These huge clam shells contain a very magical South China Sea Moon Pearl.

It is an extremely precious pearl.

It is very valuable.

Now it seems that the clam shells piled up into a small hill in this space like a patio should be the clam shells left by the ancient people who lived in the ruins in the sea in ancient times, salvaging sea clams and taking the South China Sea Moon Pearl. If you think about it this way, you will find that there are at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of huge clam shells on this hill alone.

It is conceivable how many South China Sea Moon Pearls the ancient civilization obtained here.

It is just unknown where these treasures are now.

If they can be found, it will definitely be a huge fortune.

After thinking of this, Wu Xie and Aning's heartbeats accelerated almost at the same time.

However, when the two of them were about to continue to carefully observe the screen on the video, suddenly a violent vibration sound came from the video.

It felt like"June 1, June 1, and June 3" was like thunder, and it was also like a thousand horses galloping.

It kept rumbling.

And on the video screen, the water level of the sea was also rising.

It took only a few seconds to submerge the clam shell mountain that was piled up like a small hill to the top.

Just when the sea water was about to submerge the entire clam shell mountain.

There was a special huge green snail shell at the top of the mountain.

This green snail shell was estimated to be nearly one meter in diameter.

It was nearly as tall as a person.

And there were some faint artificially carved patterns on it.

Although these patterns were not particularly clear, they were very exquisite at first glance.

It was definitely a work of art.

And at the mouth of this green snail shell, you could actually see a copper plate.

There seemed to be some symbols engraved on the copper plate.

Unfortunately, the video camera moved too fast.

And the sea water soon submerged the small hill of clam shells.

The green snail shell was submerged under the sea water and could no longer be seen.

Aning felt a little regretful at the beginning.

But soon this regretful feeling completely disappeared.

Because at this time the video camera had been climbing up along this patio-like space.

It rose at least a hundred meters in one breath.

Finally came to the waterfall of this patio.

After reaching the entrance of the patio, Aning and Wu Xie finally saw the source of the violent noise that had just been heard.

After seeing the source of the noise, the two of them also felt their scalps tingling.


Parallel world.

Inside the courtyard of the capital.

Uncle Ming was also observing the inventory video that appeared in the sky.

Uncle Ming was still quite concerned about the inventory video on Bluetooth.

After all, compared with other people, Uncle Ming was more familiar with the Nanyang area in the video.

Uncle Ming soon discovered that there was no other treasure outside the huge patio exit.

At a glance, there were countless bronze statues.

These bronze statues were somewhat different from the bronze statues in the temple before.

The size of the body was not much different from the previous ones.

But these bronze statues looked very simple.

They should not be statues of gods, but just human statues.

Uncle Ming was quite sensitive to these things.

After taking a look, he immediately realized that these bronze statues were most likely some slave statues.

To be precise, they were bronze slave figurines.

But this thing sounded very strange.

Bronze was a very precious metal in ancient times, and the cost of smelting human statues was very high.

It was barely understandable to use it to cast statues of gods.

Casting bronze slave figurines was unreasonable.

Soon, Uncle Ming discovered that there were quite a lot of bronze chains tied to the bodies of these bronze statues.

It looked even more miserable.

Uncle Ming immediately focused his attention on the position where the chains of the bronze statues were pulled.

Because in general, the things pulled by the chains of these bronze statues may be more important.

After taking a look, Uncle Ming soon found that these bronze slaves were dragging a very huge thing in the water with chains.

So many bronze slave figurines are actually part of a huge mechanism!

When Uncle Ming first saw this thing, he didn't realize what it was.

It feels like a huge tower.

The diameter is at least 20 to 30 meters.

And the height is probably more than 200 meters.

It is still slightly tilted.

Uncle Ming stared at the video for a long time, but he didn't figure out what it was.

Uncle Ming soon saw that there were some things like scales on this huge thing.

After two or three minutes, the video camera was completely focused on the huge black tower-like thing in the middle of the picture.

Uncle Ming only reacted at this time.

Then he immediately told the others in the courtyard that this was a big tree.

When the others in the courtyard heard Uncle Ming's words, they didn't believe it at all.

Because there is no such huge ancient tree in the world...........

The most important thing is, if this black tower-like thing is a tree..........

How could it grow in a place like the seabed?

Moreover, this thing is not vertical now, but slightly tilted.

It really looks like some kind of man-made building, similar to the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Uncle Ming did not explain anything.

Because Uncle Ming's judgment that this black tower-like thing is a big tree actually has no theoretical basis.

It is just Uncle Ming's own guess.

There is no evidence.

At this time, the video camera has quickly approached this black tower-like thing.��

Soon, Uncle Ming, Han Shuona, A Xiang and others in the courtyard discovered that the pieces of things on this thing were not real scales.

Instead, they were similar to the dragon scales on the surface of pine bark.

When everyone saw this, they really believed that this huge black tower-like thing was indeed a big tree.

But now the question is, what kind of tree is this thing?

Almost the same question emerged in the minds of several people.

Uncle Ming's face was also full of confusion.

He couldn't answer this question at all


At this time. In

Beijing University.

Chief of Staff Yang was watching the inventory video in the sky with Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo and several other students.

When this huge black tower-like thing appeared, several people did not guess what it was.

It was Chief of Staff Yang who reacted the fastest.

Within a few minutes, Shirley Yang confirmed that the thing on the video screen was most likely the fossil of some huge tree on the seabed.

Chief of Staff Yang's statement naturally surprised everyone.

Because everyone guessed that this was a man-made building.

It was indeed unexpected that this thing might be a kind of tree living on the seabed.

So at the beginning, several people did not believe it.

After watching for a minute or two, the video camera was close to the huge black tower.

Those lines like dragon scales appeared.

It was indeed the traces left by some plants.

But several people are not particularly clear about what kind of plant this huge black thing is.

Fortunately, Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo and others are all masters of history. Several people quickly proposed the concept of some very famous sacred trees in history.

The most famous of them is naturally the legendary Fusang sacred tree..

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