Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2584: Love Poison, Red Cliff Vision



Xiao Hua interrupted Li Nianxiao and Yinghuo's solitude, and said, "Xiao has just received news that the Lingxu City we have been to has disappeared!"

"If you disappear, disappear?"

Yinghua wondered, "There are many cities and towns disappearing every day in the Heavenly Court, like the small remote town just now, it's normal to disappear!"

"The town can disappear,"

Xiao Hua asked, "What about people?"


Yinghuo seems to have never thought about this problem, she blurted out, "Escaped?"

"The people in Lingxu City have also disappeared!"

"No way!"

Yinghuo was also surprised, "They wouldn't be so unlucky, they encountered natural disasters as soon as we left..."

At this point, Yinghuo suddenly understood something, and her voice suddenly became low: "...human disaster..."

"Nangong Shiru!!"

Li Nianxiao shouted without thinking, "It must be him!"

"No, no~"

Yinghuo shook her head vigorously, and said, "No matter how far he is, he is also a Taiqing Tianxian, how could he attack those Fengxu in Lingxu City?"

"Do you know Nangong Shiru?"

Li Nianxiao looked at Yinghuo and asked.

"No...I don't really understand~"

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Yinghuo shook his head again, but still defended, "But it's human life, the outstanding disciple cultivated by the Nangong family can't rush human life!"

"These are all your guesses!"

Li Nianxiao sneered, "It's not a fact! Just as you just said, your painting a pie, and your vision is far from keeping up with reality!"

"I said it before!!!"

Yinghuo shouted hysterically, "This is your majesty's will. Under this world, who can go against his will?"

"Even if I fled to Qunyu City, he can still chase after him; I just relied on your majesty's love to make me a little bit temperamental!"

"I will return to Akagi after all to participate in the big wedding celebration that belongs to me!!"

Yinghuo said, tears streaming down her face, no matter how she looked at it, she didn't miss the imperial nobles, she looked like Jiaohe in the rain.

"Are you satisfied with what I said?"

"Don't talk about resisting power, don't talk about pursuing freedom, don't talk about encouraging bullshit!"

"Do you think I don't want to?"

"Can I?"

"Dare I?"

Yinghuo suddenly lost control of his emotions and caught Li Nianxiao off guard. He stood there blankly, not knowing how to comfort him.


Yinghuo burst into tears, grabbed Li Nianxiao's wrist, and bit down!

Li Nianxiao did not dare to use immortal power, Ren Yinghuo bit his wrist to bleed!


Yinghuo tasted the blood in her mouth, and distressed in her eyes. She kicked Li Nianxiao's body and said, "You can't hide!"

After speaking, Yinghuo urged her figure to fly forward!


Xiao Hua sighed, and kicked Li Nianxiao who was tumbling in the air, and said, "Hurry up and accompany her and watch Red Cliff one last time!"

Yinghuo's attitude towards Lingxu City made Xiao Hua very unhappy. He knew that Yinghuo's background was similar to that of Liu Yanyu and Princess Zixia, but she was far inferior to Liu Yanyu and Zixia, not Li Nian and Xiao Liang. , If she sent Yingzhuo to Cai Zhuoxia and Li Zongbao, Cai Zhuoxia would definitely scold herself.

"Yes, Uncle~"

Li Nianxiao's thoughts were actually similar to Xiao Hua's, so when he heard Xiao Hua's words, his heart was dark.

Seeing the two flying away in tandem, Xiao Hua was naturally uneasy, and hurriedly sent a figure from Lin Quan Gao Yi's map to follow.

The left and right Red Cliffs were not far away, and Xiao Hua was not afraid of any danger.

The shadow body just flew away, "Gah~" a bird crowed in the distance!

But seeing an unknown pink fairy poultry warehouse flying over in panic, above the fairy poultry, a beautiful Taiqing female fairy with a pale face.

"Stop coming!!"

The Taiqing female fairy was in shock, and she immediately shouted when she saw Xiao Hua.

"Literature friends~"

Xiao Hua hurriedly stopped jiyán (jiyán), wonderingly, "Are you doing anything?"

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay~"

The female fairy of Taiqing saw that Xiao Hua was more than chanting, and there were not enough immortals, so she waved her hand casually, "I read it wrong!"

Xiao Hua clearly saw the female fairy's three flowers withered, and frowned, "What did you think wrong?"


The female fairy of Taiqing had a good temper, and she did not ignore Xiao Hua's strength, but explained in a few words, "If you are not strong enough, there will be no danger. However, you must also remember to leave after playing Red Cliff. Branches!"

After finishing speaking, the Taiqing female fairy didn't say much, urging the fairy bird under her body to leave in a hurry!

"There is no danger in lack of strength!"

Xiao Hua touched his nose, secretly said, "Could it be that the strength is strong, but it is dangerous?"

Xiao Hua keenly felt that the warning of the Taiqing female fairy might be related to the silky confinement of the world that she had encountered before, but unfortunately, at this moment, that confinement is about to disappear without a trace!

Xiao Hua's realm of Confucianism is indeed low, but he has the strength of a "sage" in his mind, and his body is a middle-level Hunyuan. If such strengths dare not move forward, then...what strength can enter Red Cliff?

However, Xiao Hua cautiously sent a figure out to let him fly out of the red world with the Taiqing female fairy.

Then Xiao Hua continued to move forward, and gradually saw other immortals in mid-air.

There are not many immortals, but most of them are men and women. It seems that there is some story in Hongya that attracts lovers.

Xiao Hua recalled the Hongya Travel Notes given by Yinghuo, but there was no such record in it.

At this time, Xiao Hua discovered that the white pillars between the sky and the earth were almost gone, replaced by a red cliff.

These cliffs are intermittent, high or low, all over the world. The men and women immortals Xiao Hua saw fall on these cliffs.

Yinghuo and Li Nianxiao obviously didn't have this kind of sentiment. One bowed his head and flew forward, and the other followed behind, refusing to catch up completely!

Xiao Hua knew that the two had been poisoned by love.

However, it seems that the poisoning is still shallow, and if you rein in time, there is still a rescue.

Yinghuo finally stopped and fell on a crimson cliff, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, she opened her eyes wide and looked at the ground in front of her head, and the magnificent scene was reflected in her eyes.

Li Nianxiao naturally followed, and his face also showed surprise!

Only Xiao Hua looked at the countless Hongyun flying around her head lonely, wondering what they saw!

Seeing many men and women in pairs standing on the red cliff and watching, Xiao Hua also took the jiyán (jiyán) and landed on a red cliff.

Xiao Hua just stood still, "Boom boom boom~"

The sound of the sea tidal sound rang in his ears, and in front of his eyes, there were more than a million meters of red sand, like the sea like a tidal wave in the sky and the earth.

The red sand alone would not surprise the immortals. When Xiao Hua took a closer look, there were golden iron horses in the red sand, the clinking golden sounds of the frosty glacier, and the light and the red sleeves that added fragrance to the silk. Silky tenderness, all kinds of rare strange scenes in the heavens are blowing, even Xiao Hua will inevitably be excited!

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