On the game screen, a strange fish the size of a two or three-year-old child appeared in the shell of a thousand-year-old giant clam.

This fish has a human head and a fish body.

It actually looks like the legendary mermaid!

The two hands and the upper body are as crystal as jade, and the lower body is bent into a perfect arc.

The golden scales on the body radiate brilliant light.

The entire fish has become jade. The whole body exudes a bright and radiant light. What is even more shocking is that the mouth of this jade mermaid is slightly half open. In the middle of the jade mouth, a round bead is revealed. The brilliance radiated from the bead is dazzling. The jewels are so dazzling that it is hard to look at them directly. Before everyone can see clearly, a huge subtitle finally appears on the screen.

"The tenth rare treasure in the tomb raider world"

"Mermaid with Jade Wings and Golden Scales"

"The Jade-winged and Golden-scaled Mermaid is created by nature"

"Millennium giant clams absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, giving birth to top-quality South China Sea moon pearls"

"Every night when the moon is full, the thousand-year-old giant clam opens its shell to absorb the moonlight."

"After a thousand years, the pearl is full of spiritual energy"

"Every night when the giant clam spits out pearls, it naturally attracts spiritual creatures in the sea."

"The South China Sea mermaid wanted to take advantage of the thousand-year-old giant clam opening its shell to spit out the pearl, rush into the shell, grab the pearl and run away."

"Unfortunately, the thousand-year-old giant clam is also known as the killer clam, and its shell closes very quickly."

"Then he sealed the mermaid in a clam shell."

"Within a hundred years, the clam shell has never been opened again."

"Over time, the mermaid was covered in pearls and the jade turned into jewels"

"Clam-jawed fish, fish holding pearls, golden scales and jade wings, the creation of heaven and earth, full of spiritual energy"

"It also has the effect of making the corpse immortal."

"Its value is equivalent to that of diamonds of the same size."

"Value index: three stars"

"Obtaining Difficulty: Two Stars."

After seeing the subtitles on the screen, Uncle Ming was struck by lightning.

"Mermaid with jade wings and golden scales, is this more precious than the glacier crystal corpse that I have my eyes on?"

"It's really hard to choose."

"Should I go to the snow mountains or to Southeast Asia?"

"It seems that I need to study it more carefully and compare it carefully."


In another parallel world, Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang and Da Jin Ya were also stunned.

Especially Fatty Wang, when he saw the South China Sea Moon Pearls emitting bright light like thousands of lights in the underwater forest, he could no longer control himself.

While wiping his saliva, he said to Da Jin Ya next to him,"Uncle Jin, how much are so many glowing beads worth?"

Da Jin Ya's gold teeth almost fell off,"It's hard to say, this thing will probably be auctioned overseas. Have you heard of auction houses? Any one of them will probably cost tens of thousands of US dollars."

Fatty Wang was even more stunned,"Oh my god, how much money would that be?"

"By the way, what about the mermaid with jade wings and golden scales in the back? How much can it be sold for?"

After hearing what Fatty Wang said, Big Gold Teeth couldn't help but smile bitterly,"It's hard to estimate the price of that, the minimum is eight figures in US dollars, and it's hard to say if it's higher."

Fatty Wang counted on his fingers for a long time, his mouth was so long that he could fit a fist in it.

"Oh my god, Lao Hu, tens of millions of US dollars... I can spend them all in my next life. Lao Hu, Lao Hu, what are you daydreaming about?"

At this time, Hu Bayi was standing next to Fatty Wang and Da Jin Ya, but he kept frowning, staring at the picture in the sky that was fading away. The

South China Sea Moon Pearl and the breathtaking Jade-winged and Golden-scaled Mermaid on the screen certainly shocked Hu Bayi.

But what shocked Hu Bayi even more was that when the picture appeared before, he actually understood the Feng Shui of the sea area surrounded by reefs.

According to the Qingwu Feng Shui technique recorded in the"Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique".

This area surrounded by reefs is exactly where the branch of the South Dragon ends and closes.

Every thread can correspond to the content of the Feng Shui technique that he had learned before.

This means that it is very likely that he can really find this place!

Not only this place, but even other ancient tombs on land can certainly be found with this set of secret techniques of finding dragons and points.

Perhaps, it's time to make a change


Hu Bayi shouted.

Fatty Wang, who was still immersed in the beautiful dream brought by the treasure, was startled.

""Old Hu, what are you doing? Why are you making so much noise?" Fatty Wang couldn't help but complain.

Hu Bayi said seriously,"We can't go on like this. Remember Ganggangyingzi where we worked in the countryside before? I plan to pack up and go to Niuxin Mountain."

When Fatty Wang heard this, his eyes lit up.

Fatty Wang would naturally not forget Ganggangyingzi.

Niuxin Mountain is a mountain range near Ganggangyingzi.

When he was working in the countryside, he heard people say that there was an ancient tomb in Niuxin Mountain.

From time to time, some burial objects were washed out by the mountain water.

"Yes, it should have been done long ago." Fatty Wang agreed immediately.

The big golden tooth next to him also followed suit,"Mr. Hu, Mr. Fatty, you two have a lot of skills, it's a waste to stay in Panjiayuan. I absolutely support you to go out. So, if you two need any equipment, leave it to me."


In a parallel world, Hangzhou, in front of an antique shop,

Wu Xie also stared blankly at the picture in the sky.

"You still have to go out."

"When will I get rich if I just run the shop every day?"

"This bead can equal my income for half a year."

Wu Xie's heart also became hot.

At this time, a man walked in from the door.

""Boss, do you accept rubbings?"

Wu Xie looked at this man and felt a little strange. Everyone else was just thinking about the shocking video, but this man came in to talk about business.

"I will take it, but the price is not high."Wu Xie didn't pay much attention to it, and planned to continue to recall the video just now.

The man walked around Wu Xie's store and didn't seem to find what he wanted.

"I want to ask, is there a copy of the Warring States silk book here? The one that was found by those local scholars in Changsha fifty years ago and was swindled away by an American?"

Wu Xie was stunned when he heard this.


In the dense forest of western Hunan, a group of strong men were looking up at the sky.

These men were all dressed in shorts, with bulging waists, revealing the butts of German box guns.

Some men carried bamboo tubes on their backs, with copper-headed iron hooks and other things on them.

It seemed that they could be assembled together.

This group of people were the Xiangling Lishi active in western Hunan. What they carried on their backs was the famous tomb-robbing tool of the Xiangling Lishi - the centipede hanging mountain ladder.

The leader was about thirty years old, looking suave and handsome.

He was the young Blind Chen.

The head of Changsheng Mountain, Chen Yulou, the leader of Xiangling.

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