Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2418: Waves gradually

"Then why did he let me wait to pay attention to Sanyu Peak?"

   Du Feng was even more puzzled, "That's where the Lan family disciples' secret cultivation is located. If nothing else, Yue Yichun and Lan Zhan should be practicing jade-planting skills in it at this time, waiting to participate in the group jade building competition."

"Yeah, this is what I have been unable to understand~" The middle-aged beautiful woman also had doubts in her eyes, "Yue Yichun and Lan Zhan are clearly at Sanyu Peak, but Lan Fan is urging Liu Chen Du Yunlan in the clan. What idea did he make? Could it be that he found a way to greatly improve the quality of the beautiful jade?"

"Madam~" Du Feng whispered, "Anyway, the Liuchen Dujun Basket has already been activated twice. If I want to rub the Liuchen Dujun Basket from my Du family, this is the best. opportunity!"

   "Huh!" The middle-aged beautiful woman snorted coldly, "More than that! This is the best time to kill the Lan family!"

Du Feng's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "No, if this is the urging of Liu Chen Du Jun basket twice, the Lan family will not only have thirty-six masters with no cultivation base, but their Lan family defensive immortal formation will also disappear. Exhausted! My Du family took the opportunity to attack, it is the perfect way to kill them!"

   "Stupid!" The middle-aged beautiful woman scolded, "You think Lan Fan is really stupid! He is a mystery and wants to lure my Du family into fools, coveting my Du family's Yongcheng Jixianlu!"

   "How come?" Du Feng scratched his head a little.

"First of all~" The middle-aged beautiful woman was calm for a while before she said, "Yue Yichun and Lan Zhan are no longer rivals for Du Zhong, Du Xin, and Zhao Linhong. This time the jade gambling game, my Du family is 70% sure. !"

   "Not 70%!" Du Feng smiled, "90%, have you seen Zhao Linhong's recent growth?"

"This is how good my Dujiayongcheng Jixianlu is!" The middle-aged beautiful woman nodded, "So after this Qunyulou competition, the Lan family's interests in Xuanpu will have to give me 30%, or even more. "

   "If you are an ordinary fairy, you must start as early as possible and get the first hand in the transaction, just like Lan Fan is doing now."

   "But how could this old fox like Lan Fan only have this hand? He must still have one hand, to save his own decay."

"Then the Yongcheng Jixianlu of my Du family may be the key to defeating him. If he sets a trap to get my Du family into the bait, wouldn't the Yongcheng Jixianlu of my Du family fall into his hands? "

   "If so, what if my Du family wins the jade competition?"

   "With the unchanging in response to all changes, with static braking, at the final critical moment, we must be stable and never fall into Lan Fan's calculations!"

   "Of course, you still have to stare at the Lan family to see if they have any abnormalities. You must report it to me as soon as possible!"

   Then the jade car turned around and flew away slowly.

   Du Feng did not fly away with the jade cart, but still stood in the distance, watching the fairy clouds in Xuanpu, with an unspeakable expression on his face.

   After about half a column of incense, a cloud of clouds flew out in the distance, and before it was closer, there was a one-foot-sized human figure inside. The figure looked at Du Feng and asked, "What did Dong Jing say?"

   "She still chose to stick to it!" Du Feng replied, "I didn't agree to attack!"

"Damn it!" The humanoid cursed in a low voice, "This Dong Jing really is the last of his old love, and she is reluctant to start with Lan Fan! The Lan family's Liuchen Duyun basket has been activated twice in a row, even if it is not a heavenly method, they His defense has also been greatly reduced! This is the best time to weaken the Lan family!"

   "Since, your Chen family is ready to start!" Du Feng smiled and said, "If the Lan family is destroyed, can the Chen family fight against the Du family?"

   "Hey, if my Chen family has this level of strength, can you still be stabilized by your Du and Lan families?"

   Du Feng closed his smile, squinted at the human figure, and said: "If my Du family falls into the Lan family's trap, will my strength be greatly reduced?"

   "Hey~" The figure smiled and said nothing.

   Du Feng said: "Perhaps my wife saw this and didn't dare to act rashly, right?"

   "What a pity!" The human figure sighed, and the condensed figure began to dissipate, "Lan Fan saw this, so he is so bold!"

They don’t know that Lan Fan is not only relying on this, he has long told Lan Ye that he must protect Sanyu Peak, and if the Lan family really encounters any attack and is in danger, Lan Ye must also do it. The crisis passed to Xiao Hua.

Because at this time, Lan Feng looked at Wen Jiao he had never seen before, as well as Wen Jiao, which clearly contained mystery, but it happened that Fengxian disciples could be spurred. How could this level of strength be simple The Yuqing people?

   "How~" Seeing Lan Ming fly over, Lan Fan asked with a smile, "Can the Du family be tempted?"

   "It's weird!" Lan Ming replied with a dazed expression, "Before there were temptations, this time I can avoid even temptations. I really don't know what they think!"

   "Don't take it lightly!" Lan Fan said with a confident smile, "The Du family will not, but the Chen family and the Xu family may have temptations. Don't let them see it as a flaw!"

   "It's all empty-cast, what's the flaw?"

   Lan Ming said, "I don't know where the Patriarch's confidence comes from. I'm already talking about my throat now, lest I hear the alarm!"

   "Haha, put your heart in your stomach!" Lan Fan laughed, "In a million years, this Xuanpu will be the only one of my Lan family!"

   Speaking of this, UU Reading Lan Fan remembered something and asked: "By the way, is there any news from the Luoyi Business Alliance?"

   "Yes," Lan Ming took out a Xiayun Festival and handed it to Lan Fandao, "Luoyi Commercial League is a commercial league near Baiyujing, far away from our Huangcheng, and their power can't reach Xuanpu."

   "Have you sent an invitation to them?"

   "I sent it out, but I'm not sure if they are willing to come over, after all, it's too far!"

   "This is about the development of my Lan family!" Lan Fan exhorted, "You must contact them, regardless of the cost, you can even give them all the beautiful jade of our Lan family in Xuanpu!"

   "Is it impossible?" Lan Ming exclaimed, "If all these beautiful jade are given to them, what about other business alliances?"

   "It's just a possibility!" Lan Fan said with a smile, "As you said, the scale of the Luoyi Business League will not be very large, and they can't eat so many beautiful jade!"

   While Lan Ming was speaking, Yunxia flew from a distance, and Lan Yue, who had not been seen for a long time, flew back with a smile.

   "I have seen the Patriarch~" Lan Yue hurriedly gave a salute before arriving.

   "Elder Yue has worked hard!" Lan Fan raised Lan Yue and said, "Is this trip going well?"

   "Fortunately, I am not insulted!" Lan Yue took out a Xiayun Festival and handed it over, and said, "This is the list of disciples recruited from Wuyun City this time. The number has doubled compared to previous years!"

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