【After the events of the First Research Institute, the top management of [Fire Moth] tried to ask Mebius about the technology of [Artificial Collapse], and Mebius asked him to talk to Dr. Mei who was recuperating.】

"Do you have anything else to explain about this, Dr. Mebius?"

"Explain? Humph, what do you want me to explain?"

The girl who was tied to the restraint chair stuck out her tongue at the dozens of surveillance screens in front of her, revealing a disdainful smile.

"Is it the truth of the accident? Or is it the reason why I did that? Or........What you actually want to hear is how to recreate the accident?


"hehe........Ha ha ha ha....~...."

"You guys should really see what your faces look like now. You guys are all about to explode, but there's nothing you can do about me....-....."

"Just like a child whose parents don't buy toys for him.

"No, you are not even as good as children."

"At least a child will admit that what he wants is the toy in the window, but you dare not even say what you want."

Faced with Mobius's ridicule, the top leaders of the Fire Moth could only suppress their anger.

"You know what we want"

"But you don't know what I want"

"You can tell us. We will try our best to satisfy you."

"I need someone, Dr. May. I need you to get her to see me."

"Considering Dr. Mei's personal safety, we cannot allow you to meet her now, Mebius."

"Then, you will never get a way to recreate the accident."




After a moment of silence, the Fire Moth executives agreed to Mebius' request.

"Contact Dr. Mei and ask for her advice"

"However, even if Dr. Mei agrees........Kevin must be present when she meets with you. Is that ok, Mebius?"

""Haha, of course."

Looking at the screen,

Mobius's crazy behavior and the twisted giant snake shape after the man-made collapse, all the extraordinary people felt their scalps tingling.

【March 7: This, this, this.....】

【March 7: Turning myself into that person....Isn't it a bit scary?!】

【March 7: That is not the state of a human being at all!!】

【Walnut: Indeed....】

【Walnut: Under the man-made collapse....That's simply a monster!】

【Kiana: As scary as Honkai Beast..】

【Kiana: I can’t imagine what it would be like if I became like that.....Mei will be afraid of me!!】

【Raiden Mei: No】

【Funina: To explore my own boundaries...】

【Funina: Isn’t this a bit too crazy???】

【Heita: I really admire this guy.】

【Black Tower: The body is just a shell】

【March 7:...............】

【Hoshitetsu Himeko: You can explore the limits like this....This may not be a good thing for humans, right?!】

【Sushang: Maybe....Humans have no choice at this time.....】

【Su Shang: Mebius may also know that if he does not make some breakthrough moves】

【Su Chang: Facing the collapse, the Fire Moth is still too powerless...】

【Theresa: That's what I said.....but....】

【Theresa: If we lose control, there might be even worse consequences.....】

In the picture, the Fire Moth agreed to Mebius' request.

【Dr. May, escorted by Kevin, went to the confinement room to have a private conversation with Mebius. The two discussed the [Artificial Collapse] technology. In the end, Dr. May gave Mebius the forbidden armed puppet technology of [Fire Moth] in exchange.】

【After the conversation, Kevin privately found Mebius to seek the transformation of [Artificial Collapse] to strengthen himself】

"Yo, who am I?.........Kevin? Is this your first time here?"

The girl put down the test tube in her hand and turned to look at the uninvited guest.

"Come on, busy man, what can I do for you?"

The cold air was approaching. The man took two steps forward, quietly, as usual.

"Hey, that's enough, just stand there and don't go any further."

"The precision instruments here can't stand your body temperature..........If you have anything to say, just stand there and talk."


"I've seen the accident report, Mobius."

"There are too many accident reports about me. Let me explain."


This time, it was Mebius' turn to fall into a brief silence.


"About Fusion Warriors........You've been hiding something."

"And, if I'm not mistaken........That day in the interrogation room, when Mei asked me to stay outside and talk to you alone,........The topic should be related to this."

"Ah........You're actually interested in this kind of thing?"

The girl narrowed her eyes, sizing up the man in front of her as if she were sizing up her prey.

"You are already the pinnacle of humanity, Kevin.........What? Do you still think you are not strong enough?"

"and........Since you have already guessed it, why don't you go directly to Mei to ask her the truth? In your mind, shouldn't she know everything?"

"I don't want Mei to have any extra burden."

"Although I was not there at the time, from the records of Hua and Su's performance........I hope Mei never has anything to do with this again."

"Oh, now you are smart."

"but........Is this really necessary for you?"

"Maybe I'll need it someday."

"All right. Since it's your own request........Then, follow me."

"To be honest, I actually want to see it.........Can the strongest among humans still reach a higher limit?"

"Oh, yes, there are cryogenic protective suits in the cabinet on your left. Pick one of the right size and put it on before coming back.

The preparations were almost complete.

The girl looked at the man lying on the operating table and frowned.

"I said, Kevin........Does this remind you of when you first became a fusion warrior?"

"At that time, I was standing beside the operating table and watching you, just like I am now. Oh, by the way, Mei was there too.........She's even more nervous than you."

"I don't recall the past"

"Oh, of course. You've been living in the past, so how can you talk about memories?"


"Well, let's get started, Kevin."

"This may take a long time........Unfortunately, the anesthetic has no effect on you. You can only rely on your willpower to deal with the pain and torture that follows."

"But I promise, it will be worth it. Because after all the pain and suffering, you will feel like I did........."

"——As if reborn."

Looking at the picture.

In order to gain stronger power to protect May and humanity, Kevin chose to do what Mebius asked without hesitation.[]

To get this....The forbidden power seemed so crazy and terrifying to everyone!

Countless viewers in front of the screen couldn't help but frown.

【Crash Princess: Kevin.....Why bother....】

0Request flowers

【Fu Hua: He wants....Gain the power to protect everything....】

【Black Tower: Perhaps it is in the events one after another】

【Black Tower: During the tenth collapse, under the impact of the Thousand Herrschers】

【Black Tower: Kevin just discovered his own powers....It's not enough to protect Mei and everyone.】

【Kiana: But...How could such a powerful Herrscher be able to resist with just one person's will and strength?!】

【Fu Hua: Kevin is that kind of person...】

【Fu Hua: He wants....I am used to taking everything on myself.】

【Su Shang: Alas....】

【Su Shang: But...Is to turn yourself into that inhuman monster....】

【March 7: It’s scary just thinking about it, okay?....!!】

【The director of the First Research Institute, Mebius, used the forbidden armed puppet technology obtained from the trade with the Fire Moth to create the puppet Klein. Under the entanglement of his assistant Danzhu, he also taught the armed puppet technology to Cang Xuan and Danzhu.】

【Qianjie applied to participate in the second phase of the Fusion Warrior mass production plan. His actual purpose was to destroy the mass-produced Xuanyuan Sword made by his lieutenant Imor, who became the Tenth Herrscher.】

【After destroying a large number of [Keys of God] Xuanyuan Swords, he was completely removed from the list. However, he made a deal with the director of the First Research Institute, Mebius, and secretly transformed into a fusion warrior. 】

Yellow sand, strong wind, and the setting sun was like blood.

When the girl with snake eyes finally came to the mound in the center of this sea of sand, there were more than a hundred Keys of Domination inserted in the gravel.

They���They were all broken into pieces, like toys smashed by a child.

The shocking deformation of the hilts hinted at the ravages and tortures they had suffered.

The masked man slept among the broken blades, his limbs stretched out, until the shadow of the girl covered his face, and he opened his eyes carelessly.

"Congratulations, you have been officially removed from the Fusion Warrior Program based on the Meta-Morph agent.

The girl with snake eyes looked at the broken swords around her.

"If you continue like this, I'm afraid all the keys of control will be destroyed by you alone."

"Forget it. Obviously, you can't become a fusion warrior this way. The kind of battle that makes you feel the crisis of death and prompts you to awaken.........It's really too little"

"Moreover, judging by the current state of damage, they probably won't assign you any more Keys of Domination..........I have always been curious about what form it will take in your hands."

"Goodbye, Ganjie. You will continue to fight as an ordinary human..........Oh, how many people want it?"

"Don't give me that crap, Mavis. You know why I called you here."


"Of course I know. But.........Why?"

The red sun set in the west, dyeing everything around it blood red.

The girl's snake pupils were like this, the surrounding sea of sand and broken sword were like this, and the man's mask was also like this.

"Because I will give everything.........Kill them all"


"But.........I understand. I will make you a fusion warrior in my own way."

"But this is also conditional"

"Give me your biggest secret,"

"How can you, an ordinary human being, have the power to fight against a fusion warrior?.........Where does it come from?"

【The mechanical androids created by Mobius, the Gray Snakes, leave the First Research Institute to conduct experiments to understand humans.】

【After Gray Snake left, the puppet Klein also began to seek his own value and volunteered to become Mebius' assistant.】

【With the help of the puppet Klein, Mebius began to transform Qianjie into a fusion warrior in private. The super-mutation factor of the transformation came from the [Emperor-level] Honkai Beast - Feitian, which was killed by the fusion warrior CM-004 Sakura in the Far East.

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