After hearing this, the fat man next to him immediately said that he had recognized it just now.

It's just that he was not 100% sure at the moment, so he didn't say it.

Wu Xie did not expose the fat man.

But he looked at An Ning with a little more approval.

I used to think that this woman was just a vase.

The kind of common middle-level female manager in a company.

Top figure, second-rate ability.

I didn't expect An Ning to be quite capable.

Not only did she arrange everything in an orderly manner along the way, it can be seen that she also has some research in history and archaeology.

Things like the hollow groove axe are still a bit unconventional.

Ordinary people may not be able to recognize it out of the blue.

Then Wu Xie realized a problem.

Since this bronze ware is a very typical bronze ritual ware of the ancient Dian Kingdom, then this means that the tomb in front of him must be the tomb of the ancient Dian Kingdom?

But when he thought of this, Wu Xie frowned again.

At the same time, An Ning's brows were also furrowed.

Obviously, both of them realized the same problem.

The scale and shape of the tomb in front of me, if it is really the tomb of the ancient Dian Kingdom, then it can only be the tomb of the king of the ancient Dian Kingdom.

Other levels are unlikely.

They don't have that strength.

But here comes the problem.

The tomb of the king of the ancient Dian Kingdom has long been known to the world.

It is in the Lijiashan area of Dian.

The tombs of the kings of the dynasties have long been looted.

Even many tombs have been sifted through by tomb robbers several times.

In the end, even the coffins and some bricks and tiles inside have been taken away.

Some of the tombs of the kings of Dian are even left with only earth pits.

The ground has really been scraped three feet.

But there has never been a tomb like the one in front of me.

At the same time, the tombs of the kings of Dian in successive dynasties, from the scale point of view, do not seem to be as huge as the tomb in front of me.

Of course, these things are common sense in the tomb-robbing world.

People in other trades may not know.

If the bronze weapon above is really a hollow-grooved axe, then things will be interesting.

In other words, there is actually a Dian king's tomb that has slipped through the net.

At this time, Aning has already started to plan to contact the company's personnel to search for classics, historical records and local chronicles.

The main purpose is to find out whether there are other tombs of Dian kings near Lijiashan.

If not, expanding to the entire Dian area, there may be some clues.

At this time, the picture on the video has begun to change.

After passing through the embedded path, a deep ditch appeared in front.

The ditch is about ten feet deep and less than ten feet wide.

The bottom of the ditch looks like a turbid yellow soup.

It doesn't look like river water. It's just so quiet and doesn't flow.

There is a stone bridge on it.

To be precise, there are three stone bridges.

It looks like it is made of white marble.

There are very exquisite stone carvings.

They are all auspicious patterns such as various auspicious beasts and fairy grass.

It is also a common theme in tombs.

"I know this, the Three Worlds Bridge."The fat man next to him seemed to be afraid of being looked down upon, and he said immediately.

People in ancient times also believed that to cultivate to become an immortal, one must also go through three lives.

These three lives are called the Three Prisons.

According to the immortals at that time, the mortal world is like a prison.

Only after the cultivation period is completed can one obtain immortality and escape from the prison of the mortal world.

Of course, this statement began to change in later generations.

This is all later.

But no one paid attention to the fat man at this moment.

Because the picture on the video moved forward again.

This time a huge tomb door appeared on the screen.

It also had huge bronze door nails.

When they saw this, Wu Xie, Fatty, and Aning almost screamed out.

This tomb door has appeared before!

In the previous inventory video, there was an inventory of the Legalist Corpse-Suppressing Bronze Mirror among the top ten treasures.

This tomb door appeared on the video screen at that time.

And the three people knew that here Behind the tomb door is an extremely strange underworld palace.

There are three demon coffins inside the underworld palace!

The impression left by these three demon coffins is even deeper than that of the Legalist bronze mirror.

At this time, the video camera has drilled directly into the gap of the tomb door.

This time the speed of the video camera is extremely fast.

Several people have not had time to see the underworld palace and the three demon coffins behind them clearly.

They only saw some very blurry shadows.

At the same time, they also heard some strange sounds of nails rubbing against metal.

But then the video camera actually rose upwards.

This time it actually drilled into the thick white tomb wall.

No one knows what material this white tomb wall is made of. It looks quite lustrous, but it is not transparent, not like jade.

After passing through the white tomb wall, a huge space soon appeared on the video screen.

This is a completely unfamiliar space.

After seeing this space, Wu Xie, Fatty, and Aning were immediately stunned.


At this moment.

Parallel world.


In a courtyard.

Uncle Ming was staring at the inventory video in the sky. He had already stood up from his chair.

He didn't even have time to drink the tea handed to him by Ah Xiang.

Because the huge space that appeared on the video screen at this moment was like a well.

To be precise, it was like the inside of a cocoon.

The overall original shape.

The diameter was about ten meters.

The height could be fifty or sixty meters.

The surrounding walls were very round.

From the bottom to the top, there were artificial piles of soil close to the wall.

Some steps could be vaguely seen on it. Obviously leading to the top.

But at the same time, there were some other weird things around this cocoon-like space.

The video camera turned around and scanned the space, and Uncle Ming immediately became excited.

The white walls around were all covered with huge and exquisite murals.

They were all various immortals and gods.

Each one was taller than an ordinary person.

At least two meters tall.

The colors were bright, the lines were smooth, and they were lifelike.

And the eyes of all the murals were shining.

As the video camera moved slowly.

The statues on these murals seemed to be staring at the video camera.

It made people's scalps numb and particularly uneasy.

Uncle Ming was very bold, and the first thing he noticed was the value of these murals.

If special tools and materials were used, this kind of mural could be completely peeled off from these walls.

Of course, this might cause irreversible damage to the murals in some ancient monuments.

But Uncle Ming himself was a tomb robber and an antique dealer with no bottom line.

As long as he could make money, the bottom line could be continuously lowered, that is, there was no bottom line at all.

But soon Uncle Ming noticed the eyes of these statues.

They were definitely inlaid with some special gems.

These statues were not really alive and staring at the video camera.

Instead, this kind of gem could reflect light at multiple angles, giving people the illusion of being stared at.

The eye gems on these statues alone were very valuable.

Uncle Ming swallowed his saliva with some difficulty.

At this time, the video screen was rising continuously.

It rose to the top of this cocoon-like space in one breath..

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