Looking at the increasingly nervous Fire Moth in the screen because of the ninth collapse, countless extraordinary people outside the screen also felt the pressure from the collapse.

Even Eden, a superstar, noticed the tense atmosphere inside the Fire Moth and volunteered to join the plan!

The frequency of the team members going out for missions increased again and again.

But fewer and fewer people came back.

This also proved that the collapse was rapidly intensifying!

It can even be said that....

It was hard to breathe!

Inside the Fire Moth Base, along with the conversation between Qianjie's adjutant and Erwin, the news of the appearance of the Tenth Herrscher finally came!

"........For ordinary people, masks are often a tool to cover up the truth and the self. But for Gan Jie, the mask represents his true feelings. Without the help of the mask, it is even difficult for him to express his emotions freely. Of course, this is my personal opinion. Whether it is right or wrong, I don't want to change it anyway."

".......When he wears a mask that shows happiness, it is actually a dangerous signal that deserves attention!"

"——You know, only fighting can make him happy. And when he puts on the mask of shyness.......This can only mean that the other masks have been destroyed in the battle, and he had no choice but to use one at random. You must not think that he is really shy........Will be punished"

——Excerpted from"One Hundred Questions about the Mask of the Dry Robbery: From Beginner to Mastery of the"Three One Seven"》

"Hey, Imer, is what's said here true or false? It looks quite mysterious."

"how could I know"

"You are the adjutant of Qianjie, Yimer. And your tenure time.......It's like a miracle. Before you, there were more than 20 people in this position!"

"What is this.......It's just that those people couldn't hold on. Besides, he rarely took me to fight........It's actually an easy job."

"You are really open-minded........"

"So, what on earth did you show me just now? You talked for so long, but it was completely useless."

"Eh? Haven't you heard of this book, Imer?"One Hundred Questions on the Mask of Thousand Tribulations: From Beginner to Master", this book is quite popular in the base now.

"So, who wrote this?.......It's unlikely to be useful"

"No, it's better to say.......A lot of what is written above is completely contrary to the facts........"

"Um.......I don't know who the author is, the signature is"A Girl as Beautiful as Flying Flowers".......Wait, there's new news."


"Until next time, Imer. I have an urgent mission."

"Urgent task?"

"Um.......The Tenth Herrscher has appeared."


Even though they were separated by a screen, the atmosphere in the chat group also sank!


【Honkai Jizi: So fast?!】

【Kiana: This...It’s only been a few months?】

【Black Tower: To be precise, it has been exactly six months since the end of the ninth Honkai incident.】

【Ningguang: This is also....】

【March 7: It has only been half a year since the Ninth Collapse, and many people have not yet recovered from the pain of losing their loved ones.....】

【Silver Wolf: Feeling the pressure..】

【Su Shang: Is this collapse?...There's no time to breathe!】

【Hoshitetsu Himeko: As time goes by, not only is the speed at which the Herrschers arrive faster, but I'm afraid that ordinary emergency missions are also becoming more and more difficult, right?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: The concentration of Honkai energy around the world is probably increasing rapidly!】

【March 7: Pressure is coming to Fire Moth....】

【Theresa: The Tenth Herrscher....I don't know how many people will be sacrificed this time.....】

【Theresa: Damn it....】

【Einstein: The Final End of Pre-Civilization...Cannot be changed....】

On the screen, the information record of the Tenth Herrscher incident slowly appeared, striking the hearts of every viewer.

【The Tenth Herrscher L10-001 appears. L10-001 is a chef in a restaurant with abilities close to those of the Fourth Herrscher. He can achieve invisibility by refracting light through the air.】

【L10-001 attempted to attack and assassinate Dr. Mei while she was having dinner, but was discovered and subdued by Kevin, the accompanying guard (who was forbidden by Mei to eat instant noodles and dragged to the restaurant).】

【Dr. Mei discovered a small Herrscher core from L10-001 that was weaker than a normal Herrscher core.】

【3 days later, L10-002~L10-016 appeared, and 15 new Tenth Herrschers appeared in various cities】

【《"One Hundred Questions on the Mask of Thousand Tribulations: From Beginner to Master" was published and became a popular publication within"Fire Chaser"】

【10 days later, L10-017~L10-108 appeared. The Tenth Herrschers were scattered all over the world without any unified standards. They communicated with each other through the Herrscher Core, regardless of the spatial distance, through [Quantum Entanglement].】

【The Tenth Herrscher will commit suicide when captured to avoid leaking information.】

【L10-108~L10-260 began to continuously attack the research institutes related to the Key of God and the Herrscher Core】】

【Dr. Mei discovered the quantum entanglement between the Hermits.】

【Individual L10-524 is considered strong evidence for this hypothesis.】

【He was originally an ordinary salesman】

【But they attacked the Fire Moth's weapons factory in the Rhine.】

【The location of this factory has always been a secret. The only possibility is that L10-997 told him the information.】

【But L10-997 has never left the headquarters, and his communications have been monitored.】

【During the four months that the Herrschers continued to appear, they attacked many facilities of the Fire Moth.】

【At the same time, it caused riots and destruction in major cities, and the threat was no less than any previous Herrscher.】

【There are many of them, and their behavior is organized and planned.】

【This caused a great headache for humans who were used to facing a single Herrscher.】

【Dr. Mei conducted a behavioral analysis of all the attacks and found that!】

【[The goal of the Thousand Herrscher has always been related to the research facility of the Key of God.】

【In other words, it is related to the other Herrscher cores in the Key of God Project.】

【In order to eliminate the Tenth Herrscher in one fell swoop, Dr. Mei proposed to transfer all the Herrscher cores in other research facilities to the island P21 for centralized storage.】

【During this period, the assistant to the director of the First Research Institute, the human Klein, became the Tenth Herrscher and suddenly attacked and assassinated the director Mobius. When the head of the Fifth Science Department, Su, who was assisting in the transfer, arrived, the Tenth Herrscher Klein had already been killed and swallowed by Mobius who had unconsciously entered the collapse and resurrected.】

【Mebius himself was unaware of this and was committed to finding the person who killed Klein, the Tenth Herrscher.】

【Qianjie's lieutenant Yimer became the tenth Herrscher L10-461. L10-461 used the partial Herrscher of Death's abilities to be captured, killed, and resurrected to continue the attack. He was imprisoned in the fifth school.】

"Yes, Hua. We have killed him hundreds of times.

"However, unlike the other individuals of the Tenth Herrscher, he never seemed to have any intention of committing suicide.

The footsteps in the corridor overlapped with each other in a surprising tacit understanding, and it was difficult to hear two people walking at the same time.

"You stopped him, so I wanted you to come and see it."

"L10-461, right?"

"If I remember correctly, he only possesses a small part of the power of the Herrscher of Death, and it has been extremely weakened.

"But even so, we still couldn't kill him. Maybe this explains something."

"........Have you confirmed his identity, Su?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Well, your impression is correct. He is indeed a member of the Fire Moth - Imer, Gan Jie's adjutant."

The footsteps stopped, and the girl was silent for a long time.

Another Herrscher, another familiar name.

Will she make the same choice as him?

She didn't know

"We are here, Hua0.."

"Let me do it. The authority here is a little different."

The heavy metal door slowly opened.

When they saw the scene behind the door, the two people's movements and breathing paused unconsciously.

The door that had just been opened was the only thing left in this underground cell.

Apart from that, everything had been annihilated, leaving only a dark tunnel that led to nowhere.

"this.....Did the Thousand Tribulations take him away? Or....."


"You stay here, Sue. I'll try to stop him."

"But Hua, if he was really taken away by robbery....."[]

"I believe this matter has nothing to do with Qianjie"

"but.....I hope he never knows about this."

"So, Su, please stay in the base and don't let Gan Jie find out anything unusual......I'll be back soon"

【When the Fifth Science Department Director Su handed over to the soldier Hua, he found that L10-461 had escaped from prison. Hua tried to catch L10-461 but failed.】


Fu Hua clenched her fists slightly after seeing this record. Imer was not a stranger to her. He was a teammate who had fought side by side in the Third Collapse Battlefield. She knew Imer. The Imer who became a Herrscher of the Thousand. Just like

.....It was like knowing Himiko who became the Herrscher of Flame.

For Fu Hua, this was another blow.

The collapse once again brought the Herrscher to her side.

It came to the side of the soldier at that time - Hua.

【Four months later, the transfer operation was over. Dr. Mei reported to the top management that the first core of the Lawless [Key of God] developed by him was about to be completed, and successfully attracted the attention of the top management of L10-997 [Fire Chaser Moth].】

【All the remaining Herrscher cores were gathered on the small island P21. Dr. Mei intended to catch the Tenth Herrscher in the trap and concentrate on destroying him. Mobius intended to use the failed fusion warriors from the island's prison"The Deep" to counterattack with human wave tactics.】

【After the operation began, L10-997 [Fire Chaser]'s top brass ordered Kevin to go to the sea to fight L10-261~L10-461 Imor. 】

In the deepest place.

Everything was immersed in the boundless darkness. Dead silence and coldness were the eternal themes here.

Two voices that should not have appeared here sounded in the distance.

"Has the experiment started yet?"

"The nearby sea area was attacked by a thousand Herrschers. Kevin was preparing for 4.0."

"The experiment is about to begin.

Mei was wearing a piece of armor that she had never shown to anyone before. It was specially prepared for today - the Blank Key.

Except for the two of them, no one would think that it was an experiment.

"Dr. Mei, I never thought you were such a bold person. Moreover, you are confident enough to use the never-used God Key directly into the battlefield."

"If only you had shown this side of you sooner, we would have made something interesting that would have amazed the world."

"I am not blindly confident in myself, so I prepared a second plan. Weiwei, this is why I asked you to come here"

"If the blank key does not work as expected, please open the door to the depths."

"By then, the Thousand Herrschers will know the darkness buried by humans........What a weight it has!"


Not only was Wei Weiwei in front of Dr. Mei stunned.

Even all the audience outside the screen were shocked by the calmness in Dr. Mei's words!

Dr. Mei......

Such a weak and intelligent girl.

She was so calm when she made such a crazy decision......Indifference!

That is the deepest place where countless terrifying beings are imprisoned!

And Mei is at this moment....

Once again, someone's accurate evaluation of her is confirmed!

Pure rationality!


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