The purple-black light curtain appeared again in the parallel worlds of tomb raiders.

For a moment, all the parallel worlds of tomb raiders were extremely shocked.

The previous inventory video had already disturbed the parallel worlds.

After this video appeared today, it was just like the last time.

It should be said that it was even more sensational.

"It appeared again!"

"The last count was the tenth place, and there will naturally be more later."

"My goodness, the value of that jade-winged and golden-scaled mermaid is equivalent to the value of diamonds of the same size, which is probably more than a billion. It ranks tenth? What kind of treasure is the ninth?"

This question rang in almost everyone's mind.

After the last video appeared, all those who knew about the treasures in the ancient tomb began to inquire.

As an insider, Lei Xianming naturally understood that once this thing appeared in the Hong Kong auction house, it might be worth hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

Especially when it appeared in such an inventory video, it was undoubtedly equivalent to being on the"Heavenly Ranking".

The value doubled.

Now it may not be hundreds of millions, but hundreds of millions.

Such a treasure can only be ranked ninth.

Uncle Ming couldn't believe it.

So Uncle Ming was so excited that he could hardly sleep these two days.

He was looking forward to the subsequent inventory videos.

What do those treasures that are more precious than the jade-winged and golden-scaled mermaid look like?


Shirley Yang, who was in the United States, directly used her father's connections on Wall Street to inquire about the market in the United States.

It is said that a wealthy man has offered a price of 100 million US dollars for the Jade Wings and Golden Scales Mermaid.

Even in the world, the price of this treasure is ridiculously high.

Although Shirley Yang has never been very interested in treasures, the price of this Jade Wings and Golden Scales Mermaid is really too high.

Even Shirley Yang couldn't help fantasizing.

If she could get this treasure, the money she got in exchange would naturally support her to find the legendary Zhuchen Pearl.

But Shirley Yang soon thought.

To find the Zhuchen Pearl, the most important thing is to take action.

The issue of funds is not too important.

Anyway, my father left a large amount of wealth.

It seems that it is time to prepare to go to that ancient country in the East.

It can also be regarded as the source of my bloodline.

This trip to Longguo is to find my missing father and to find the legendary Zhuchen Pearl.


At this time, Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi had just got off the train.

Since they saw the video in the sky last time, the two of them made a prompt decision, bought train tickets, and headed straight to Ganggangyingzi.

In order to buy some gifts for the villagers, Lao Hu sold all the mechanical watches left to him by his father.

In exchange for 300 yuan, he bought a bunch of milk powder, candy, chocolate, canned food, tea, etc.

He also exchanged a lot of food coupons.

The two of them almost emptied their family's assets.

They were stimulated by the previous video.

The South China Sea is too far away, and there are no ships.

But Niuxin Mountain is ready.

Moreover, Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi had heard that there were ancient tombs in this place when they were sent to work in the countryside.

This time, they visited the villagers and went into the ancient tombs to make a fortune. But after arriving in Ganggangyingzi, Lao Hu and Pangzi were dumbfounded.

It turned out that all the strong laborers in the village were gone.

It is said that the ancient tombs in Niuxin Mountain were shaken out by the earthquake.

The county was alarmed.

Finally, the archaeological team from the province came.

All the strong laborers in the village were invited to work by the archaeological team.

With food, accommodation and salary, naturally everyone went.

It is said that a lot of things were dug out from the Niuxin Mountain Tomb. They were pulled out in trucks.

Yan Zi and the old branch secretary were still there, and they were quite excited when talking about the Niuxin Mountain Tomb.

Especially since they also saw the video that appeared in the sky, they also knew that there were indeed good things in ancient tombs.

But Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi were in a terrible mood. It felt like someone poured a bucket of ice water on their heads.

Originally, Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi came to the Niuxin Mountain Tomb.

Now it's good, the archaeological team took over.

Naturally, nothing will be left.

The two people immediately wilted.

The ambitions that were stimulated by the inventory of the video just now were all hit.

They could only comfort themselves, just as if they hadn't seen the villagers for many years and came back to visit their relatives.

In the afternoon, Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi were taken home by Yan Zi to reminisce and have dinner together.

The fried pheasant slices and the pickled cabbage and pork were both tasteless.

Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi were drinking with Yan Zi's father, when suddenly a noisy sound came from the village.

""Look, look, there's a movie playing outside!"

The children in the village said the video in the sky was a movie.

It was pretty much the same.

When Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang heard this, they immediately climbed down from the kang.

They walked into the yard and carefully watched the purple-black light curtain appearing in the sky.


In another parallel world, in a tube building in Beijing, an old man with a gloomy face was carrying a basket of vegetables and rushing back.

Occasionally someone greeted him on the road, Professor Sun, but he just hummed in response.

Professor Sun was Sun Xuewu.

Of course, he has a more secret identity.

It's just that no one around him knows it.

Professor Sun naturally saw the huge light curtain that appeared in the sky before.

But the jade-winged golden-scaled mermaid that appeared in this inventory video has no appeal to Professor Sun

"This isn't something from an ancient tomb."

"What value could a naturally formed thing with the same properties as underground ore have?"

"Monetary value? What does that count for? Only cultural value and historical value are the real values."

Professor Sun had already discussed this matter with his colleagues and people around him yesterday.

Everyone was shocked by the mermaid with jade wings and golden scales, but only Professor Sun sneered at it.

Now Professor Sun, who was walking on the road, saw the purple-black light curtain appearing in the sky again. Although he was still shocked, he didn't have much expectation in his heart.

"It's just some money-filled stuff, worthless."

After taking a glance, Professor Sun immediately continued to move forward.

At this time, the camera in the sky began to change.

It was still a breathtaking dive shot.

It rushed down from the high-altitude clouds.

This time, after the camera lowered to the clouds, it landed in the southwest region.

Near Wu Gorge.

The picture swept over.

A dead town.

It can be seen that it has been abandoned.

A huge house in the middle of the town.

It looks like it should be a wealthy family many years ago, but now it is in decline.

Only the stone archway and stone lions at the door still retain the glory of the past.

The two big characters"Feng Zhai" can be vaguely seen on the plaque at the door.

Professor Sun originally didn't plan to watch this inventory video.

But after seeing the two words"Feng Zhai", the whole person stood still.

He couldn't move for a long time.

It was as if he was struck by lightning.

Even the basket in his hand fell to the ground, and the vegetables in it rolled all over the ground.

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