Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2083: Black battle array and battle array

"Ru waits hard," Wang Shengyao, who shot down, sat down on the silver seat and shone with silver, and surrounded the surrounding space as early as possible. All this space was her breath and her will.

Along with the voice, Xiao Hua and others felt that they had a pair of hands to support their bodies, and the crowd would get up and shoot Wang Yongyao, and then said, "This Wang Daichong team thanked you for your efforts and hard work. You waited and rested. Now, let ’s see how the army crushes the conspiracy of Xiyu Xiyu! "

"Yes, sir ~" The generals responded in unison, and then turned to look around. At this time, the crowd seemed to be in the air, and the countless black battle arrays seemed to be covered by the infinite black clouds. The crowd could not see it with the naked eye. At the end, moreover, "Kaka ~" "Kaka ~" sounds of neat armor rubbing, it just sounds a bit harsh, after all, how can there be sound in the fairy armor? But this neat sound is powerful and clanging. After a while, it seems a bit like a natural sound. It is like these critical moments. This kind of sound is the biggest dependence of the immortals.

"Senior Xiao," Wang Shengyao, who is shooting, has a huge space. In the flicker of light and shadow, Yu Honghai walks out with a complex expression. When he used Yin Xi to transmit the sound, he was quite bitter. Hua had a glimpse of Da Luo's strength. He couldn't help but shock. He looked at Xiao Hua up and down with unbelievable eyes, his mouth twitched a few times, and arched his hand. "This is hard work."

"No hard work, it should be!"

At this time, Xiao Hua looked at Yu Honghai again. The decadence in his eyes actually made Xiao Hua see the gloom of the years. Yu Honghai seemed to be much older. Xiao Hua felt sighed in his heart and hurriedly returned the courtesy. From the Six Desire Heavens and Human Realms, I have come to Tai Chi and Meng Yi Tian Chong, how can I not go all out? Fortunately, I am not humiliated! "

With that, Xiao Hua took out a crystal box and handed it respectfully to Yu Honghai, saying, "This is the remains of Master Feng Mingfeng. He ... seems to have betrayed the master, but he will still follow the previous agreement and remove him from Xi Yuxiyu recaptured it, please accept it! "

"Hoo" Yu Honghai's face was hot, but he couldn't help but he received the crystal box and said, "Yumou prides herself on the captive demon, but he is turned around by the fifty-five long domes under his command. I didn't think that the adult, hiding it in the dark, quietly wiped out Xi Yu's conspiracy, and helped Yumou clear the military account. "

The voice of Wang Xiaoyao, the deputy of Xiao Xiaoqiang, came and asked, "How do you know Fengming betrayed the fairy world?"

"Yuan Ma," Xiao Hua said with a smile. "The end will reach the depths of Dejie. Although some breath will be released, the portal of the endless void will open. Although the end will have some magical powers, he must also be careful. Just at the end Faced with the moment of Xi Yu xiyu, there will suddenly be an idea, Master Yu, and all the long domes in the military account say that Master Feng Mingfeng was captured, and he still went for the fall of Master Zhang Qi Zhang. In the depths of the world, but in such a dangerous environment, do n’t say that your deputy vault is your own disciples. It is impossible for ordinary warlords to come in person? Also, Grand Master did not hear about Feng Feng. There is no secret technique that can penetrate deep into the boundary charge, so I will be afraid of the courage. If Fengming took the initiative to reach the depth of the boundary charge, he was actively captured by Xi Yuxiyu using a mustard lizard, which is likely to be silent. "Capture", right? "

"Of course, this is also the guess of the end general, so when Feng Feng flew from Xi Yuxiyu, he paid attention. Sure enough, Feng Feng suddenly passed when he passed by, and fortunately, there will be Prepare, otherwise you will not have to wait for a battle with Xi Yu Xiyu, and the end will fall first! "

"Humph," Wang Shengxi, the shooter sneered, "You're alert! Yu Honghai, send Feng Ming's body!"

"Yes, Master," Yu Honghai hurriedly sent Xiao Hua's sealed crystal box to Yong Yao.

Yong Yao took the crystal box in her hand and gave a sigh of relief. The seal of the crystal box was broken. The sound of Wang Yongyao's eyes gave birth to a golden light and fell into the crystal box. After a while, she dropped the crystal box to Yuhong with a "snap" On the sea, he said fiercely: "This is the handsome long vault under your command, this is the confidant you sent to explore the truth!"

Yu Honghai bowed his head and did not dare to speak. He knew clearly that Xi Yu ’s conspiracy had not been announced yet, but sooner or later the truth would be revealed one day, so he would be the biggest joke of the whole team.

In other words, the army is still moving forward, and the neat armor is the only drum in the boundary charge, and it is about dozens of yuan ahead. The king of the shooting sound, Yongyao ’s command, will stop, and the battle of the shooting king will continue. Previously, it's just that there is no need for those fairy objects that stabilize the space at this time. Instead, they are all purple gourds.

With the purple-red flames flowing out of the purple-red gourd, the "Booming" Realm was ignited, and the flame spread rapidly towards the direction of the Immortal Realm, covering all the previously solid spaces.

Xiao Hua let go of random thoughts, and Xinxin found that the solid Tai Chi closed the boundary to the void, and the flame filled the space, and there was no omission at all.

"It turned out not to be the honor guard of the King of Sound," Xiao Hua secretly said, "Xiao Mou is using the heart of a villain to care for the gentleman's belly."

"The generals," said Wang Shengyao, the shooter, "Extend the coverage, mine light!"

With the command of Wang Shengyao, a fairy in the dark clouds will fly out, and each of them will urge the fairy. "Hua" Xiao Hua clearly sees that the Xiaguang is falling and Jie Chong seems to be clenched by big hands, and begins to shrink rapidly. Then, under the sound of the "Boom" giant earthquake, Lei Hai began to emerge from these compressed boundaries and began to spread ...

"Deputy Xiao Changqiang," Wang Shengyao, the shooting voice, looked at it with satisfaction, and asked in a low voice, "How long will the large-scale Tai Chi halo come?"

"Master, if my army does not move, they still have about a hundred yuan!"

"Okay," Wang Shengyao, the shooter nodded, and raised his voice, "The generals will listen to the order, the weak water will be laid down after fifty yuan, and the Tai Chi halo will arrive after more than one hundred yuan!"

No one responded. UU read but the sea of ​​fire still spreads backwards, and the sea of ​​thunder still surges forwards.

For a time, Xiao Hua's heart was settled, and an unspeakable feeling emerged. There was a sense of pride directed at his heart. He felt tears in his eyes! !

"Xiao Mou still underestimated the team!" Xiao Hua was a little excited in her heart, "Xiao always wanted to solve the problem by her own strength, but Xiao Mou was wrong, not every fairy is Yu Honghai, also Not every fairy is Zhou Chen, there are many fairy people like Xiao Mou, there is a boundary in his heart, there is a fairy world in his heart, willing to pay, to fight. And the team also has the power to eliminate this big disaster, Xiao Mou is here In front of the strength is the mantis that blocks the car with a mantis! "

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below, for helping Xiao Zhenren to stop the poison and save the fairy world: Immortal Fist, Lao Jiu, Xiang Qing, Nandi Beima, please call me Master Shi, Dun Yu, Loritin, Nuo Lunxi, Pride Shenzhou, loyalty to God, Mao Lingzi, once looked forward to the present, busy man, Zfwz666, stupid Taoist, vanilla flavor, old high, small section of flowers, singing flute, ruthless, Dao Zun, dragon blood, tea egg eggs, Mo Yan Lose, Coke and Return!

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