The camera was at the end of the upward earthen staircase that we had seen before.

But soon Uncle Ming showed a puzzled look on his face.

Because there was no other passage at the end of this staircase.

The entire cocoon-like space was closed.

There was no door!

This was a bit interesting.

Could it be that the monster, one of the so-called top ten zombies, was in this space?

But where exactly would it be?

Could it be in this earthen slope?

When Uncle Ming was focusing his attention on the earthen slope, Ah Xiang next to him suddenly said

"Dad, how come there is a person inside this stone wall?"

After hearing Ah Xiang's words, Uncle Ming suddenly shuddered, and a chill rushed to his forehead.

Others don't know Ah Xiang's ability.

Uncle Ming knows Ah Xiang's ability very well.

The reason why Uncle Ming takes Ah Xiang with him all the way, and even plans to take Ah Xiang with him when he goes to Tibet to investigate tomb robbery in the future, is because Ah Xiang has a very special ability.

It is called instinctive eyes.

Ah Xiang's origin is also quite magical.

Her parents are believers of a certain cult in the United States.

This believer believes that human eyes are born with a power to see special breath. The reason why people lost this power later was entirely due to acquired pollution.

In fact, this is somewhat similar to some traditional sayings believed by the Dragon people.

Children are born with spiritual eyes and can see things that adults cannot see.

Ah Xiang Ah Xiang's parents even raised her in a place completely isolated from the world.

Her food and drink were all natural, and she was not exposed to anything from modern society.

Of course, she did not go to school.

Later, Ah Xiang's eyes really had something special.

Later, Ah Xiang was adopted by Uncle Ming. She also saved Uncle Ming twice with this ability.

One of the times was when Uncle Ming saw a luxury house for sale at a very low price.

Uncle Ming wanted to buy this house at a bargain.

After all, Hong Kong is full of gold.

A villa can definitely be called a luxury house.

Uncle Ming usually does not have the financial resources to get involved.

Originally, all aspects of the deposit price had been negotiated.

Just when Uncle Ming was about to make a deposit, Ah Xiang, who was taken by Uncle Ming, actually shed blood-red tears from her eyes.

Uncle Ming was scared.

He knew there was a problem. He immediately took Ah Xiang away.

He never dared to buy the mansion.

Later, he heard that the previous owner of the mansion, including seven people including dogs, all died overnight.

The buyer who took over was also in a panic and almost lost his family.

Later, Uncle Ming once received a blue-headed porcelain jar from the sea.

It was a genuine blue-and-white jar from the Ming Dynasty. It was absolutely authentic.

Although it had been soaked in the sea water for a long time, it could still be sold for a lot of money.

The price was also very low.

The main reason was that there were some evil things in the jar.

Some bone fragments.

Most people don’t recognize them.

So no one dared to buy it.

Uncle Ming usually deals in corpses and has no taboos about bone tools, so he was going to buy it at that time.

But Ah Xiang had tears and blood in her eyes.

She said she saw many scary figures.

Uncle Ming finally reluctantly didn’t buy the jar. Later, Uncle

Ming finally figured it out.

This porcelain jar is the skull of a prisoner who was tortured by an ancient executioner.

The executioner's job is full of taboos.

After killing people all his life, if he wants to die a natural death, he must have some skills.

This ritual of collecting the skulls of prisoners who were tortured has been lost.

But I think it should be a way for the executioner to ward off evil spirits.

As for the porcelain jar, it is full of evil spirits.

Whoever touches it will have his life shortened. Since these two incidents, Uncle Ming always takes Ah Xiang with him whenever there is something important.

And he is particularly good to Ah Xiang.

What Uncle Ming didn't expect was that Ah Xiang could use her eyes instinctively when watching videos.

It was amazing.

The next second. At the end of the earthen stairs.

There was a sudden burst of fine cracking sounds on the white wall.

A few seconds later, a figure appeared on the video camera.

The figure was not very tall and looked a little bloated.

The next second, a pale, swollen human hand suddenly stretched out from the wall.

Uncle Ming was a little prepared, otherwise he would have been scared to death.

At the same time, subtitles began to appear on the video.

"The eighth of the top ten zombies in the tomb raiding world"

"The Ghost-faced Moth Offers the Princess' Corpse"

"When King Xian was buried, he buried his queen in his tomb"

"And it was made into a ghost-faced corpse moth zombie to block the feng shui barrier of the coffin."

"The Princess Xian zombie itself is quite powerful among the zombies transformed from corpses."

"Before death, he was filled with great resentment and great strength."

"At the same time, Princess Xian's corpse also possesses two special abilities that other zombies do not have."

"The body of Princess Xian's zombie was filled with many ghost-faced corpse moth eggs by King Xian."

"These ghost-faced corpse moths have been dormant for thousands of years. Once someone approaches Princess Xian's zombie, they will burst out of Princess Xian's body."

"There are a lot of ghost-faced corpse moths, and their wings have highly toxic phosphorus powder."

"Once it gets on a person, it will cause the skin to fester, the flesh to melt, and the bones to be exposed, causing death."

"Another scary thing about Princess Xian zombies is that they can explode"

"The Princess Xian zombie, who is tortured by resentment and magic, may explode when attacked."

"The poisonous rotten flesh, dirty blood and corpse moth eggs on the body will become the most terrifying shrapnel."

"Attack power: Four stars"

"Defense: Three stars"

"Vitality: Samsung"

"Overall rating: three and a half stars."

As the subtitles slowly rose, the video screen continued to change. At the position where the hand stretched out from the wall, a bloated and obese woman's body rushed out from the wall.

The whole person looked blue-gray.

She was wearing a windbreaker.

It looked quite exquisite.

The eyes and lips were black and purple.

It looked quite scary.

Then the woman's body opened her mouth, revealing snow-white teeth with a little bit of sharpness.

Uncle Ming had recovered by now.

Although the corpse in front of him was scary, it was no more than the level of corpse transformation in zombie movies.

But the next second, Uncle Ming knew that he was careless.

Countless black dots suddenly spurted out of the open mouth of the woman's corpse.

Some of these black dots even hit the video camera directly.

Looking closely, they were actually moths.

And behind the moths were all black patterns like ghost faces.

It looked extremely weird.

Uncle Ming frowned after seeing it.

This Princess Xian zombie is indeed overbearing.

The most important thing is that this zombie is only harmful to Uncle Ming, but useless.

Like the two zombies counted before.

The forbidden woman and the blood corpse.

Uncle Ming actually had evil thoughts about all of them.

·· ·········Request flowers0 ··

Since these two zombies have already appeared in the top ten zombie inventory video

·· ·········Request flowers0 ··

It is no exaggeration to say that it is known to the world now.

If it can be found and caught, it can definitely be sold at a high price.

Moreover, Uncle Ming has been dealing with corpses for half his life.

Naturally, he is quite proficient in handling corpses.

The key to capturing a zombie like Jinpo is to lure Jinpo ashore.

As long as it reaches the shore, there is still hope to catch it with a fishing net soaked in cinnabar.

The difficulty of blood corpses is greater.

But it is still within the scope of conventional zombie handling.

There is also a chance to use some very effective things to suppress corpses and ward off evil spirits.

But this zombie of Princess Xian.

There is no chance at all.

The key is that this thing can actually explode.

This gives Uncle Ming a headache.

At the same time, Uncle Ming also thought of a question.

Princess Xian?

Doesn't that mean that this tomb is the legendary tomb of King Xian?

Then the question comes.

Who is King Xian?


At this moment, at the train station square,

Hu Bayi, Shirley Yang, and even Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo were all in the same confusion.

........... 0

........... 0

Who is King Xian?

Some very key clues appeared in the previous video.

On the one hand, the architectural style and decorative style of the Minglou Baoding are obviously in the style of the ancient Dian Kingdom in the southwest.

It is also influenced by the Han Dynasty.

In terms of period, it is also the Qin and Han Dynasties.

This period is when the ancient Dian Kingdom existed.

After entering the tomb, there was also an inlaid road full of bronze warriors.

All the bronze warriors held huge hollow axes in their hands.

Shirley Yang and Professor Chen quickly recognized these bronze ritual vessels with the characteristics of the Dian Kingdom.

At this point, it can be confirmed that this ancient tomb must be a king of the ancient Dian Kingdom.

At the end of the video, the wife of King Xian appeared.

According to this name, if the wife of King Xian was buried alive, then the tomb is naturally the tomb of King Xian.

But this King Xian stumped scholars such as Shirley Yang, Professor Chen, and Hao Aiguo.

Because no one remembers that the king of the ancient Dian Kingdom had the title of King Xian.

And the title of King Xian itself sounds a bit inconsistent with the regulations.

The King of Dian is generally called the King of Dian.

It's just divided into several generations of kings.

In fact, archaeologists and historians don't know the names of other kings of Dian except the first king of Dian, Zhuang Qiao, and the last king of Dian, Chang Qiang.

Naturally, they don't know the title.

The first king of Dian was also a general of the Chu State.

Because of the expedition against the natives of Dian, his way back to his country was cut off by the Qin State, so he had to establish his own country.

Several people discussed for a long time at the train station.

The final conclusion was that this King Xian was probably a certain king of Dian.

After all, the ancient Dian Kingdom existed for nearly two hundred years, and there were at least seven or eight kings of Dian that had experienced it.

Probably one of them.

But it is unknown which one it was.

But judging from the scale of the tomb, Shirley Yang didn't feel like it was the tomb of the king of Dian.

And so far, the so-called location of the tomb of the king of Dian is actually quite clear. They are all near Dianchi Lake.

This tomb is obviously not in the Dianchi Lake area, but much to the south.

This is also puzzling to several people.

However, Hu Bayi was interested in a sentence in the inventory video that appeared this time.

Using the corpse of Prince Xian's wife to block the Feng Shui barrier of Prince Xian's coffin?

What the hell is this operation?

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