Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2073: Raise hands to clear privy

"Well," Shesheng Wang Changxing nodded, "You are ready, I let Xue Ling apply for the soldiers' road, and I wait until I enter the boundary."

"Okay!" Shesheng Wang Yongyao nodded, sitting down in frustration, Shesheng Wangchang looked at her and turned to step into the void.

Shesheng Wang Changxing returned to the hall and commanded, "Come here."

"Sir," Xue Ling said in response, "what do you ask?"

"Apply for Binglu," said Wang Shenghang, Shesheng Wang, "through the Taiji Mengyi Tianjiechong, Yuhong Navy account, I will go with Shesheng Wang Yongyao."

"Yes, Master" Xue Ling agreed, and turned to go out.

Looking at Xue Ling's back, Wang Changxing's eyes showed an inexplicable expression.

"Brush" At this time, the silver seat of Wang Shenghang, the sounding king, suddenly shimmered, and another soldier command flew out of the shimmer.

The king of shooting sounds long, and he waited until he reached for the command of the soldiers, and the voice of King Kong Ben rang in the command.

After listening, Wang Shenghang shot quickly and bowed: "Yes, lord, at the end will understand, at the end of the day will surely pass the military command to Xiao Zhenren!"

Shesheng Wang Changxing received the Bingjun order, and Shesheng Wang Yongyao also entered the hall, but a moment later, Xue Ling came in and returned to Binglu Road to apply.

Wang Shengxing, the sound-sounding king, patted the silver seat, and the light and shadow of the "boom" silver seat rushed out of the seat.

"Master Yong, please," Shesheng Wang Changxing stood up and smiled and said to Shesheng Wang Yongyao.

Yong Yao was also polite, her figure set foot on the soldier's road, "buzzing" one of the soldier's trembling, light and shadow flashing, and after a long line fell, the soldier's road sank again, and then two soldiers like Bailian appeared on the soldier's road The vortex, which held the two kings of sound like electricity.

Xue Ling stood respectfully and watched Binglu disappear with the two kings of the sounds of the sounds. He smiled slightly and secretly said: "This Xiao Xiaoren is really good. I have just won two major military achievements before, but now it is even more It was recommended by the adults to have a particularly important military merit. The two Kings of Shooting went to Yuhong Naval Battalion personally. I am afraid that it was the Shushu Palace that made Wang Shengyao investigate the report of Xiao Zhenren? Wang Hebingshu Palace pays so much attention! "

Mo said Xue Ling was unclear, even Xiao Hua himself was confused. He seized the time to send a message to Shesheng Wang Changxing. He just sent the sealed crystal box into the space of the Lingjian, and the time for the exchange of the movie body arrived. Xiao Hua retreated directly to the depth of Jie Chong, still in the Thunder Warship, and he did not know whether his crystal box was successfully delivered.

However, Xiao Hua is not worried. After all, he has already warned. Even if he is unsuccessful, Wang Shengxing will understand that he will go to Xunyu Honghai to ask, and everything will be revealed.

Seeing Xiao Hua's figure sway, his righteous father suddenly tightened his bow like a bow, and Xiangzhili hurriedly and carefully said, "How?"

Xiao Hua's face was pale and he didn't dare to say much. He waved at him, then nodded, then closed his eyes and meditated, watching the dark golden halo emerge from Xiao Hua's eyebrows, like a whirlpool covering him, and Xiao Hua was empty around him. The ripples did not show any breath. Zhou Xiaoming and Lu Shu knew that Xiao Hua was doing martial arts, and the fairy body had arrived in another space. He rushed to the ceremony and waved his hand, instructing him to ban the sound. The disciples only guarded Lei Zhou carefully .

In the intensive space, two hundred billion immortal soldiers have been formed, and they are divided into two large arrays commonly used by the squadrons. They will surround the 100 billion immortal regiments under Guan Fanyu. In short, the fairy world is probably not needed, the battle array is 10%, the law of space takes effect, and twice the strength can be!

The encircled 100 billion immortal soldiers collapsed, they were under the command of Guan Fan, and were suddenly taken over by Zhu Zhi. Most of the immortal soldiers were not particularly accepted, and the starry universe of the Taoist disciples of the starry sky, the Luohe Yuan formation, was solid as a golden soup. Without meritorious service, the morale of the fairy soldiers has fallen. When Zhu Zhi was killed, they found that there were 200 billion immortal soldiers behind him, and they were even panicked. This was enemies!

Many fairy soldiers have stopped attacking and awaiting further instructions. Without Zhou Chenling ’s arrows, and other long-vaulted handsomes who ca n’t control the sail seal, they can be commanded, but it ’s not easy to take over for a while. Department, ready to regroup.

At the exit of Shumi Tian, ​​Xiao Hua ’s three fairy babies had opened the seal, Wang Yibai, Wu Zhong, etc. were captured, and Shumi Tian was in a mess. Guan Fan entered Shumi Tian, ​​and Cui Heng had no meaning in staying in Shumi Tian. Yunzi and Wuchen are also at risk of being contaminated with ghost marks, so under the instructions of Xiao Hua, three shadow figures accompanied the three to the exit.

However, only Cui Heng, Gu Yunzi, Wu Chen and two shadow figures flew out of the Shumi channel. The shadow figures sent by Xiao Hua alone remained in Shumi.

Wu Chen just flew out, the three fairy babies were repairing the seal, "Bum" suddenly sounded, and there was a vortex line at the place where the outline of heaven and earth suddenly appeared. The color of the line was blood red, just after Wu Chen waited When he turned his head to look, a huge **** vortex had emerged from the darkness of Jie Chong.

"Is this ... is this the Secret World?" Wu Chen was a little surprised.

Cui Heng was shocked in his eyes, because the huge vortex of Shumitian Sky was roaring at this time, and the speed was accelerating. Even Xiao Hua's terrifying power was included in the whirlpool of Shumitian Sky like a tide.

Where "brushing" the immortal world, a blue light is like a sword, which is a hundred times faster than any light and shadow seen in Cui Heng's life. It just appeared in a distant place, and fell to the sky above the dense sky in the blink of an eye. It has become the shape of an arrow, and it flashes in front of Cui Heng's eyes and falls into the vortex of the pivotal sky.

In the whirl of the "click" whirlpool, a heavy thunderlight emerged out of thin air. While rotating, it fell into the center of the vortex, turning into a small point, as if it had been caught with a big hand, and then held tightly.

"Ouch, not good!" Xiao Hua's two shadow figures suddenly shouted suddenly.

As the voice of Xiao Hua's shadow landed, the thunder light disappeared in the distance, and the speed of the intensive vortex began to slow down, and the blood color faded with the naked eye during the rotation.

"What's wrong? Master," Cui Heng asked hurriedly.

"The Taoist friends who stayed in Shumitian have fallen," the two shadows squinted at the seal's exit of Shumitian, quite sadly, "I can't contact him again."

"Ah?" All the immortals were shocked, and Gu Yunzi asked, "What about the other warlords who stay in the Priscilla?"

"Dao friends have fallen, how can other warlords live alone?" A shadow figure looked at the normal outline of heaven and earth, and said lightly, "I'm afraid there will be no warlords alive!"

"Silk" Gu Yunzi and Wu Chen took a look at each other, and took a breath. They were full of fear in their hearts. If they waited for a half step, wouldn't they want to fall with those warlords?

"Look," Gu Yunzi blamed a little. "The old man told me to let it out. You have to be smart. Almost lost your life?"

"It's just almost," Wu Chen rolled his eyes and snorted. "Isn't it?"

Cui Heng was shocked. He already understood the intention of Shu Mitian to be destroyed, and he also knew better. It must be that Xiao Hua had sent the message of the ghost mark to the Bingshu Palace, which would lead to the blue command arrow just now.

Thinking about so many long-vaulted handsomes, Yue Xiaoshuai and Bu Yaoshuai fell, ruthlessly obliterated by the Bingshugong, Cui Heng inevitably felt the feeling of sadness of rabbits and dead foxes, but there was another voice in his heart clearly reminding him that this is The wisest, most timely, and most simple way to solve pivotal days!

However, this method can only be used by the Bingshu Palace, and only the Bingshu Palace has this kind of strong man's broken wrist!

"Damn it!" When Cui Heng was shocked, Xiao Hua was also furious in the Thunder battleship. He opened his eyes and angered, "Why is Bingshu Palace so ruthless?"

"Master?" Zhou Xiaoming was shocked and anxious, "What's wrong?"

"Bingshu Palace used means to wipe out all the battles in Shumi Day!" Xiao Hua said the message from Shumi Sky from the Shumi Sky, and finally said, "Xiao Mouyu exhausted his power and went deep into the world Hurrying to Priscilla, isn't it just to stop the ghost marks and save the generals of Priscilla? They can easily wipe them out in a wave of hands, it's really easy! "

Zhou Xiaoming looked at Cui Heng and Cui Heng looked at Lu Shu, and no one spoke.

"Brother," Ruthless said at the moment, "I just heard Brother Brother Zhou talking about the Battle of the Boundary Clash, and also opened my eyes to the military map of the hundreds of billions of soldiers commanded by Brother, so I asked Brother Brother, Brother every step of dispatching soldiers will be a real fight, no one step is not a trick, is not a bait? "

Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes to look at ruthlessness, and shook his head slightly after a while.

"Did that brother know?" Ruthless continued, "How many fairy soldiers are you involved in one step at a time?"

"Hu" Xiao Hua took a long breath and nodded. "I understand what you mean. Previously, Xiao's troop dispatch was a bait for a thousand-man team, which is now one hundred thousand or even one million. It will be precious in Xiao Mou's eyes, but it is not unusual in the eyes of this soldier's palace. "

Lu Shu laughed at this moment: "Master actually understands in his heart that Privilege is no longer important, nor is it important for the entire Tiantian team, and the entire Tiantian team is not as important as the entire Celestial Realm. . "

"The master has been arranging the layout of the Privilege ~ ~ State Xiaoming also said," In fact, it took a lot of time, but by this time, the key to Tai Chi halo and ghost marks is still not resolved, Bingshu Gong's move is actually very clever, and suddenly let the master lose his side, and concentrate on solving the most important problems! "

Xiao Hua nodded and stopped talking. Where Cui Heng could see clearly, Xiao Hua couldn't see clearly, but he tried to be overthrown by the Bingshu Palace all at once, which made Xiao Hua uncomfortable and distressed those lives.

Then Xiao Hua just closed his eyes and meditated. Suddenly, a kind of horror came out of his heart. He hurriedly looked up to Zhou Xiaoming, and said strangely, "Zhou Xiaoming, when did you get stained with ghost head?"

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below, for helping Xiao Zhenren to stop the poison and save the fairy world: Immortal Fist, Lao Jiu, Xiang Qing, Nandi Beima, please call me Master Shi, Dun Yu, Loritin, Nuo Lunxi, Pride Shenzhou, loyalty to God, Mao Lingzi, once looked forward to the present, busy man, Zfwz666, stupid Taoist, vanilla flavor, old high, small section of flowers, singing flute, ruthless, Dao Zun, dragon blood, tea egg eggs, Mo Yan For defeat, coke and return, May 1 is ready to add more ... Chapter 32! ! !

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