Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2341: 5 yuan method

"Right right~" Huang Tong also took the opportunity to say, "Let's let the omnipotent Xiao Daoyou take action, let's not be self-defeating. By the way, Tianfeng, what does the Phoenix Station say?"

Tianfeng sneered and explained the reaction of the four elders.

Liu Yanyu raised her brows and smiled: "I remember Xiao Lang most likes to let people make choices, but he has one advantage, that is, before letting people choose, he should explain the causes and consequences of the choices as clearly as possible..."

Tianfeng sneered, and interrupted Liu Yanyu's words, and said, "May I ask them to go or not?"

Ye Jian hurriedly laughed and said, "Senior, the younger is an outsider, and may see a little clearer, so the younger only said four words!"

"You said~"

"Sorry about gains and losses!!!"

"Haha" Huang Tong said with a smile, "Guo deserves to be my big disciple. These four words are the essence, and the mood of the four elders of the Phoenix Terrace is suddenly highlighted."

Feng Wu also took the opportunity to persuade: "Ye Jian said that the Phoenix Terrace has just emerged from the Taodu Mountain Immortal Forbidden, and naturally wants to enjoy a period of freedom; and you don't explain the true purpose, let them guess for themselves, they naturally Don't dare to choose at will!"

"Speak a little bit more clearly," Ye Jian still laughed, "People are responsible for the fate of the entire Phoenix family, and of course they dare not decide anything!"

Tianfeng frowned and said, "What should I do then?"

Lu Shu smiled and said, "Senior, don't worry, according to the four elders' urination, they will definitely repeat the same tricks and send the Phoenix Saint..."

Lu Shu's words hadn't landed yet, a warlord flew outside the military tent and respectfully said: "I would like to ask Doumu Yuanjun, Phoenix Saintess Phoenix and Phoenix Son Feng Hu to see you."

"Haha~" Tianfeng listened and couldn't help laughing, "You human race, it's really amazing!"

What can Huang Shan and Feng Hu come to see Liu Yanyu do? It was just a few gifts, and after a moment of greeting, Huang Shan asked Tianfeng with a smile: "Senior, the younger generation sees that Little Caihuang has been practicing very fast recently. I don't know what chance Senior has given her?"

Tianfeng curled his lips and said, "What's the chance? It's nothing more than Yin and Yang cultivation. If you are interested, I can also arrange it for you."

When Huang Shan heard this, she smiled again and asked, "Can the saints of our Phoenix clan also be able to double cultivation?"

"Ahem!" Tianfeng was a little embarrassed and coughed slightly to cover up.

Feng Hu whispered: "Senior, the younger generation knows that you came out of the Phoenix Taiwan back then, not only because you are dissatisfied with the weakness of the Phoenix Taiwan ancestors, but also because you always don't want the treasures of our Phoenix family to fall into the hands of the Heavenly Palace..."

Hearing Feng Hu talking about Tiangong, Huang Shan next to Liu Yanyu blinked slightly to apologize.

Liu Yanyu smiled. There is already a new Chaotianque in the Immortal Realm space, and now Tianque also has the Pleiades, Shentu and Yu Lei. Why would she care about Fenghu's words?

"If you have something to say straight, let it go!" Tian Feng was a little impatient. He just faced the four elders, he took into account the haste, and did not say directly, but now facing the two juniors, he is not so polite.

It's just a word, and it's been three years!

"Okay!" Feng Hu nodded, "That junior said straightforwardly. I heard from seniors that I, the Phoenix clan, should have a better place to leave Phoenix Terrace! And this place should be the same as the Jianmu Alien Species that senior took away. Related?"

"Yes!" Tianfeng said impatiently, "I just took away the Jianmu alien species just to guard against the Tiangong, and then successfully cultivated the Jianmu alien species. I didn't know the effect of that place before, so I let Xiao Caihuang go. After a few years, how effective are you now, should you know?"

"Where is that?" Huang Shan asked.

"You don't have to know when you wait!" Tianfeng said, "You only know that it's a wood-built space, and it's a paradise for my Phoenix family!"

"Senior~" Feng Hu smiled bitterly, "This is the worry of the four elders!"

Tianfeng's eyes are like electricity, sweeping Feng Hu and Huang Shan, and coldly said: "Since you don't believe it, then don't say more, let the Phoenix family live and die in Taodu Mountain!"

After speaking, Tianfeng turned and flew out of the military account.

Ye Jian also said coldly: "What you said hurt Senior Tianfeng's heart!"

"I know!" Feng Hu said helplessly, "If I don't say it, I might ruin the Phoenix family."

Liu Yanyu looked at him, feeling a little thoughtful. At first, she thought Xiao Hua only had an immortal space. But later, I heard a disciple of the Good Fortune Sect talk about Saint Kun, who is Saint Kun, Liu Yanyu has never seen before.

It was Fairy Hongxia. Liu Yanyu had watched several times. Because it was in Xiao Hua Space, Liu Yanyu could feel the Xiao Hua aura in her, so she understood the relationship between Fairy Hong Xia and Xiao Hua.

However, Liu Yanyu also knew that Xiao Hua did not recognize Fairy Hongxia, which made her a little uncomfortable, so she knew some of the reasons from the conversations of Jiang Hong, Liu Yi and others.

She had suspected that Emperor Kun Sheng was in another space. With Tianfeng's Jianmu alien species, Liu Yanyu was almost certain that that space was Jianmu space!

Now that he knows, Liu Yanyu understands the scruples of the four elders of Phoenix Terrace even more. Entering the space, he gave his life to Tianfeng, and Tianfeng is a rebellious Feng clan, how dare they? ?

Only complete trust can open the door to Jianmu Space!

So Liu Yanyu smiled and said, "Isn't it easy?"

"Oh?" Huang Shan's eyes lit up, and begged, "Master Doumu Yuanjun has a clever plan? Please ask me!"

"Phoenix Terrace remains in Taodu Mountain," Liu Yanyu said, "In Jianmu Space, build another Phoenix Terrace and create another one!"

"This...this is a bit rebellious!" Feng Hu muttered.

"Hey~" Liu Yanyu said, "Since that's the case, let's get the second best. Isn't it that some of the other Fengyu Nine youngsters choose to enter the Jianmu Space?"

"This is a good idea~" Huang Shan nodded her head slightly, "It's just that it will upset Senior Feng Xiao?"

"Since he can come all the way..." Liu Yanyu smiled and said, "I have already planned to leave the phoenix clan with the seedlings, how could I not agree? It's just a face, and there are early punishments!"

"Yeah!" Huang Shan nodded again and again, "This lord should rest assured that I will be in charge of Feng Hu in the next session of the Phoenix Stage, and we must redress the grievances for Senior Feng Xiao."

"This empty mouth and white teeth!" Ye Jian almost didn't laugh, he looked at Lu Shu, Lu Shu was also a little hilarious.

"Okay, okay~" Feng Wu smiled, "Since you are willing, you can choose some Phoenix disciples and join Caihuang!"

"Thank you senior, thank you senior!"

Feng Hu and Huang Shan were overjoyed, and they said goodbye after thanking them.

Huang Tong and Fengwu also took Ye Jian with them. The unconscious Zhou Xiaoming was taken away by Lu Shu and Gu Shewan, leaving Liu Yanyu alone in the empty military tent.

Liu Yanyu first sacrificed the star palace seal, raised her hand a little, the starlight poured down like water, covering her surroundings, and then she was covered with starlight, a humanoid silhouette remained in the military tent, and her body had entered the fairyland space.

Liu Yanyu sat cross-legged in the starry sky, pinching the tactics with both hands, "Woo" the surrounding fairy mysterious light poured in madly, Liu Yanyu began to practice the ancient immortal clan exercises.

From the memories of more than one million immortals, Xiao Hua assembled the Primordial Immortal Clan's "Essence of Gods", "Essence of Yuan Qi", "Essence of the Primordial Spirit", "Essence of the Universe" and "Essence of Heaven and Earth" "And added other secret techniques based on memory, and merged them into the "Five Element Beginning Method"!

Liu Yanyu was originally a disciple of the ancient family, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has a long-standing foundation for training, and it is not worth the loss to change to "Xiu Shen Chang Jian" midway. What's more, in Xiao Hua's Immortal Realm space, Liu Yanyu didn't care about practicing anything, so Xiao Hua gave her the "Five Yuan Beginning Method" for her practice.

"Hey..." But after a moment of meditation, Liu Yanyu opened his eyes again, looking at the boundless space and the endless earth, and sighed in a low voice, "I don't know what happened to Xiao Lang, I didn't know each other's intentions before, and there was always concern. Knowing that I miss each other; and then finally I can grind my ears and temples, and divide the two spaces, each with practice. It was not common at that time, but I knew that each other was busy, and it was nothing. Only now I have separated and I don’t know each other’s news. Separated, but knowing that each other is well, that is also happiness!"

At this time Xiao Hua was also quite helpless, he also wanted to figure it out, but unfortunately he couldn't do it...

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