Unlike the surprise in the hearts of countless extraordinary people.

In the picture.

Mei, who has experienced the events of the Thirteen Heroes in the Paradise of the Past, was just slightly stunned. Mei

:"The Paradise of Eternal Life? This is the memory space that belongs to you."

Alicia:"Are you excited? Among the successors, you are the first person to come here, and the first person who can appreciate Alicia's whole heart."

Mei:"Frankly speaking, I don't have much sense."

Mei:"Can I know the truth by coming here? Based on my understanding of you, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

And hearing what Mei said.

Alicia spread her hands exaggeratedly:"Oh my God, why do you think so? Who made you like this?"

Alicia:"You have proved yourself to everyone, uh... maybe not everyone? But at least most of them, if I keep hiding it, isn't it a bit too much?"

Alicia:"Look, I have even told you my other identity openly?"


Mei:"The Thirteenth Herrscher."

Alicia:"Well, it's so strange. I always feel....You don't seem particularly surprised?"

Mei:"I'm not surprised, but rather than [knowing], I feel more like [confirming]】"

Mei:"Originally, my purpose of coming to the Paradise of the Past was to explore the truth of the so-called Honkai and the Honkai Will."

Mei:"And in this process, the first person who appeared in front of me was you, and it was you who led me step by step to go deeper. In the end, I still knew nothing... It was still you."

Alicia:"I know nothing.......You can't say that, right? We've shared a lot of secrets with each other."

Alicia:"And why is it the 13th Herrscher? Haven't you thought of other possibilities, like aliens, fairies from another world, and... a beautiful girl who happened to pass by?"

Mei:"The 13th Herrscher.....As far as I know, this name has never been recorded in any specific way in the records of the previous civilization."

Mei:"A Herrscher, but no information was left... I don't know what caused this result, but this mysterious atmosphere... is very similar to you."

Mei:"If it was Alicia, it wouldn't seem so strange - I can't help but think so."

And for Mei's words.

Countless viewers in front of the screen nodded affirmatively!

Mei's judgment and description of Alicia.

It's so accurate!!

【You were the first one to appear in front of me, you were the one who led me deeper step by step, and you were the one I still knew nothing about in the end.】

【A law enforcer, but left no information】

【This mysterious atmosphere, if it is Alicia, it doesn't seem so strange.】

Everything that has happened in the paradise of the past and the history of the previous civilization so far.

The feeling Alicia gives people.

In addition to being flawless and cute like a girl, she is also quirky.

There is a sense of mystery lingering around her from beginning to end!

Powerful strength, unknown origins.

A fate that Aponia cannot see clearly.

The hands that arrange the stars can change the process of prophecy.

Even Dr. Mei has doubted it!

The suspicion of being a Herrscher has been cleared, but suddenly she proves that she is the thirteenth Herrscher!


The second pick of the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire - Inscription of the True Self.

There are too many mysterious points about this beautiful girl, making it difficult to figure out!

【March 7: Eternal Paradise?!】

【March 7: Here it is...Love Lishia's mental world?! 】 (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


【Kiana: Alicia is the real Thirteenth Herrscher!】

【Honkai Jizi: Although I am surprised....】

【Honkai Jizi: But it seems....The feeling that Alicia gives people is indeed very fitting....】

【Furninna: If it was Alicia, it wouldn't be so strange.】

【Fu Nina: Mei's words are too accurate!! 】

In the picture.

Alicia also said exaggeratedly again:"Ah! So you have always looked at me like this?"

Mei:"I have a lot of questions to ask you."

Mei:"About your power, the truth of your becoming a Herrscher, whether there is any connection between you and Honkai beyond this, and……"

Mei:"How should I face you?"


's question also expressed the thoughts of many viewers.[]

Everyone wants to find out the answers to all the mysteries of Alicia.

They want to find out the vague records of the previous civilization and the truth about the Thirteenth Herrscher......

The ending of Alicia.....Or what was the identity and position of Alishia at that time when she became the Thirteenth Herrscher ?.....

Why didn't previous civilizations record or retrace this?

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