Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2386: Strange female fairy

Xiao Hua himself didn't know that this blue light was Xiao Hua's deduction of the middle grade Shuyu Jue, and it was also the condensing of the budding Lihue comprehension in the language. It may be the shortcoming of Shu Yu Jue, or the key to Confucianism. .

After that, Xiao Hua simply put down the experience of Shu Yu Jue and Lu Huo, and got out of his mind. He still got into the green willow, and continued to take the bronze beads of "Hongbao Wen Yunzhang", while comprehending the rhyme and comprehension. Blended characters, law stickers, etc.

"Mixed words?"


Seeing Xiao Hua's mind, as the rhyme turned into a green willow, Xiao Hua suddenly laughed. He looked at the three figures of people in the sky and said, "Pan Dao understands, those three blue lights are fundamental There is no need to merge. Confucianism emphasizes superposition, not the fusion of Taoism. The superposition of the three azure lights is the rhyme of the azure word! This...should also be the source of the emergence of conjugated characters."

The last problem was solved, and Xiao Hua continued to practice.

This is another four hundred thousand years!

On this day, the green willow forest suddenly stood still, the wind was not up, and the willow leaves did not fall, Xiao Hua got up and flew out, and took a look at the place where he had his flesh.

Sure enough, the embryonic formation in the middle dantian was complete, and Xiao Hua's unique rhyme had reached a state similar to that of Hunyuan.

Of course, this kind of Hunyuan realm is nothing but consummation, and there is no cultural power, and the next germination, branching, etc., is the process of the growth of the rhyme and the formation of the three-flower cultural power.

Xiao Hua's mind fell into the flesh, and he did not hesitate to urge Shu Yu Jue. Of course, Wen Chi was already different from the Lan Family's secrets, and there was more understanding of Luhu in it.

At the same time that Wen Chi drew it, Xiao Hua hesitated whether to sacrifice Luhu.

It is undeniable that with the help of Lvwu, Xiao Hua's literary germination must be normal.

But Xiao Hua thought for a while and strangled this idea. Since Luhu is a Hongbao, there must be other Confucian rhymes in it. Under this rhyme, the rhyme of his own language will definitely wave his hand.

And since your own rhyme is going to be one of the fortunes of Zhou Tian, ​​it is better to keep your own uniqueness.

At the beginning of the painting, Wen Chi was just the flow of the rhyme within the embryo, still like the overflow of blue light on Xiao Hua's body, one divided into two, two divided into three...

When the rhyme is turned into one hundred and three thousand two hundred Dao, it has reached Xiao Hua's limit.

Xiao Hua settled in his heart, received the Shuyu Jue, and began to comprehend the law.

And within the tiny embryo, multiple visions of orderly reorganization of the worlds of space began to appear.

Wen Yun is no better than Qing Guang. It is not easy to control all kinds of things. Xiao Hua was just as strenuous as Qing Guang to evolve at the beginning. After tens of thousands of years, Xiao Hua suddenly let go, Ren Wenyun evolved heavily, and Xiao Hua only incorporated his own insights.

There is naturally the imprint of Xiao Hua's soul in Wen Yun, and the sentiment falls in. The 133,200 Tao Wen Yun began to do its own thing, seemingly out of Xiao Hua's control.

"Dao Fa is natural!"

Xiao Hua was not in a hurry, and his mind escaped, and Ren Wenyun was in the embryo, overflowing with mystery.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to go far, so he stayed near.

Perceiving the innate aura mixed with the breath of green willow, Xiao Hua's mind was calm again, and he immediately began to practice "Hongbao Wenyun Zhang".

Xiao Hua used cyan light to realize that it took ten thousand years before, so he felt that the real germination of literary rhyme this time was only 100,000 years at best, but he knew that this brewing was another 500,000 years.

I don't know where it started, an inexplicable evolution, and a strange rhyme disappeared. Even if Xiao Hua paid attention, he didn't know when and where it happened.


Xiao Hua was overjoyed, knowing that although the time was long, he could still act according to his previous experience. As long as there is time to accumulate, buds can be expected.

But at this time, Xiao Hua's mind was already unable to wait, he looked up at Lin Quan Gao Yitu with a bitter smile, his mind fell into the flesh, urging his figure to fly out.

Outside the Yupu, a blue disciple was standing in the air, frowning and looking around. Seeing Xiao Hua flying out and hurriedly falling, he said, "Xiao Wenyou, do you remember me?"

Xiao Hua also politely said: "It turned out to be Lan Fenglan Wenyou. When the Japanese literary friend sent the niche to the Bound Feather Villa, the niche is still vivid!"

"Hey~" Lan Feng smiled awkwardly. Just about to speak, he was suddenly surprised. He looked at Xiao Hua up and down in surprise and said, "Xiao Wenyou, did you become a Mo Immortal? And it seems that you are still forming a embryo? "

"Does the literary friend don't know?" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "If a disciple with a foreign surname arrives in the Xuanpu, if he doesn't worship the Lan family, he will abolish his cultivation?

"What?" Lan Feng exclaimed, "Is there anything else? I'm sorry, I...I really don't know!"

"It's okay, it's okay," Xiao Hua waved his hand. "This is all the past. What happened to Wenyou this time?"

"Oh, that's it!" Lan Feng took a deep breath and said, "Xuanpu is a kind of jade boy, your name is on the list, maybe I haven't seen you in a long time, so I volunteered to come and have a look!"

"That's it!" Xiao Hua smiled. It seemed that Lan Cheng and the others were very well informed, so they said, "How can you compare it?"

"The jade in your jade garden is mature, right?"


"Well, I can take this jade garden with me!"

Speaking, Lan Feng raised his hand and gave out a handkerchief. The handkerchief turned into a big hand like a cloud and fell on Xiao Hua’s immortal forbidden. Seeing that the big hand was about to grab the Yupu, Xiao Hua hurriedly waved his hand and took away the immortal forbidden. .

"Let's go!" Lan Feng shook his hand and took the handkerchief, without exploring, crimson clouds were born under him, and said to Xiao Hua, "I will take you to Xiaobi!"

Xiao Hua actually didn't want to go, after all, he was budding.

But he also knew that Xiaobi's result was related to the top grade Shuyu Jue. If he wanted to continue practicing quietly and grind in the heavenly court, he would have to follow Lan Feng.

Lan Feng was still as quiet as before, but after asking a few questions about Xiao Hua's current situation, he stopped talking.

Xiao Hua noticed the changes in the language in his dantian, and saw that there was no change, but he was relieved.

After flying for half an hour, I arrived at a depression.

At this time, in the middle of the mountain valley, there was already a platform of condensed jade, on which a lot of clouds were neatly lined up. Lan Feng came close and smiled: "Xiao Wenyou is free, I will pay the order."

Xiao Hua's clone landed on the rock, Lan Feng continued to fly up to the jade stone, asked for the number plate from an old man, and patted it on the cloud made of the handkerchief in his hand. The cloud also floated to the jade, and other clouds. Line up together.

"Xiao Wenyou" Lan Feng flew to Xiao Hua, handed a number plate with one hundred and thirty-seven to Xiao Hua, and said, "This is your number plate. Appreciation of beautiful jade only looks at the number plate, not your name. There are other things, after Xiaobi, I will find you again!"

After that, without waiting for Xiao Hua to say anything, he hurriedly said goodbye.

After Lan Feng left, Xiao Hua looked around. There were tens of thousands of disciples gathered in Shanwa, and there seemed to be an endless stream of disciples flying in. These disciples gathered in groups of three or five. Although lively, they were not messy, Xiao Hua didn't know anyone, so he simply sat down at will, lying on the rocks, squinting at the unknown sun in the sky.

The sun in the heaven is as gentle as jade, not strong, Xiao Hua looked at it, and suddenly had an idea in his heart, the qi immortal of the Taoist immortal realm cultivates immortal vitality, and the true immortal cultivates the profound light of the immortal. Why can’t the heaven use the sun to grow Where is jade?

Of course, this was just an idea. Xiao Hua hadn't obtained the complete Shuyu Jue yet, so naturally he didn't know what else was behind.

Then Xiao Hua thought about this thousand and six hundred years of cultivation. This was definitely one of the quietest cultivation times since he set foot in the immortal world, and he was even more aware of the importance of this quietness to the recovery of his Hunyuan Immortal power. UU Reading

Hun Yuan’s cultivation is really too difficult. It is comparable to that from Qi Refining to Taiyi, a demon alliance that ordinary immortals can’t dream of, Shiguang casting the soul, only allows Xiao Hua to take a few steps on the path of Hun Yuan. , Didn't even cross a small realm.

Planting jade for ten thousand years is not only the sowing and budding of cultural seeds, but also the wipe of the mood.

"This literary friend~" Xiao Hua was thinking about it when a strange woman's voice sounded nearby, "Can I lie down here for a while?"

Xiao Hua looked up, but saw a beautiful woman wearing a Confucian costume standing next to him.

"This~" This is the first female fairy that Xiao Hua met in Heavenly Court. He didn't know how the Heavenly male fairy and female fairy would get along, he hesitated, and said, "Isn't it appropriate for men and women to give or receive? "

"What kind of man and woman can't kiss me!" The female fairy sneered, sat down, and lay on her back, looking at the sky and said, "I'm going, it's quite comfortable!"

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