All these grooves slope all the way from the top of the branches to the bronze sacred tree.

Eventually, they will all be guided into the gullies with cloud and thunder patterns on the bronze sacred tree.

When seeing this, Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo immediately proposed another hypothesis.

That is, when ancient people held sacrifices, they would insert some sacrifices into these branches~~ bronze trunks.

Then guide the blood in the bodies of these sacrifices out.

All the way to the bronze sacred tree.

Then the blood will flow down along the gullies on the bronze sacred tree.

Eventually it will seep into the ground to be used to sacrifice to the spirits of the earth.

Of course, this kind of sacrifice may be carried out through livestock.

But the most likely possibility is that it is carried out through humans.

In other words, some prisoners of war or slaves are inserted alive into the bronze branches of the bronze sacred tree.

The blood in these slaves or prisoners of war is released.

All flow into the bronze sacred tree.

Eventually, the blood gathers at the bottom of the bronze sacred tree.

But at this���At that time, Satipeng among the students immediately raised a question.

The ancients spent so much energy to build the bronze sacred tree and also used human blood for sacrifice.

So what exactly was the sacrifice?

If it was a sacrifice to a god, would this god be an evil god?

When hearing this, Chief of Staff Yang was also moved.

Because the so-called ancient gods had already appeared in the previous inventory video.

In particular, the Zhuchenzhu that Shirley Yang was most concerned about was the eye of one of the ancient gods, the snake god.

It shows that there are ancient gods in this world.

So since there is an ancient god, that is, the snake god, is there another ancient god?

And is this bronze sacred tree offering the power of another ancient god?

Chief of Staff Yang immediately told his guess.

At this time, Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo and others were also immersed in thinking.

Because it is obvious that for these people, some records about ancient gods are very rare.

There were almost no ancient books before.

But the bronze sacred tree in front of him is very obviously a ritual vessel for blood sacrifice.

Enter the ground with blood to accept the sacrifice and dedicate blood to the gods.

Such gods are definitely not serious gods.

They must be very evil and cruel ancient gods.

So now we can only guess that this thing may be related to the ancient gods.

But what kind of ancient gods it is related to, several people have no way to determine it now.

And now the video camera began to move again.

Soon some very strange things appeared on the video.

It turned out that some human figures did appear on some bronze branches.

At the beginning, Professor Chen Hao Aiguo and several students around him were all shocked.

But after a while, the video camera was closer to these figures.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Because it felt that the people hanging on it were not dead people.

But some animals like monkeys.

Of course, these monkeys are dead, and even turned into mummies.

It is conceivable that in this huge space similar to a mine, the air humidity must be relatively low. It is very dry.

And there seems to be a constant stream of hot air blowing from below.

So all the bodies of these monkeys were roasted into mummies.

But what shocked Chief of Staff Yang, Professor Chen Hao Aiguo and others was that the bodies of these monkeys were wearing masks on their faces.

This mask is very strange.

It looks hard to accept for a while.

And the bodies of the monkeys are also very strange and twisted.

The blood in the body has obviously been drained out.

Most of the hair on the body has fallen off, and the skin has turned gray.

But the mask on the face looks more like a human mask.

And the size of these monkeys seems to be quite large.

At least as tall as an ordinary teenager.

At this time, Chief of Staff Yang suddenly frowned and said:"These things look like human corpses, not real monkeys."

After Chief of Staff Yang said this, the people around him were all shocked.

Because at the beginning, the reason why several people thought these corpses were monkey corpses.

It was purely out of inner fear.

Because it is really unimaginable why there are some human corpses hanging here.

Moreover, these corpses have been dried by hot air, and there are many wrinkles on the surface of the skin.

In addition, the posture is very distorted, and the overall shape has shrunk a little.

·· ········Request flowers··· ······

So it does look a bit like the monkeys in the mountains.

·· ········Request flowers··· ······

At this time, the camera has come to a corpse.

The mask on the corpse actually fell off and shattered, revealing the face inside.

The eyes of this mummy have been completely dried up.

Only two black eye sockets are left.

And the mouth is very wide open.

Even a little unnaturally large.

At the same time, the teeth inside are also exposed.

The teeth are also incomplete, as if the front teeth and lower teeth have been knocked out.

At the same time, the face behind the mask is also very distorted because it has been completely dehydrated.

It looks very hideous and terrifying.

At this time, some people in the campus have already screamed.

................. 0

................. 0

Obviously, they were frightened by the corpse in the video.

And behind the mask that fell off the corpse, there was a spiral protrusion at the mouth.

There was also a small hole on it.

It can be seen that the mask was stuck in the mouth.

Finally, the mask completely cracked.

The spiral protrusion stuck in the mouth also broke apart.

A worm was revealed inside.

Of course, the worm was dead.

A gust of wind blew over and the worm turned into powder.

It looked quite powerful.

At this time, several people realized that the mask had grown into the human body.

There were special worms in the mouth of the mask.

It seemed to be absorbing nutrients from the human body.

And at this time, the video camera deliberately took a picture of the corpse's wide-open mouth.

Professor Shirley Yang Chen and several students saw that there was still half of the worm left in the mouth of the corpse.

The worm also grew a long tube that went straight into the human body.

It seemed to be inserted into some internal organs.

Fortunately, the video camera did not continue to drill into the body.

Otherwise, even Shirley Yang couldn't bear to watch it.

Even so, when they saw this, Chief of Staff Yang, Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo, and several other students all felt cold and their hair stood up.

They felt very scared.

The video camera began to change again.


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