last time Otto had fantasies.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: After leading the rebellion to overthrow the old destiny, when Kallen's spirit and name spread】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Perhaps Otto is the one who is truly hurt by Kallen's departure】

【Furninha: The Rules of the World...Not so...】

【Funina: Death may really mean the end of everything...】

【Walnut: In Otto's World....Death is really a scary thing....】

【March 7: After death, it would be nice if the soul could really exist in a higher dimension...】

【Hoshitetsu Himeko: I'm afraid that no matter how much comfort and lies Otto receives, they will eventually turn into a deeper obsession....】

【Gold Dust: Instead of indulging in beautiful fantasies, it is better to hold the chips that win your destiny in your own hands】

【Gold Dust: What Otto Did....How many people's admiration is worth it?】

【Rita: Your Excellency, you have indeed done something that countless people look up to....】


【Ningguang: This truth has been deeply rooted in Otto's heart for more than 500 years...】

【Lei Movie: But he did not resign himself to his fate. He is a strong man and deserves my respect.】

【Su Shang: If there is such a thing as fate in the world, then Otto's fate is to defeat the world? 】

In the discussion room, everyone remained silent.

Otto's tone was still gentle.

In just a few steps, his life had already been reviewed.

The past that he could not accept the most, but was repeated again and again

"Death is indeed the dissipation of consciousness, the end of everything——"

"We cannot continue the starlight that has already disappeared"


"We reverse time"

"Awaken the silent island of graves;"

"Re-inject the evergreen water of life into the past that buried everything"

"The road of dichotomy will open up again there"

"The choice between life and death will form two worlds from now on"

"The price.....It's just the death of one person.....The destruction of one person......."

".......And the [Honkai Impact 3] that originally wanted to kill us】"

A Readers, please give me some monthly votes!!! It’s so great!!! It’s really, really hard to write about three-wheeled vehicles nowadays!!! Husband!.

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