Parallel world.

Aning and others were also staring at the scene on the screen.

The bronze tree that appeared this time also attracted Aning and others' attention.

The bronze tree itself is a very precious resource and guarantee that the company has not yet mastered.

So now everyone is very nervously analyzing the location of this bronze tree.

Where is it?

And because of the video of this inventory, since the bronze tree appeared.

It means that there must be a very strange monster near the bronze tree.

If you can be prepared for this monster in advance, it will be of great help to the company to find this bronze tree.

The grooves and corpses that appeared in the video have shocked Aning and the people in the company.

Obviously, this thing should be used to summon or worship underground evil spirits.

Of course, it can also be called the underground evil god.

At this time, a very strange sound came from around the bronze tree.

The video camera shook downwards. It was discovered that it was extremely dark under this huge bronze tree.

I don’t know how deep the cave is.

There are many strange figures wearing masks in it.

It is not clear whether these monsters are people or really some kind of monsters.

All of them were wearing masks.

They looked very much like humans.

But their limbs were very uncoordinated.

They climbed up along the bronze sacred tree"Nine Nine Nine Three Nine Three" in a very strange way and posture. The speed was extremely fast.

This posture definitely did not look like something a normal person could do.

In the process of climbing up, waves of particularly terrifying and frightening sounds came from the mask.

It sounded like some kind of insect was shaking its wings.

When seeing this, Aning and the experts in the office all felt their scalps tingling.

I don't know what happened to the appearance of this thing.

Anyway, it still looks very scary.

Then at this time, the video camera began to rise rapidly again.

When seeing this, Aning also breathed a sigh of relief.

If you really have to face those terrifying masked things directly in the video, there is indeed some sense of oppression.

At this time, the video camera has risen to the top again.

After reaching the top, it came to the stone platform of the huge banyan tree again.

This time the video camera did not stop.

Instead, it went directly into the inside of the stone platform.

When they arrived here, Aning and the experts behind him discovered that the huge stone platform with some exquisite reliefs was not just a sacrificial platform.

The bottom of this thing was actually hollow.

In other words, it looked like a huge stone coffin.

The roots of the huge banyan tree gave people the feeling of pale ghost claws.

It was twisted on this huge stone coffin like a twist. It was like the claws of an evil ghost, holding the stone crown tightly.

Of course, together with the huge copper pillar under the stone coffin.

It gave people the feeling of pulling this thing out of the ground.

The relief on the stone coffin also revealed something like a statue.

However, the face of the statue was gone. I don’t know who destroyed it.

It looks quite strange.

At this time, the video camera has entered the roots of the banyan tree.

A huge stone coffin has been revealed in the roots.

Under the coffin is a coffin bed.

All are wrapped very firmly by the roots of the banyan tree.

The overall size is quite huge.

Even in the stone coffin, it is quite huge.

It is even similar to a container.

There were some cloud and thunder patterns carved on it.

And what was very strange was that the lid of the stone coffin was not closed.

So the roots had grown into it along the gaps.

Because the roots kept growing, they even lifted up a part of the lid.

At this time, the video camera had already entered the stone coffin along these non-gaps.

When they just came in, it was pitch black inside.

Aning and other experts couldn't see anything.

But there was a very strange sound coming from the video.

It sounded like someone was shouting.

But no clear sentences could be heard.

At the same time, there was a hissing sound like electronic interference.

Even the entire video screen began to shake.

At this time, there was finally a little light to see the situation inside the coffin clearly.

The roots of the big banyan tree had indeed stretched into the coffin.

It felt like the bones of a snake, hanging all the way down, and looked quite scary.

The video camera now turned slightly to the bottom of the coffin.

It could be seen that there was fog everywhere below, and it was gray.

About two or three meters away, nothing could be seen clearly.

Seeing this, Aning and the others also frowned.

They felt quite painful.

After all, if you can't see anything, it's hard to analyze the details inside the coffin.

At this time, the video camera was slowly descending.

It seemed to bring up some airflow.

After these airflows were slightly stirred, the strange mist was like some kind of liquid, and was also rolled up into tiny vortices.

These vortices can even be seen with the naked eye.

In addition, many fungi similar to fluff can be seen on the inner wall of the coffin near the camera.

They are very long.

They have spread all the way up along the bottom and inner wall of the coffin.

They are about to spread to the lid of the coffin.

The video camera continued to descend.

Soon, some bronze chains similar to ropes appeared around.

It looks a bit like the roots of a banyan tree.

But if you look closely, you will find that it is a chain of links.

It is also covered with fungal hyphae.

Some banyan root fibers are also entangled on it.

This thing seems to be fixed between the top and bottom of the coffin.

I don't know what is underneath.

At this time, the video camera continues to descend along the coffin.

Finally, a huge hole is found in the body.

Below this hole is a deep cave.

It is still full of fog and bottomless.

And you can see that the bronze chains seem to continue to extend below.

When seeing this, Aning suddenly had an idea in his mind.

This thing in front of him is indeed called a coffin well in ancient tombs.

And the coffin well is normally the place where the coffin is placed.

But no one knows how deep the coffin well is.

What Aning is thinking now is that perhaps the coffin well under this stone coffin may be bottomless.

Even the entire huge bronze tree is hollow.

And because Aning had seen those strange tree branches and those grooves deep into the bronze tree before.

It should be that blood is used to sacrifice to a certain evil god deep underground.

In this case, the evil god is likely to slowly climb up along the middle part of the bronze sacred tree.

In other words, the middle of the bronze sacred tree extends all the way to the underground, which is the evil god's passage to the human world.

After Aning thought of this, he immediately told his thoughts to the experts in the office.

Although it was just an intuition and guess, this idea still scared all the experts in the office.

For a while, no one denied this guess.

But no one dared to speak.

After all, if this idea is true, it would be too scary.

Just at this moment, the bronze chain in the coffin vibrated violently.

And the gray mist at the bottom of the coffin began to churn constantly, spreading upwards as if it was burning.

At the same time, a strange sound came from the whole screen...........

Something seems to be approaching quickly...........

The sound was getting louder and louder, rumbling.

It was like a muffled thunder coming from afar, and also a bit like the sound of a train passing through a tunnel.

And it could be felt that the train was about to rush out of the tunnel.

Coupled with Aning's previous speculation and analysis.

Now all the experts in the office believe that it must be a huge evil god in the bronze sacred tree that is about to come out.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, a huge figure did appear in the thick fog.

This figure seemed to be bigger than some of the snakes that had appeared before.

It was even bigger than the size of the messenger Jingjian Agama King.

And this huge figure also had a pair of purple eyes.

This pair of purple eyes looked very charming.

At least it was different from the eyes of all the monsters I had seen before.

It seemed to contain some kind of divine power.

And this thing also had thin���scales.

It looks like a snake, but it is a little different from a snake.

At this time, staring at the video in the sky, Aning and the experts in the office who were watching it had already felt something strange.

It seemed that after being stared at by this purple eye, the whole body began to itch.

It seemed that there was some kind of power spreading from the inside of the video to the outside of the video.

When seeing this, Aning was also very shocked.

This shows that the power of this terrifying monster is already very strong.

This power may even be transmitted to the present world through the video.

This is a very terrifying thing.

Aning immediately asked the experts in the office not to stare at the video for the time being.

Get away from this purple eye first.

At this time, the huge snake-like thing has begun to float up quickly.

The whole figure finally appeared in front of the camera.

The size of this thing is extremely huge.

Like a big snake, it crawled up along the bronze sacred tree.

Soon it filled the entire video screen.

Then at this time, subtitles began to appear on the video

"The second place of the top ten monsters in the tomb-robbing world (second place)"

"Zhu Jiuyin"

"A huge creature that existed in the depths of the Qinling Mountains in ancient times"

"Living underground"

"Possessing an extremely strong body."


"Possessing three eyes at the same time 3.7 eyes"

"The purple eyes that can be seen normally have the effect of paralyzing the target"

"Can even control the target's body"

"Moreover, Zhu Jiuyin also has a strange Yin Eye."

"This Yin Eye leads directly to hell"

"Can turn people without the Yin Eye into half-human, half-snake monsters"

"Zhu Jiuyin can also control the bodies of the sacrifices killed underground."

"There are many legends about Zhu Jiuyin"

"It is said that in ancient times, people used blood to attract Zhu Jiuyin to emerge from underground."

"Then hunt down Zhu Jiuyin and obtain the oil from his body as fuel for lighting."

"This is a false rumor."

"The real Zhu Jiuyin is almost impossible to be killed by humans"

"In ancient times, humans also worshipped them as gods."

"Attack power: five stars"

"Defense: Four and a half stars"

"Vitality: Four and a half stars"

"Special Skill 1: Hell's Eye"

"Zhu Jiuyin's Hell Eye can turn the person he sees into a half-human, half-snake monster, and he will be controlled by Zhu Jiuyin."

"Special Skill 2: Bewitching Purple Eyes"

"Zhu Jiuyin's purple eyes can paralyze the target and even control the target's actions."

"Special Skill 3: Fire Spirit"

"Zhu Jiuyin can emit a strange light from his mouth, which can penetrate the netherworld and illuminate all the spirits in the world."

"Overall rating: four and a half stars"


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