Shirley Yang's heart suddenly moved.

Ever since Shirley Yang saw the record about the Zagrama people in her grandfather's notes, she has paid attention to the Zhuochen Pearl.

This pearl seems to have been completely lost in the dust of history. Since the Han Dynasty, there has been no news.

No matter what books and local chronicles Shirley Yang looked up, there was no clue.

I wonder if this supernatural huge screen in the sky will provide some clues.

When she thought of this, Shirley Yang immediately looked at the screen in the sky with expectation.

At this time, the screen in the sky has begun to change.

The huge map disappeared.

The camera began to fall rapidly.

The perspective of the picture fell straight down from mid-air.

There were bursts of exclamations from the crowd.

Shirley Yang's eyes were very sharp, and she immediately noticed that when the perspective of the picture fell, it seemed to dive towards the south of the map.

After the clouds dispersed.

A magnificent sea appeared on the screen.

There were no islands or land within a radius of at least hundreds of kilometers in the entire picture. A huge circular shadow could be seen vaguely.

It seemed to be a reef hidden under the water.

At first, Shirley Yang hadn't realized how big the sea area surrounded by the reef was.

But soon, Shirley Yang noticed a small white dot on the screen.

Soon the camera continued to move downward.

The white dot became larger and larger.

Finally, the white dot turned into a yacht.

When Shirley Yang saw this, she realized how huge the sea area surrounded by the reef was.

This yacht, which was dozens of meters long, was as small as dust in the sea area surrounded by the reef.

At this time, Shirley Yang also noticed that under the sea water surrounded by the reef, there were bursts of strange flames.

"What's going on? Where did the fire come from?"

It's not just Shirley Yang who has this question.

Others have the same question.


At this time, in another parallel world, a port in Hainan, the young Wu Sanxing, Wen Jin, Huo Ling and others were also on the survey ship, watching the huge picture in the sky.

"This sea area looks a bit like the South China Sea. Could it be the Xisha area we are about to visit?"

Huo Ling asked worriedly.

Wen Jin shook her head.

"It doesn't look like it. The location in the picture is isolated overseas, with no islands for hundreds of miles. It is very likely to be deep in the South China Sea, or even somewhere in the ocean."

Huo Ling frowned and said,"What kind of treasures can there be in such a place? It can't be natural gas, right? Looking at the flames on the seabed, it does look like it."

At this time, Wu Sanxing, who had been silent all the time, immediately spoke up

"No, this fire is not the fire caused by the underwater oil and gas fields, but dragon fire!"

"This is a wonder formed by the gathering of sea air."

"It looks like the end of the Southern Dragon's veins. The dragon energy spirals upward and turns into dragon fire."

"The dragon fire is burning the sea, and the ship in the picture is going to be in trouble."

After Wu Sanxing finished speaking, the picture in the sky suddenly changed again.

The dragon fire was blazing.

The white yacht was like a fallen leaf in the flames.

Soon it sank under the rolling waves and the dragon fire on the seabed.

The picture also sank under the sea.

With the help of the light of the dragon fire, the seabed was bright.

It soon became clear that a dense forest appeared dozens of meters below the sea surface.

At the beginning, the people in the expedition team thought that there was something wrong with the picture.

Huo Ling:"That's not right. How can there be such a forest on the seabed? Even if it is kelp or algae, it must be soft and will drift with the waves."

Wen Jin:"It's really a bit strange. These forests are 20 to 30 meters high, just like trees."

Wu Sanxing:"Look carefully, these are not trees, but corals!"

After hearing Wu Sanxing's words, everyone exclaimed immediately.

At this time, the picture was quickly approaching the tallest tree in the underwater forest.

Soon, a huge iron-brown coral appeared in the picture.

The texture of this coral tree was slightly translucent, with light yellow patterns on it.

It even resembled a very precious turtle shell - hawksbill turtle.

Wu Sanxing, Wen Jin and others all exclaimed.


In a parallel world, Hong Kong.

Uncle Ming, who was standing outside the auction venue, almost jumped up with excitement.

"This is the hawksbill iron tree!"

"South China Sea, in the South China Sea"

"I understand. The tenth treasure must be the South China Sea Moon Pearl."

Uncle Ming just shouted two sentences and immediately covered his mouth.

Then he quickly looked around.

Soon he found that everyone around was staring intently at the picture in the sky.

No one heard his shouting just now.

Seeing this, Uncle Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Lei Xianming has been a seaman for more than ten years, so he has naturally heard many legends about the South China Sea.

At the same time, one of Lei Xianming's uncles used to be an egg man.

The so-called egg man is a person who specializes in collecting pearls at sea.

Uncle Ming is quite familiar with the South China Sea Moon Pearl.

These pearls are all condensed from the giant clams in the South China Sea absorbing the essence of moonlight.

After the lights are turned off at night, the top-quality South China Sea Moon Pearls can even emit the same brilliance as moonlight.

It shines a hundred steps away.

Any South China Sea Moon Pearl is extremely valuable.

No wonder it is on this mysterious and strange list of the top ten rare treasures.

The South China Sea Moon Pearl is indeed worthy of it.

Uncle Ming nodded slightly, and at the same time began to pay attention to the information on the screen.

If there is a chance, you can consider fishing for some South China Sea Moon Pearls at sea.

You don't need to get too many, just a few will do. It can bring Uncle Ming's business back to life.

The picture continued to change, and some huge sea clams appeared on the coral iron tree.

It seemed that each one was at least one or two meters in diameter.

The big ones could even reach ten feet!

These giant clams seemed to be stimulated by the light of the dragon fire, and all opened their shells slightly.

A faint light radiated from the shells.

Indistinctly, round beads the size of pigeon eggs could be seen inside the shells.

It seemed as if a switch was turned on.

In an instant, countless giant clams on the seabed all opened their shells.

The light on the seabed was bright.

These lights intertwined together, and actually turned the originally dark seabed forest into a forest under the full moon.

Everyone who saw these pictures was shocked and stunned.

Countless people's breathing became rapid.

Even those who didn't know about the South China Sea Moon Pearl, seeing countless glowing seabed pearls, knew that this was an incomparable wealth.

The picture continued to change, and the camera fell on a huge white clam shell.

Seeing this, Uncle Ming couldn't help but exclaimed again,"Thousand-year-old giant clam!"

After saying this, he covered his mouth with regret.

The surface of this thousand-year-old giant clam has beautiful and wonderful water-like patterns.

No wonder the giant clam itself is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism and a very precious ornament.

The giant clam shell is also slowly opening.

What radiates from it is bursts of golden light.

Then an incredible rare treasure appears in the picture.

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