At this moment, the video camera had directly advanced to the vicinity of this huge whale skeleton.

Soon, Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang and Da Jin Ya saw a dark shadow nearly as tall as a person appear at the bottom of this wooden space.

This huge shadow was round.

Soon the video camera was directly attached to this thing.

The moment they saw this thing, Da Jin Ya, Fatty Wang and even Hu Bayi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Of course, it was not just these three people.

The whole antique street was filled with exclamations.

Because this huge thing turned out to be a bronze tripod.

Most people may not be so excited after seeing a bronze tripod.

But these people on the antique street are different.

They fully understand what such a huge bronze tripod means.

In fact, such a huge bronze tripod is very rare even in museums now.

Because there are relatively few bronze tripods unearthed.

And such a huge bronze tripod must have been a civilization in ancient times.���It is a very important national treasure.

So the number must be even rarer.

Another reason is that the bronze tripod that appears on the screen is very different from ordinary bronze tripods.

There are actually nine legs under this bronze tripod.

In ancient times, bronze tripods generally had four legs at the beginning.

The more famous ones are the Four Sheep Square Tripod or the Simuwu Large Square Tripod.

They are all four-legged bronze tripods.

After the Western Zhou Dynasty, the three-legged tripod gradually became the mainstream.

This is the source of the saying of the tripod in later generations.

However, the nine-legged bronze tripod on the video screen is indeed something that even the most experienced antique dealers on the entire antique street have never seen.

That's why it caused such a sensation.

At this time, Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi and Da Jinya couldn't understand what appeared on the video screen.

Basically, they didn't know what this nine-legged bronze tripod was used for.

So at this time, the three people could only continue to watch.

In the video screen, the camera circled around this nine-legged bronze tripod.

Several people soon discovered that there were quite a lot of reliefs on this bronze tripod.

There were also some completely incomprehensible symbols.

At this time, Hu Bayi couldn't help but sigh that if there was an expert who was particularly good at interpreting ancient text symbols, many problems would not be so confusing.

Naturally, someone would help them answer them.

Soon, the video camera left the side of this huge bronze tripod again.

Then it rushed directly to the huge whale bone in front, especially the skull.

Then something appeared on the screen that shocked Hu Bayi and others.


Parallel world.

At the foot of Pingshan Mountain.

Chen Yulou and others were also watching the inventory video. They even stopped when they entered the tomb passage at the bottom of Pingshan Mountain.

Of course, there was also a reason that the Xialing Lishi had now entered a special mechanism.

That thing that looked like a huge city.

At this time, the city gate was still closed.

So Chen Yulou simply didn't rush to enter the city gate.

Because no one could be sure whether there was any very scary mechanism inside the city gate.

At this time, the camera of the inventory video had rushed into the skull of the whale.

The skull of the whale was very huge.

It felt like a room.

It is conceivable that this huge whale is not any kind of whale that has been discovered in the world now.

It is even larger than the existing whales.

I wonder if it is the ancient dragon whale?

And inside this whale skull, there are actually several human-shaped protrusions.

It looks like several corpses.

Chen Yulou and other Xialing Lishi immediately became excited after seeing these corpses.

Because it is very obvious that these corpses must be a tomb from ancient times.

It is very likely that this huge tomb of nobles of the bronze civilization was built.

However, the customs of this civilization are quite special.

The bodies were buried in some tombs made of whale bones.

Compared with the huge civilization built by these people, this tomb form is a little bit crude.

But even so, Chen Yulou himself is still very much looking forward to it.

I want to see what good things are in this tomb.

Unfortunately, the video camera only turned around inside this huge whale skeleton tomb.

Chen Yulou and others roughly saw clearly on the video screen that there should be five bodies inside the whale skull.

These bodies are all covered with a layer of strange hard skin.

The leather on it has turned dark brown and looks quite rough.

Common cowhide, sheepskin and other leathers are not the same, and there is no trace of hair on it.

There are only some traces similar to scales.

Soon Chen Yulou realized that the surface of these bodies is likely to be covered with huge fish skin or dragon skin.

However, Chen Yulou and others do not know much about the seabed.

What kind of animal this skin is is also a mystery to Chen Yulou and other ridge warriors.

Of course, Chen Yulou was not very interested in these leather materials and the corpses themselves.

The most important thing was whether there were any special valuable burial objects next to the corpses under the leather materials.

The video camera seemed to sense the curiosity of these Xiangling Lishi.

It immediately turned around these places quickly.

Then it rushed directly under these leather materials.

It drilled along the gap between the leather materials and the corpses.

But it came out soon.

Obviously, this place was not where any monsters were.

Relying on his night vision of identifying treasures, even in such a short moment, Chen Yulou still saw some things.

In particular, next to the corpses below, some strange black shadows that looked like human figures were seen.

After a few seconds, Chen Yulou asked in a very puzzled and uncertain tone.

Were the corpses of some fetuses that appeared under these things just now?

After hearing Chen Yulou's question, the other Xiangling Lishi reacted (money) (money).

What appeared on the video camera was indeed some human-shaped things.

But the body was very small.

Now it seems that they could really be some fetuses.

And Chen Yulou vaguely saw that these fetuses were not particularly complete.

They all seem to be incomplete.

This also makes Chen Yulou very confused.

The bodies of these small fetuses have not rotted.

Obviously, they have undergone careful antiseptic measures.

Logically, they should be the soft ones buried in this whale bone tomb.

But if it is a living person who is buried alive, normally a complete person should be chosen.

Even if the person used as a sacrifice is cut into pieces during the burial, the sacrifice must be complete when alive. The incomplete fetus is not logical and a bit strange.

It’s just that because these small bodies appear in these videos, the time is too short.

It can be said that it flashed by.

So Chen Yulou has no way to determine more details..

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