After the video in the sky appeared this time, Chen Yulou was slightly stunned.

This place has still been seen before. It has appeared in the previous inventory video.

And it is not the first time.

It is the place where the Fa family corpse bronze mirror, Huo's immortal worm, Princess Xian, bronze coffin and other treasures and zombie monsters have appeared before.

This valley and the snow-capped mountains in the distance have left a very deep impression on Chen Yulou.

Even the unloading ridge warriors around Chen Yulou were very shocked when they saw the video in the sky.

How many monsters, evil spirits, zombies and other things have not appeared in this damn ghost place?

Isn't this too dangerous?

And Chen Yulou also remembered.

In the previous inventory video"04"040" zero", it was also in this place that some monsters and other things that were not on the list appeared.

Including those weird human figurines hanging in the cave.

The green-scaled giant python and the knife-toothed viperfish in the cave.

There are also those glowing female corpses and babies like insects.

In short, there are too many strange things appearing near this ancient tomb. ,

Of course, the location where the video appeared this time was exactly where he had just come out of the waterway cave under the snow-capped mountain.

Looking ahead, there was a green.

The valley full of white poisonous fog had not yet arrived.

It looked quite spectacular and peaceful.

A scene of a vibrant tropical rainforest.

Then Chen Yulou found that the video camera began to move forward quickly.

However, when moving forward, it did not rush directly into the tropical rainforest, but moved forward from the foot of the mountain next to it along the gravel under the hillside.

The environment here is obviously much more comfortable than in the woods.

It also looks more open.

At the same time, you can also see the scene in the jungle from a distance.

Although Chen Yulou also grew up in the Xiangxi area, he is naturally not unfamiliar with the mountains and forests.

But the situation in front of him still made Chen Yulou feel dazzling.

The entire jungle valley is full of huge trees.

The tree cover is like an umbrella.

At the same time, there is a dense jungle under the tree.

At the same time, there are all kinds of exotic flowers on and under the trees.

The colors are bright, and a large area is blooming very warmly and unrestrainedly.

From a distance, it looks like a garden.

The warriors next to Chen Yulou were not well educated and could not describe it for a while.

But they were all stunned.


On Laoxiong Ridge.

At this time, Queqiao Shao had already reached the vicinity of Yizhuang.

Chen Yulou, Luo Laowai and others also left some people here in Yizhuang.

They were standing here ready to support at any time.

At the same time, Chen Yulou also told them to wait for Queqiao Shao and others.

Therefore, when Queqiao Shao, Hua Ling and the old foreigner just arrived at Dayizhuang, the Xiangling Li Shi came to meet them immediately.

At this time, Queqiao Shao knew that Chen Yulou had already brought his men into the mountain.

It's just that I don't know whether it will be smooth to enter Pingshan this time.

Queqiao Shao himself is somewhat worried.

But Queqiao Shao couldn't always say in front of Xiangling Li Shi that Chen Yulou might return in defeat.

Queqiao Shao, Hua Ling and the old foreigner rushed all the way from Guizhou, almost without any rest.

They slept in the open air.

It was quite hard.

Therefore, after arriving at Yizhuang, they also rested and ate immediately.

It was a place to stay anyway.

By the way, I was also waiting for news from Chen Yulou and the others in Pingshan.

At this time, a purple light curtain appeared in the sky again.

Partridge Whistle immediately took Hua Ling and the old foreigner to watch the inventory video.

The inventory video that appeared this time was still the magical and terrifying canyon.

However, when the inventory video just started playing, it showed a beautiful scenery that had rarely appeared before.

Large tracts of jungle covered the entire valley.

It felt like a thick blanket was covering it.

Some silver threads and sparkling gems can also be seen in this green blanket............

Those are the streams running through the green jungle............

And some vaguely visible pools of water reflecting the light of the sky.

Especially when large tracts of flowers and trees appeared on the screen, and butterflies dancing in the sunset.

The three Taoist monks were all stunned.

Especially Hua Ling.

After all, she was still a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, and she loved all kinds of flowers and plants.

Not to mention the dazzling and colorful butterflies.

Her eyes were blurred, and she was already intoxicated.

The picture slowly entered the jungle.

The sunset in the distance also slowly disappeared.

The sky and the earth began to slowly dim.

A fear of darkness that has been passed down from ancient times slowly enveloped several people.

Partridge Whistle had a bad premonition in his heart.

But he couldn't say it for a while.

At this time, the video camera had entered the jungle.

After entering the jungle, all kinds of plants and flowers covered the sky.

Even in the video, you can hear the chirping of various mosquitoes.

It seems that all kinds of insects appear nearby.

And there seems to be some subtle sounds of water nearby.

It feels like a stream passing through nearby.

Not long after, the airtight jungle finally had a little gap.

A huge blue stone appeared in front of the video screen.

When seeing this big blue stone, Queqiao Shao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This place is really suitable for camping.

Queqiao Shao is an excellent mountain mover. He has been sleeping in the open air since he was very young, traveling between mountains and villages.

Sleeping outdoors at night is completely commonplace.

In Queqiao Shao's eyes, the popular camping now is probably just playing house.

At the same time, Queqiao Shao is also very clear.

In the wild, especially in the humid and hot southern region.

There is a saying that you should not sit on stones in winter and wood in summer..

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