In the humid and hot southern region, especially in the jungle like the one in the video, there is almost no winter.

Therefore, there is no situation where you don’t sit on stones.

Basically, you can’t sit on grass and trees for a long time, let alone camping.

Many woods are dry on the surface.

But in fact, they absorb enough water, are full of moisture, and can breed bacteria and mold.

There are all kinds of poisonous insects and animals in the dead wood, which is also very dangerous. It is easy to have problems if you sit for a long time.

If it is a relatively fine stone, it is not suitable.

Because there are also creatures such as poisonous insects or poisonous snakes in the cracks of the stone.

The most suitable one is the big bluestone in front of the video.

It is flat and smooth, and there are no cracks.

The surroundings are relatively open.

It is easy to find any snakes, insects, rats and ants approaching.

Of course, the most critical and pleasant thing is to light a bonfire.

Light a bonfire on the big bluestone, and it won’t take long to bake the big bluestone dry. On the evening of the


, spread something on the stone, such as hay, dry and warm.

At the same time, it can also drive away other snakes, insects, rats and ants.

The video camera also stopped near the big bluestone at this time.

It seemed to sense Partridge Whistle's idea and wanted to camp here as well.

But soon Partridge Whistle discovered that the video camera began to look around.

A huge figure appeared on the video.

This is a huge tree.

Compared with the big tree full of corpses that appeared in the previous inventory video, the tree in front of us seems very ordinary.

The biggest feature is that it is big.

Looking at this big tree through the video lens, it seems that the area covered by the crown of the tree is nearly seven or eight acres.

Three or five people can't hug the entire trunk.

Even Partridge Whistle, Hua Ling and the old foreigner, who have been operating in the wild for many years, couldn't help but marvel at this huge tree.


Parallel world.

Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi, Shirley Yang and others have passed Lake Bosten.

Entered a huge desert.

The desert here is all flowing desert.

When the wind blows, the huge hills here change shape every day.

Therefore, there are no features or landmarks.

A long time ago, the river channel of the Peacock River flowed through here.

So there are still some traces now.

However, these traces cannot be seen by Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi, Shirley Yang, Professor Chen and others.

Fortunately, the guide invited by several people on the edge of the desert, Mr. Anliman, is very familiar with the desert.

Soon on the way forward, Anliman can easily point out some houses and ruins that are mostly buried in the yellow sand, with only small corners exposed.

Castles, towers and the like.

Occasionally, you can see some poplar trees.

It looks completely dry. It is tilted by the strong wind. It is at a 30-degree angle with the ground. The few living things are the saxaul grass in the desert.

According to Mr. Anliman, this is the former river channel of the Peacock River.

There are still traces left now.

Shirley Yang, Professor Chen, Hao Aiguo and others carefully studied ancient books before leaving Beijing.

They believed that the ancient city of Jingjue was at the end of the Peacock River.

It can be reached after crossing the black desert.

Of course, Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi were not sure whether this was true.

Soon, the group saw a huge purple light curtain appearing above the desert on the horizon.

The inventory video began to play again.

This time, the inventory video looked particularly touching.

Now everyone is in the desert.

Even the living Haloxylon ammodendron looks yellow.

Not to mention other places.

It is basically yellow sand dunes and white dead bones that appear occasionally.

But the inventory video is full of green.

It looks very pleasing to the eye.

There are even large patches of flowers and trees.

It makes everyone in the expedition team feel refreshed.

Shirley Yang, who is most familiar with botany, can even analyze what kind of plants this sea of flowers is.

Soon the video camera began to go deep into the jungle.

The light became dimmer and dimmer.

The jungle was so dense that it was almost suffocating.

Especially in the desert, the contrast is very strong.

Soon a huge bluestone appeared on the video screen.

Shirley Yang didn't have much feeling about this stone.

But Hu Bayi always felt that something was wrong.

"Unfortunately, the video is at night, there is no light, and it is not clear."

"Otherwise, the height depends on the surrounding Feng Shui pattern."

"The location of this stone looks strange.

Hu Bayi couldn't explain where his uneasiness came from.

Only Fatty Wang didn't care.

"I think this big rock is good, just right for sleeping here at night."

As soon as Fatty Wang finished speaking, the video camera began to move.

In the blink of an eye, it had moved to the side.

Only then did several people see the towering tree on the video screen clearly.

After a moment, the video began to rise continuously.

The camera had entered the crown of the tree.

When it came here, it seemed that the moonlight outside could be seen through.

The scene on the tree shocked several people.

Because the crown of this tree was full of exotic flowers and plants.

The trunk of the tree was very thick and the branches were very wide. There were many plants from tropical regions parasitizing on it.

There were vines, ferns, and many plants that Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang, and Shirley Yang did not recognize.

At the same time, these plants were strange and many of them were still blooming.

At first glance, the tree looked like a huge flower basket.

The crown was at least ten meters above the ground.

It made the entire crown look like a huge sky garden.

Seeing this huge and spectacular tree, Lao Hu always felt a little weird.

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