But this idea was rejected by Chief of Staff Yang as soon as it was proposed.

The reason is very simple, because there have been quite a lot of totem content in this inventory video.

It is obvious that the civilization that built these huge buildings on the seabed has a special hatred for the sun.

It is very likely that this lack had wars and conflicts with the tribe whose totem is the sun.

The two sides have become enemies.

The Fusang sacred tree has a very close relationship with the sun.

Legend has it that it is the place where the sun rests after setting. In this case, this huge sacred tree cannot be the Fusang sacred tree.

This underwater civilization will not choose to use a sacred tree closely related to the sun as its most precious sacred object.

In addition to the Fusang sacred tree, there is also a kind of sacred tree called Kunlun.

But the place where the Kunlun sacred tree grows is 108,000 miles away from the South China Sea.

As soon as you hear the name, you know that the Kunlun sacred tree lives on Kunlun Mountain.

Kunlun Mountain is extremely far away from the South China Sea.

So this huge sacred tree is unlikely to be the Kunlun 28 sacred tree.


In addition, there is another very famous sacred tree called the 楗木.

The 楗木 is a huge sacred tree that grows in the inverted moon palace in legend.

In this case, it is related to the underwater tribe's worship of the moon and hatred of the sun.

So soon Chief of Staff Yang came to a conclusion.

This huge black sacred tree is very likely the legendary 楗木.

And the 楗木 does live in the deep sea in legend.

At this time, the video camera quickly moved forward.

Higher and higher.

It has already rushed to the top along this huge black tower-like thing.

At this time, the camera was slightly raised.

Soon several people found that the top of this huge black tower was very close to the water surface.

It seemed that it should be only 20 to 30 meters away.

But this distance of 20 to 30 meters is almost an insurmountable obstacle for ordinary people.

Because the water wall next to it is like a cliff composed of sea water.

If ordinary people don't have the right tools, there is no way to get out of here.

But at this time, the video camera did not continue to climb up, but stayed on this huge black sacred tree.

Chief of Staff Yang, Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo and others naturally knew very well that this huge black wood was the real key item related to the monster.

The video camera changed again.

The video was actually aimed at a certain position on the top of this huge sacred tree.

After about a few seconds, Chief of Staff Yang and others immediately found some special places.

There was a bronze door hidden in the huge dragon-like scales on the 楗木.

This bronze door is about two meters high and more than one meter wide.

The reason why it can be seen as a door is that there is a handle on it.

When seeing this, Chief of Staff Yang and Professor Chen's people were stunned.

Several people didn't react.

Could it be that there is another space inside this huge 楗木?


At the same time.

In the capital.

Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi and Da Jinya were also stunned to watch the inventory video in the sky.

At this time, the video camera has stopped on the huge black wooden bronze door.

When they saw this, several people were immediately excited.

Because this piece of wood alone is obviously not worth seeing.

It doesn't seem like there is any place to store gold, silver and jewelry.

If the wood is hollow and there are other spaces, then things will be different.

There may really be other good things inside.

Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi and Da Jinya were all very excited.

The camera has already penetrated into the interior of the bronze door.

Hu Bayi and others were very surprised to find that the interior of the bronze door was indeed a very special space.

Below is a step built entirely by man.

The steps go all the way down.

The video camera also tilted and flew all the way to the bottom of the abyss-like 楗木.

After a few seconds, the video finally stopped slowly.

At the bottom of the 楗木, it was deeply inserted into the coral reefs of the sea.

The coral reefs here seem to be isolated from the ocean outside.

The first point is that its water level seems to be much lower than outside.

But the depth is not lower than outside.

The most important thing is that in the space at the bottom of this piece of elm wood, several people actually saw a very huge animal skeleton.

This skeleton is placed right in the middle.

When seeing this, Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi and Da Jinya were also very surprised.

Wang Pangzi and Da Jinya, both of them were speculating whether this huge skeleton would be the skeleton of a monster.

It is even possible that it is the skeleton of the monster that this video will count.

But as soon as this idea was said, it was denied by Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi shook his head and immediately said to the two people next to him.

This thing really doesn't look like a monster.

In fact, you should have seen this thing.

Wang Pangzi and Da Jinya were stunned.

Then Wang Pangzi asked Hu Bayi what this thing was.

How could they have seen this thing.

At this time, Hu Bayi immediately told the two people that this thing was in the zoo in Beijing.

Beijing Zoo already had an oceanarium at that time.

It's just that there were very few animals in it.

In addition to dolphins, the most popular animal is a whale that was brought from nowhere.

This whale is basically the most eye-catching creature in the Beijing Zoo Aquarium.

When Hu Bayi said this idea, Fatty Huang and Da Jin Ya suddenly realized it.

But it can't be blamed entirely on the two people.

Because ordinary people rarely see whale bones.

Maybe they have seen some big fish bones.

But there is a clear difference between whale bones and big fish bones.

They don't look like.

There was a whale bone at the bottom of this huge 極木. At this time, Fatty Wang and Da Jin Ya were very confused.

I don't understand what this whale bone is used for.

After Hu Bayi observed the details in the inventory video, he immediately gave his own conclusion.

The whale bones in the 極木 area should be a tomb.

This whale skeleton itself is part of a huge tomb.

When he heard this, Fatty Wang immediately widened his eyes and became excited.

As a newly-initiated tomb raider, Fatty Wang was very interested in ancient tombs.

If this thing was indeed a tomb from ancient times, then there would definitely be some very precious burial objects inside.

After all, it was thousands of miles away in the ocean, and it looked at least a few thousand years away from the present.

If such a civilization's burial treasures were brought to the antique street, it would definitely cause a sensation.

It would definitely sell for a high price!

Fatty Wang was drooling as he thought about it..

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