Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2072: Emergency command

After Wang Shenghang finished speaking, the three Kong Ben kings raised their hands almost at the same time, and the soldiers' strategy disappeared in front of them. The three looked at each other. "Seeing this, I won't have to negotiate again after waiting?"

"Well," the third Kong Ben nodded. "There is nothing to say. The evidence is solid and the battle is sturdy. The praise of Xiao Zhenren can be arranged by the long line, and the rotating brigade will be sent to report."

"Yes, the most important thing now is how to get rid of the ghost marks," said the first King Kongkong. "There are several things to be solved immediately. The first is Priscilla. If the real report comes from Xiao Zhenren, he The first time I arrived in Priscilla, there were already 30% of the wars contaminated. According to his estimated speed of contamination, I am afraid that 90% of them will be contaminated at this time. Doppelganger is inside ... "

"There are several ways to resolve the Shumitian Sky," said the third King Kong, "the most stable thing is to wait for Xiao Zhenren to return to Shumitian Sky ..."

"Too slow ~" The first King Kongkong waved his hand without thinking, "Xiao Zhenren's secret art can only stay in the intensive space for a short time. Those warfare will not be able to follow the command and enter the space fairy, and who dares to use it Space Fairy? When Xiao Zhenren arrives at Shumi Tian, ​​does God know how much will happen? Shumi Tian is a palm thunder that detonates at any time, and the best way is to directly kill it! "

It is no surprise that the King of Shooting King Changxing chose Kong Ben. The reason why he directly drew the rotating armature is actually the same. In the eyes of King Wang and Kong Ben are the entire team, but there will not be the kindness of Xiao Hua.

"Immediately kill!" The third Kong Ben Wang also echoed, "But you can't leak information, you can do an empty city plan, and lead the black hand behind Zhou Chen out!"

The second Kong Ben Wang took the golden seat, and Yu Gui flew out. He released Yan Yan and wrote something, and used the seal directly. Then, he sent it to the two Kong Ben Wangs, the two Kong Ben Wangs. The seals were used in different places, and the last King Kong, who used seals, raised his hand and sent Yu Gui to the golden chair, saying: "The second thing is Zhou Chen and Yu Honghai, these two captive demon are really handsome Incompetence, a fifty-five commander-in-chief under his command all betrayed, a betrayal team directly, long line, you know this best, we will give you a military command, you will tell Yong Yao, so that she personally arrested the two If you ask questions, you must chase them out. "

"Yes, lord!" Shesheng Wang Changxing agreed quickly.

"As for the third," the first Kong Ben Wang said in a low voice, "It is the most difficult thing, long line, we will pass the military command, and let the six pavilions of the Bingshu Palace find a way to get rid of this ghost. Bizhen, find an effective way to kill this Tai Chi halo, you, since this matter will be discovered by you under the command of war, he also has a certain way, it is still left to you, we know that this matter is difficult, but there is no way, always Someone does it ... "

"Master, don't worry," Wang Konghang said, waiting for King Kong to finish his speech. "At the moment when I receive Xiao Zhen's summons, I will think about it. At the end of the day, it will be the blessing of the team. It is also difficult for the end, and the end will only bear more responsibilities. "

"Yeah ~" the third Kong Ben Wang sighed, "when the old man joined the team, it was because there was no practice, no way out. I wanted to find a place to survive. At that time, to be honest, I didn't have a good impression of Immortal Realm. What do you say about guarding the fairy world, shit, the old man did n’t even think about it, the old man ca n’t live in the fairy world, so what do you do to protect it? , Immortal Realm is the Immortal Realm of the Human Race. Although the Chong Chong is not as important to the Immortal Realm as the Territory of the Human Clan, even if the Chong Chong is lost, the Immortal Realm will not perish. To give those weak immortals a better chance of survival. This time, it should really be the time for me to make up for the sky team. This is the team's chance and your chance. "

"Yes, Master," Shesheng Wang Changxing still respectfully said, "I will understand at the end."

"Go!" The second King Kongkong took out a commanding arrow and sent it to the front of King Shengxing, who said, "The opportunity belongs to you."

Shesheng Wang Changxing received the command arrow, and there was a sword-shaped flame around "Boom". Before Wang Shengxing bowed to leave, his figure had disappeared from the original place.

"Everyone," the second King Kong looked at Shesheng Wang Changxing and looked at the other two. "On the reply of this matter, I have given the Bingshugong, they will inquire all the information about Shumitian Changxing, the problem now is that Xi Yuxiyu had already used the avatar to go to the city of the Star Tower, did he have any arrangements before? Since Yu Honghai and Zhou Chen's two captain's handsome teams had such great changes , What about other captive demon handsomes? And, what about other worlds? "

"Give Feng Ge Bing command," the first Kong Ben Wang acted decisively, said without hesitation, "Let them thoroughly investigate!"

"This matter is easy to say," the third Kong Ben Wang took out the arrow, but said in his mouth, "but it will be troublesome to check it."

"If you don't check, you never know," the first Kong Ben Wang said coldly, "Changxing has not given some information, although some are directed at the team's seniors, but I think these seniors are also the tip of the iceberg. It cannot be because it is the team. Seniors can do whatever they want, so in the end, would n’t my Sky Team become a private soldier?

"Good," the second Kong Ben also nodded. "I agree to check it!"

"Slow ~" Seeing that the third Kong Ben Wang was about to send out the command arrows, the first Kong Ben Wang suddenly said, "I suddenly had an idea, you said that we would give Xiao Zhenren a military command, would he give the sky to him? Poke through? "

The other two Kong Ben Wangs were silent. The second Kong Ben Wang said a moment later, "Xiao Zhenren's superficial strength is Jinxian high-level, and he went to the Six Desire Heaven and Human Realm experience. When viewed from the battle report, it can be inferred to be the Nine Palace. Gao, even Da Luochu. And his ambition is so great that he wants to keep 300 billion immortal soldiers in a big war and give him a command of the soldiers. He dares to pierce the sky, I disagree. "

The third Kong Ben Wang's tone is still unhurried, saying: "There are people, and Xiao Zhenren step by step cannibalize others' teams for his own use. This is also a battlefield practice. It is understandable. His hidden strength is a common means of dissipating immortals. I ca n’t blame, but he actually used such a short time to cultivate to the Nine Palace High. The secret behind this is something I should pay attention to, so I agreed to give him a military command, which not only allows him to continue to investigate, but also exposes himself Opportunity."

"Okay," said the first King Kongkong, "you can issue a military command and let the long line pass to him!"

"Where is the fairy world?" The third King Kong sent two soldiers to order, and then asked.

"Isn't Xiao Xiaoren talking about it?" Said the second King Kong, "he met Guan Tianyue of Tianzun Mansion. This little guy survived and let him communicate to Tianzun Mansion. The specifics of the scars are not yet known, and Guan Tianyue ’s communication is actually Xiao Zhenren ’s communication, which is no different from my Bingshu Palace. If the Ghost Head and Bishen ’s things are wrong, Guan Tianyue ’s message is not my Bingshu. Gong ’s official battle report is easy to tell.

"Well, that's it ~" The other two King Kongs had no objection, and then the three of them said something more, the golden light on the seat disappeared, and they also turned into golden light scattered with the wind.

Moreover, Wang Shengxing, who was shooting, returned to the silver chair. He thought a little, and said to a smile: "Yong Yao, are you there?"

"What's wrong?" Yong Yao's voice came.

"I have something to find you," Changhang replied.

"Well, come on!" Yong Yao said.

Changxing stepped on the sword light and flew into the void. The figure revealed a palace that was almost exactly the same as the Changxing Hall. Yong Yao sat on the silver chair. When he saw the long line, he raised his hand and waved. There was the same silver beside him. The seat emerged and smiled: "You haven't come to my office for a long time. What's the matter this time? Please sit down!"

Chang Xing sat down and said, "It's still the matter of Xi Yu, the enemy of Taiji Mengyi's natural enemy."

"Ah?" Yong Yao was shocked. Changxing said this when Yuan Riyu Honghai saw Changxing, and now Wang Shenghang, the sound-speaker, said it again intact.

"What's wrong with Xi Yu?" Yong Yao said anxiously, "I haven't got any further reports from Yu Honghai. I only listened to his report. His avatar personally took the body of the long under the dome to Priscilla, and sent ..."

Not waiting for Yong Yao to finish, Changxing took out Mo Xiantong and said, "This is Vice President Xiao Qiang just passed it to me!"

"He sent you a message?" Yong Yao said incredulously, "He has led his troops into the depths of the world!"

With that said, Yong Yao took the Mo Xian Tong Yan Yan Immersion!

"Impossible!" Almost at the same time, Wang Shengyao shot up, and shouted, "How could Zhou Chen betray the fairy world? How could Yu Honghai betray the fairy world under your command? Your deputy Xiao Xiaoqiang is **** !! "

"Master Yong, UU reading" Wang Shenghang smiled, and stood up, took out the military command and said seriously, "I have asked the rotating military command, and now I have the military command, and I also want to chant Master prepare, you and I sent troops to the pivot palace, and rushed to the boundary to personally capture Zhou Chen first. "

"Yes!" Yong Yao glanced at the garrison command, clenching her teeth, "You will follow the garrison command at the end."

Upon seeing this, Wang Shenghang said, "I was afraid that you were so hot-tempered, and I came here deliberately. Do not think that you should take Zhou Chen first and say no later!"

"That's it," Wang Shengyao, the voice of Shesheng, said with a sullen face, "You and I hurried to the boundary, don't let Zhou Chen get the news and escape!"

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below, for helping Xiao Zhenren to stop the poison and save the fairy world: Immortal Fist, Lao Jiu, Xiang Qing, Nandi Beima, please call me Master Shi, Dun Yu, Loritin, Nuo Lunxi, Pride Shenzhou, loyalty to God, Mao Lingzi, once looked forward to the present, busy man, Zfwz666, stupid Taoist, vanilla flavor, old high, small section of flowers, singing flute, ruthless, Dao Zun, dragon blood, tea egg eggs, Mo Yan For defeat, coke and return, May 1 is ready to add more ... Chapter 32! ! !

Reward for something, keep up with it!

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