Inside the Destiny Headquarters

""My Lord Bishop, I found it."

As a Valkyrie walked in, an ancient and exquisite wooden box was delivered to Otto's desk.

""Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Otto nodded calmly.

He raised his hand and gently stroked the surface of the wooden box.

But Amber beside him was keenly aware of it.....

Otto's Finger....He was actually trembling slightly.

In the past few decades,

Amber had never seen Otto lose control like this!

Even when facing the threat of death!

Even when something unexpected or unplanned happened!

Otto's soul steel body was always like his eyes. As calm as water.

And at this moment......

Apparently...Lord Otto has not yet completely recovered from the screen! Although

Amber is not able to empathize with and understand the emotions of normal people.....She was also sincerely happy for Lord Otto at that moment.

Looking at the wooden box,

Amber felt inexplicably familiar!

And the next second,

Amber reacted!

This is....

Kallen's relics!

It was also shown on the screen before.

Theresa and her found Kallen's relics in the small town of Klosten!

Lord Otto....After learning the news, he ordered someone to take it back......

At this moment, the command room was extremely quiet.

Amber remained calm as usual, and was used to Otto's silence.

After a long time, the Archbishop of Heaven's Destiny held his chin and chuckled.

This ending was the perfection he had longed for.

And at this moment, after a short silence, the chat group was already in an uproar!

【March 7:!!!!!!】

【Silver Wolf:!!!!!!】

【Su Shang:!!!!!!!!!】

【Keqing: Success...Did you make it?!】

【Qin: It seems....Yes!】

【March 7: The ending where Kallen is killed by Honkai Beast...It's been changed!!!】

【Sushang: Finally...Finally succeeded!!!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Kallen...Stay alive】

【Kamisato Ayaka: How simple yet....What a dangerous sentence】

【Lei Movie: If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes】

【Yulandel: No one can know the story behind the bishop....】

【Charlotte: I'll keep that in mind!】

【Zhongli: Stories outside this world can also be so touching】

【Wendy: Isn’t this much more interesting than the stories told by storytellers?】

【Zhongli: Indeed, and in terms of fighting against Honkai, Otto also deserves my respect.】

【Hoshitetsu Himeko: Otto....It's finally done...His five hundred years of long-cherished wish】

【Robin: This 500-year journey...Finally reached the end】

【Robin: For Otto, it is also a relief】

【Furninha: It’s not easy....Tears A】

【Walnut: A Tear +1!!!!!】

【Xiangling: A Tear +1!!!!!】

【March 7: A tears +1!!!!!】

【Hanabi: ^^ Tears +1!!!!】

【Paimon: A Tear +1!!!!】

【Charlotte: A tear +1!!!!】

【Silver Wolf: A Tear +10086!!!!】

【Walnut: Something strange seems to have sneaked in......】

【Qin: This Journey of Five Hundred Years....It's really not easy, right?】

【Tesla: This annoying guy finally left this world】

【Tesla: Huh】

【Einstein: Otto, it's really hard to understand....】

【Hanabi: A funny guy, but also a guy who deserves admiration】

【Furninna: For....The future former Bishop of Providence, Otto Apokalis, pays the highest respects!】

【Walnut: Although...It sounds a bit awkward......】

【Walnut: But.....The head of the Hall of the Dead pays the highest respects to the future former Bishop of Heaven's Will, Otto Apokalis!】

【Keqing: Liyue Yuheng Star pays the highest respects to the future former Bishop of Heaven's Fate, Otto Apocalis!】

【Ningguang: Liyue Tianquan Star pays the highest respects to the future former Bishop of Heaven's Fate, Otto Apokalis!】

【Zhongli: As a guest of the Hall of Rebirth, I pay my highest respects to the former future Bishop of Heaven’s Mandate, Otto Apocalis!】

【Honkai Jizi: Although what this guy did was excessive】

【Honkai Himeko: But at this moment, the Destiny A Valkyrie, Infinite Tower Himeko, pays the highest respects to the future former Destiny Bishop Otto Apocalis!】

【Kiana: Kiana Kaslana, pays the highest respects to the former future Bishop of Heaven's Destiny, Otto Apokalis!】

【Kiana: Hum, but now, Otto, be prepared to bear my wrath!!】

【March 7: I! A warrior on the Star Train! Pay the highest respect to the future former Bishop of Heaven's Destiny, Otto Apocalis!】

【Yan Qing: Cloud Rider Yan Qing! Paying the highest respects to the former future Bishop of Heaven's Mandate, Otto Apocalis!】

【Su Shang: I! The future Cloud Rider hero! I pay my highest respects to the future former Bishop of Heaven's Fate, Otto Apocalis!】

【Yulandel: Bianca Atagina pays the highest respects to the future former Bishop of Heaven's Will, Otto Apocalis!】

【Rita: Rita....Always respect His Excellency the Bishop】

【Hanabi: Interesting guy, see you again if we are lucky~] (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Gold Dust: May the Mother Goddess close her eyes for you three times, so that your blood will always beat, your journey will always be safe, and your scheme will never be exposed. 】

Along with the mixed messages in the group, the final score and message for Otto slowly appeared on the screen!

【Character: Otto Apocalis】

【Identity: Bishop of Heaven's Fate, descendant of the Apokalis and Shaniyat families; holder of the First God Key, Void Ten Thousand Treasures; genius scientist;】

【Personality traits: As the youngest son of the family, he does not enjoy the right of inheritance; he has been weak since childhood and is not valued by the family. In addition, due to his research on Honkai, Otto's personality began to become cold.

As a noble, most of his social interactions are disguised, and his feelings for Kallen are the only real ones. As a result, after Kallen's death, Otto gradually became extreme.

He is arrogant and conceited, thinking that everything is in his hands. If something is beyond his control, he will do everything he can to destroy it. He is cold-blooded and ruthless. He can do anything to revive Kallen. He knows the sin of what he has done but remains unmoved.

A smart, indifferent, stubborn, genius who will do anything to achieve his goals, but is calm and rational, and always considers maximizing benefits.】

【Character rating: 10.0 (out of 10)】

【Number of people who participated in the rating: 3259W+[]

【Hupu's comment:"I'm back, Karen"

"Bishop, please lead us to charge again!"

"This life is too long, the epitaph is too short"

"Theresa, eat some fruits and vegetables other than bitter melon occasionally."

"Pure love god of war!"

"No comment, because Otto never needs others to comment"

"Your crimes are known to everyone, and your achievements are unmatched. I pay the highest respects to the great Bishop of Heaven's Destiny, the only fool, Otto Apocalis!"

"I will take the despicable things into the grave, and you will extend the light into the future!"

"I fooled my friends...Fooled the relatives...Fooled the world and its rules! Just to give you the only real you......With a second life....."

"The dead Otto is the good Otto!"

"Although it's unfortunate, you deserve this score."

"Hate Otto, Understand Otto, Become Otto, Surpass Otto"】

【Character message: The life of an insignificant person; the life of a crazy person; the life of a wise man; the life of a fool; just because of that voice, the great inventor, that clear and flawless smile, that sentence"When we grow up, you and I will be heroes who protect the world together."

He has gone through five hundred years of loneliness and five hundred years of game, for that insignificant ideal that may not be recognized and understood in the end, he went from being an unpopular child to the pinnacle of power, running from the west to the east of the world; witnessed countless tragedies, committed countless crimes, he regarded life as worthless, and used all means to achieve his goals, hurting, destroying, and trampling on beauty and happiness;

"What a terrible devil!"

At the end of his life, all the infamy and blame fell on him, but the fool didn't care about them. He just wanted to turn this unhappy ending into what he wanted.

He was once questioned whether he still had humanity and love in his heart.

Can a piece of ice that has been frozen for a hundred years also have a raging fire burning in it?

"The name"Karen" made this cold-blooded man spend all his wisdom and strength.

He loved her, even though she didn't regard him as a lover. He also knew that he was just a good friend in her eyes, but fools wouldn't care. His wishes should not be recognized by the secular eyes.

A small person, who had fought against the gods, played games with"wisdom" itself, and played everyone around again and again. When everyone was amazed at his cunning and shrewdness.

They didn't know that he was just a child who could do nothing; without a partner, There is no friendship, no touching reunion and redemption, no miraculous power, only the path he has walked out step by step. As a villain, this seems to be the arrangement for him.

Because of this, we are shocked by his persistence; there are many dreams, but many realities. If you choose one, the rest will no longer exist; there are many goals, but there is only one final outcome; his past is too long, but only a few readers can understand it; his life is too long, and the epitaph is too short. Maybe the only sentence he left is"I loved her and gave her hope";

500 years of persistence, in the end, exchanged for a selfish hope. Maybe it is not just, not beautiful, but no one can deny that he risked his life time and time again.

Goodbye, Otto Apokalis, former Bishop of Destiny, grandfather of Theresa Apokalis, creator of countless tragedies, a selfish and insignificant person, and the most loyal lover of Kallen Kasnalan. 】

Looking at the words on the screen.

In front of the screen.

Countless extraordinary people also read it more seriously than ever before.

This is not just the life of a Bishop of Destiny.

As the message said.

This is also It is the life of a wise man and the life of a fool.

Otto's life experience has brought the deepest touch and the deepest amazement to all the audience in front of the screen.

Although there is anger, hatred and disgust.

But we have to admit that

Otto has blossomed the most dazzling light in the world with his selfish life.

Ah~ Daily confession to all readers, I love you!

The next rated characters will be decided by voting on the PC.

The next character has been determined to be Kevin the Savior!

And the finalization of the characters after that will also be decided by the readers!!

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