"Fengzhai... Fengzhai... Is it the old house?"

As Professor Sun muttered to himself, the picture in the sky continued to change.

The camera flew forward.

In the blink of an eye, it entered a huge canyon.

There were countless black spots in this canyon.

At the beginning, people couldn't see clearly what these black spots on the cliff were.

As the camera quickly pulled in, they could finally see clearly.

On the cliffs, there were densely packed hanging coffins!

When they saw this, countless people who were looking up exclaimed almost at the same time.

Some were afraid, some were surprised, and some sighed.

Because there were tens of thousands of these hanging coffins.

At the same time, it seemed to form a huge human figure.

It was a headless human figure.

Sitting upright on the cliff.

Professor Sun didn't have time to see these hanging coffins clearly.

He kept muttering in a low voice,"What a great king, with a body but no head... What a great king, with a body but no head.……"

At this time, the scene changes again.

The camera actually goes straight into the mountains.��

The screen went dark for a while, and it seemed that countless things passed by.

After a while, a dim house finally appeared in the screen.

This house was very similar to the Feng house that appeared at the beginning of the screen.

But unexpectedly, this house seemed to be much better preserved.

It was just that the surrounding environment looked extremely dim.

You could even see the occasional green ghost fire.


At this time, in another world, a man in Ming Dynasty uniform was standing in his own house with his hands behind his back.

This man was Wang Canghai.

An architect in the early Ming Dynasty in this timeline.

He presided over the construction of the imperial palace in Beijing.

He was the top architect in the entire empire.

He also had another identity.

A top mausoleum designer.

A top geomancer and feng shui master.

The giant light curtain appeared in the sky. In the previous video, it was a vast ocean.

Others were simply shocked when they saw it.

But Wang Canghai had already seen some clues.

"The remaining branches of the Nanlong actually have branches in the South China Sea"

"In this case, it is a good place to build a mausoleum."

"When I am buried a hundred years later, maybe I can consider building a tomb in the South China Sea."

"But it is really difficult to build a mausoleum under the sea."

"It seems that we need to think of a suitable way."

Wang Canghai thought deeply.

Since the last video appeared, he has been staying indoors.

Until today, the light curtain in the sky appeared again.

The decayed town and the Fengzhai in the picture did not cause much shock to Wang Canghai.

In Wang Canghai's view, it was just an ordinary house built according to the Feng Shui theory of Yangzhai.

The hanging coffins on the cliffs did make Wang Canghai's heart move.

However, when the picture changed again and a Fengzhai that was almost the same as the opening appeared, Wang Canghai was shocked.

Because Wang Canghai is a geomancer and Feng Shui master.

Almost in an instant, he saw the peculiarity of this newly appeared Fengzhai.

"This is underground!"

"It seems to be in a big mountain."

"The feng shui here is really weird"

"There seems to be a different world in the belly of the mountain"

"Who built this underground village?"

"Feng Family? How come I haven't heard of it?"

"It's so mysterious that such a building was built in the belly of the mountain"

"The Eight Gates Formation and Nine Palaces Numerology are indeed magical.……"

"This skill of building tombs in the cracks of the mountains is indeed worth learning."

When thinking of this, Wang Zanghai twirled his beard on his chin.

"Bring me the pen and ink."

After Wang Canghai called out, a servant beside him quickly brought up a wooden tray with pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

""Master Wang, here are the brushes and inks you requested."

Wang Canghai immediately picked up the brush and dipped it in ink.

There was also a map under the wooden tray.

It was a map of dragon veins in the world that was drawn with a brush and ink lines.

This map of dragon veins in the world was copied by Wang Canghai himself after watching Xu Lang's video. He also copied many copies later.

At this time, Wang Canghai's eyes fell on the place where the North Dragon stretched.

On Changbai Mountain.

Then he used the brush to draw a stroke at this position.

After finishing the painting, Wang Canghai raised his head.

The picture in the sky changed again.


The picture was still dim, but the camera had quickly passed over the underground house.

It went straight into an attic.

The shelves in the attic flashed by.

It was obviously full of all kinds of strange things.

It didn't seem to be treasures and antiques, but pieces of tiles.

Then the camera froze on a painting.

The light was dim, and the pattern on the picture was vaguely visible.

It turned out to be a steep and majestic mountain cliff.

There were countless hanging coffins on the cliffs.

All the hanging coffins seemed to be made of dragon scales and ancient pines, simple and heavy.

There were also some people in black clothes and short coats in the picture, opening the coffins and stealing treasures. Some of them were using tools to move the coffin lid. Some people climbed on the cliffs, used ropes to tie the ancient corpse in the coffin, and pulled the corpse up.

In addition, some were moving things out of the hanging coffins.

It can be seen in the picture that the things that were moved out were not gold, silver, or jewelry.

Instead, they were a lot of tile-like things similar to those in the previous picture.

This time, you can see that there are some star maps on these tile-like things.

And the ancient seal script of turbellaria.

The subtitles began to appear slowly

"The ninth of the top ten treasures in the tomb-robbing world:"

"《Viewing the Mountain and Stealing Bones》"

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