Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2084: Military merits, Yingzhao Yinxi

"Xiao Mou just sent the Tai Chi Halo, the team thought of flames and thunder, and now there are weaker water. This is the result that Xiao Mou tried many times."

"Look at the fiery sea, the Leihai sea and the weak water, and completely cover the boundary. These means cannot be remembered by Xiao Mou, nor can they be done by Xiao Mou!"

Xiao Hua said with emotion, the voice of Wang Shenghang, the voice of the voice, came: "Yong Yao, can you let Xiao Zhen come over?"

"Haha" Wang Shengyao smiled and said, "I wanted to wait for more than a hundred yuan to complete the merits, and then return to Xiao Xiaoqiang Qiu, you don't care about these days, Vice Xiaoqiang Xiao , Where is your card? "

"Sir, the card will be here in the end." Xiao Hua was stunned and hurriedly bowed down to give the gift and present his seal of seal.

"The battle report of the Bingshu Palace has never been issued. After all, the Tai Chi Halo has not been exterminated," said Wang Shengyao, the shooter. "But your warfare Bingshu Palace has already been estimated. The court will praise, tell the court that the specific details have not been ended, and have to wait for a while, the king is impatient, only to help you get the military merits, I hope you return to the heart of the team to blame the king! "

Xiao Hua was overjoyed, looking at this cold-hearted king of sound, very sincerely said: "Thank you, lord, I will like this kind of real thing most, if you still have any rules to give it, Just the best. "

"Xiao Zhenren ~" After Xiao Hua finished, Wang Changxing said anxiously, "This is Meng Lang!"

"Bold ~" Wang Shengyao, the shooting voice, reprimanded Xiao Xiao, but felt that the jagged thunder in the deep of his head went straight to his own soul, but he hadn't waited for the implementation of the thunder. The birth blocked this lightning.

"Ouch," Xiao Hua suddenly awakened and shot Wang Yongyao as a fairy. How could the relics of others' laws give themselves?

"The end will know the wrong!" Xiao Hua hurriedly bowed, said, "The end will be speechless."

"Hum ~" The shooting sound Wang Yongyao grabbed Xiao Hua's card, pressed it on his silver seat, and then threw it to Xiao Hua, and as the card dropped, it was a crystal ball like a butterfly. The sound of Wang Yongyao, the shooter, also sounded, "This thing is for your fairy!"

"Master Xie, Master Xie!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and took over the military card and Jingzhu, thanking him again and again.

"Go ~" Wang Shengyao said lightly, "I hope to see Xiao Jie's famous Zhen Chong as soon as possible!"

After that, Xiao Hua and others felt that the light and shadow flashed, and the huge light and shadow in front of them had been replaced by the sound of Wang Changxing.

"You ~" Watching Xiao Huafei falling, Wang Changxing smiled bitterly, "Dare to say anything else, if you have great merit, Yong Yao's blow will be enough for you!"

"Yes, yes," Xiao Hua hurriedly laughed with her. "The end will sometimes be so unobtrusive, so it is not very popular with the boss, and only adults and adults like Yongyao have such a broad mind, can they bear it!"

"Well, don't say anything else," Shesheng Wang Changxing smiled. "You are really good at making high hats."

"Hee hee, don't dare!" Xiao Hua smiled, and the generals made a wink at him, and the public will salute Wang Changxing, who is the voice.

The long line lifted the generals, looked at the fairy soldier in the distance with a smile, and said, "You have worked hard."

The fairy soldiers were very excited, and many fairy soldiers even knelt on one knee.

After all, Jiwei and the name of the King of Sounds were put there. If it weren't for this war, these fairy soldiers would never see a long line for a lifetime.

The King of Acoustics comforted him a few more times, and ordered them to line up, waiting to watch the Tai Chi Halo killed by the army.

Then I looked at Xiao Hua and said: "Vice Vice Chief Xiao, this is the first time we met! It was really unexpected. After only a few summons, you have to be promoted to deputy captive demon again, which is really time after time. Refresh my knowledge of you! "

Xiao Hua heard it, and smiled in a hurry, and said with a hurry: "Isn't it all the blessing of the adult? Without the guidance of the adult, how could it be possible to make such a military achievement?"

"You say that too!" Wang Shengxing, the sound-speaking king, smiled. "You are all related to this king. However, as far as I know, you deputy captive demon is different from other warlords and you want to lead troops, Si Nankong. I have a headache this time. "

"What's wrong?" Xiao Huaqi said, "What's the problem with Master Sinan?"

"Although the award hasn't come down yet, Yong Yao can get the military credit first," said Wang Shenghang, the shooter, with a smile. "Why can't this king take the seal of the deputy captive demon first? It's just that Bingshu Palace made it clear that they only gave you Yinxi, I will not give you a warrior! "

"I go!"

Xiao Hua understood the plan of Bingshu Palace in an instant, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart, and he was deliberately hiding the 120 billion fairy soldiers, but ... he still did not escape from these soldiers. The palm of the child, an empty captive demon handsome seal, forced him to spit out this 1.2 trillion fairy soldier from his pocket!

This is the height of the devil and the height of the devil!

"Fuck, stop ~" Xiao Hua was a little helpless and secretly said, "Take it out, take it out. The left and right are also the fairy soldiers who swear allegiance. It is no different from the private soldiers. know."

So Xiao Hua tentatively said, "Then will he be the next general?"

"Yeah, this is Si Nankong's headache!" She Sheng Wang Changxing smiled, "He has to find you some long domes, and those long domes are handsome, haha, who was your boss before, who Would you like to go to yours? "

"Hee hee, okay!" Xiao Hua smiled. "This matter will be handed over to Master Sinan. The worst is that he will just listen to the order under Master Sinan's account."

"This is impossible!" Sasheng Wang Changxing said, "You are so good at fighting good wars, beheading the son of the candlelight and the child of the breath that Taiji Mengyi Tianhong rushes to the most headache, how could the Bingshugong Palace let you let Ma Nanshan? "

"Okay, okay ~" Xiao Hua suddenly felt his brain hurt.

"Don't get cheap and sell well!" Shesheng Wang Changxing said lightly, "No one in the team will be a fool. Yu Honghai repeatedly asks you about the trillion fairy soldiers, even he doesn't believe in trillions. The whole army of immortals is destroyed, how could the Bingshugong believe it? Just a battle report for you? And hold it ... "

Saying ~ ~ Shesheng Wang Changxing threw an Yingzhao Yinxi to Xiao Hua: "There will be trillions of trillions in this battle. How many can get this thing? You are nothing but A few years after joining the team, it has reached such a peak, not to say that they are me, and I dare not imagine it! "

"Thank you sir," Xiao Hua really had some resentment in his heart, and took the deputy captive demon seal, and could only bow down to salute.

"Your army is rushing back from the boundary, and you will have your merits," said Wang Shenghang, the shooter. "Immediately rectify the team and return to the fairy boundary!"

"Yes, Master" Xiao Hua knew that this was the sound of Wang Changxing's protection for himself, and quickly agreed.

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below, for helping Xiao Zhenren to stop the poison and save the fairy world: Immortal Fist, Lao Jiu, Xiang Qing, Nandi Beima, please call me Master Shi, Dun Yu, Loritin, Nuo Lunxi, Pride Shenzhou, loyalty to God, Mao Lingzi, once looked forward to the present, busy man, Zfwz666, stupid Taoist, vanilla flavor, old high, small section of flowers, singing flute, ruthless, Dao Zun, dragon blood, tea egg eggs, Mo Yan Lose, Coke and Return!

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