Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2342: In distress

Suppose that that day, Xiao Hua saw the imprint of the first ancestor of the Feng clan appearing, and the supreme power of the demon league interface appeared, his heart moved, and he thought of what Yu Diel said when he entered the Dragon Region with the Kunwu Sword.

Xiao Hua originally thought that Kunwu Sword was nothing more than Kunwu Dragon Realm, but when he was sent into the Dragon Realm space, the jade **** unexpectedly found a very terrifying aura in Kunwu Dragon Realm.

And this aura, even the Jade Diablo Xiao Hua could not perceive it, that is, as the master of the Dragon Realm space, the Jade Diablo could perceive all dragon-related auras, and this could be vaguely perceivable.

At that time, Xiao Hua and Jade Diaman didn't know what this breath was, but they felt that this breath should be able to restrain the Molongjian and the pitch black dragon, and then they were sent to the dragon space to warm up.

Seeing the aura of the first ancestor of the Feng Clan, Xiao Hua naturally thought of the similar aura in Kunwu Dragon. At the same time, he also thought of the blood of the first demon, so he did not hesitate to sacrifice the Kunwu sword!

Sure enough, the breath of the ancestor of the dragon in the inner part appeared, and the life and death of the ancestor of the Feng clan was blocked!

Afterwards, the golden light converged, Xiao Hua followed the Kunwu sword and was wrapped in golden light, and fell into a place full of blue light!

The eyes were full of blue light, Xiao Hua couldn't perceive the existence of his physical body, and Kun Wu Jian didn't know when he had already let go.

"This...Where is this??"

Xiao Hua was extremely surprised. While thinking about it, he was urging the way to watch and come, but unfortunately, let alone watch and come, it is to develop thoughts. The naked eye is useless.

Xiao Hua felt like a lonely soul floating at the end of the world!

Suddenly, there seemed to be a sound like an earthquake from the sky. The sound was ancient and vicissitudes. It had no rhythm. It was not the words of the human race or the monster race, but Xiao Hua could hear it clearly. It was from the first ancestor of the Feng race. Voice: "Dragon, are you there?"

"Why can't I be here? But it's strange, I shouldn't be here..."

This voice is the voice of the ancestor of the Dragon Race in Kunwu Dragon. It is equally obscure and has no syllables, but it falls in Xiao Hua's ears and can be heard clearly, "...maybe because of some cause and effect in the younger generation, I left a mark... "

"No wonder... the past battle... I seem to have forgotten something, but mention..."

"...I'm also very strange, I'm also sleeping, but suddenly I noticed a fresh dragon domain, this dragon domain goes to the air to nourish my mark. Moreover, I also perceive a fresh phoenix land..."

"Oh? Where?? My mark is about to dissipate..."

Afterwards, the voice disappeared, and Xiao Hua immediately perceives his physical body!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua understood. This should be where the Feng Clan's first ancestor imprinted him. The Feng Clan’s first ancestor took himself and Kunwu sword into it. At this time, the Feng Clan’s first ancestor and the Dragon ancestor left.

Where are they going?

Need to say?

One is to the dragon domain space, the other is to the demon league space.

Thinking that his own space has now become a place where others have their own access, Xiao Hua is also somewhat helpless.

No way, the thirteen-winged angels, the ancestors of the dragon clan, and the ancestors of the phoenix clan, none of them can be provoke!

"How to leave?"

"Or wait for the first ancestor of the Feng clan to return?"

Xiao Hua hesitated, then he urged his figure to look around.

Unfortunately, the immortal power, soul power, laws, etc. are all nothing within this mark!


Xiao Huafu's Zhixintong, incarnate as Fengwu, let out a startled cry, spreading his wings and flying high.

Sure enough, the phoenix body can fly in space, but powerful forces are born around it!

Xiao Hua spread his wings and crossed his knees for a moment, and already understood that the source of strength was this blue light.

But where did Cyan Light come from?

Xiao Hua spread his wings and flew high for several days, but he could not see the end of the sky, nor the source of the blue light.


Earlier, Xiao Hua thought that there was the Law of Sumi in the space, but he was flying in the air. He suddenly woke up, stopped, looked down at the phoenix body, looked around, and whispered, "This...this is the law of time. ??"

Sure enough, there were heavy phoenix feather-like ripples all over the area where Xiao Hua stopped. Every time Xiao Hua flew over a heavy ripple, some black and white debris would fall all over his body.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to fly anymore. He didn't fully control the law of space, so how could the elusive law of time appear again?

Moreover, the ripples of the laws of this world are obviously different from the time rings of Luliu Linggen. If I am lost in this time ripple, I am afraid that I can't return to Taodu Mountain!

"The law of time here should be used by the first ancestors of the Feng clan..." Xiao Hua looked at Feng Yu as engraved in the blue space, and thought to himself, "It can survive the long years and will not disappear with this thing."

"But, how did the ripples spread in this time?"

Xiao Hua knows that even the law of time is not a tree without roots, there must be a source!

"If you want to get out of this mark, you can only find the root of the time ripples!"

"Since you can no longer travel through time ripples, you can only use the laws of space within this time!"

Xiao Hua already understood that the reason why he was able to travel through the ripples of time was because there were fragments of the law of time in his body. This thing... has advantages and disadvantages!

Using the law of space within the ripples of time, what Xiao Hua can do is to cross dimensions!

"Should we go to higher dimensions or lower dimensions?"

Xiao Hua thought about it a little, and he laughed at himself: If you want to trace the root, naturally you have to go to the lower dimension. Where is the higher dimension without the lower dimension?

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua used the power of the law to travel through the low-dimensional space!

An extremely weird scene appeared, and Xiao Hua seemed not to move, but a cyan microwave was suddenly set off from his standing still figure, and circles of figure phantom appeared in the microwave.

And when this figure phantom reached ninety-nine eighty-one, the outer figure phantom began to wither, so as the phantom continued to appear, the outer phantom continued to wither.

Xiao Hua's figure is still motionless!

Xiao Hua's figure became smaller and smaller, and her body shape looked like a squeezed spiral.

When it reached the extreme, "Om~" bloomed like flowers again, and Xiao Hua's figure grew rapidly, and as Xiao Hua's figure grew, the blooming blue light washed around like water.

The surrounding phoenix feathers began to dim, and finally changed.

In the end, Feng Yu's ripples disappeared, and a blue tree branch appeared in front of Xiao Hua!

"I go!!"

Xiao Hua never thought that it was such a thing in the end!

The tree branches are nothing special except for the cyan color. Even the cyan light spreading across the space seems to have nothing to do with the tree branches.

But Xiao Hua clearly knew that this tree branch must be the source of time ripples and space imprints. If you want to get out of here, you can only rely on this thing!

Xiao Hua deliberately dripped a drop of blood, but he was afraid that stealing the chicken would not eat the rice and anger the first ancestor of the Feng clan, so he fell to the side of the tree branch, hesitated for a moment, and used the technique of seeing and coming.

I don't know, the branch of the tree does not exist in the art of watching!


Xiao Hua tried to restore his human form, raising his hand to touch the tree branch.

"Smack~" The tree branches flicked, and a real fire of nine suns that could burn the sky hit Xiao Hua's body!

"Oh, it's not good!" Xiao Hua felt that the soul, the physical body, and even everything had the meaning of withering, and he was shocked. He couldn't think that this thing was so powerful, and he couldn't touch it lightly with his own mixed power!

Xiao Hua hurriedly urged the power of the law to extinguish the true fire of the Nine Suns, but the true fire was already contaminated, and Xiao Hua found that he was powerless!

"We must rely on external forces!"

Xiao Hua hurriedly raised his head and looked at the tree branch at the other end. If nothing else, there should be something that could be really hot.

However, where Xiao Hua reached out, there was an invisible barrier blocking his hand!

"Damn it!"

Xiao Hua knew that there was already Nine Suns True Fire in his body, and the force of law did not allow him to touch another tree branch!


Xiao Hua was anxious, and immediately thought of Liu Yanyu. He hurriedly wanted to fall into the space, but he felt it. UU read www. can vaguely perceive space, but the space is chaotic, and there is no way to tell where Liu Yanyu is.

Xiao Hua's soul flew away. He knew that space was now under the chaotic time ripples and space laws, and he couldn't find Liu Yanyu in his own mind!

When it was in crisis, Xiao Hua felt a bit of Phoenix blood!

"Fairy Hongxia!"

Xiao Hua was overjoyed, he couldn't care about anything, and tried his best to send the Phoenix blood.

When the human form appeared, it was indeed Fairy Hongxia, but looking at Fairy Hongxia with multiple shadows in front of him, Xiao Hua couldn't tell where she was and when she was rippled!

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