Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2585: Supreme Sun Moon Hun Yuan Sutra

[Renren Novel Network]

"No wonder~"

Xiao Hua sighed, "This Red Cliff's Hongyun is weird, and it has the effect of bewitching the spirits. It's no wonder that even the emperor and nobles like Yinghuo came here admiringly!"

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua naturally performed the technique of seeing and coming.


Standing on the Red Cliff, Xiao Hua saw that there was a red stele at the end of all kinds of Hongyun!

It's just that the red stele disappeared in a flash, and Xiao Hua's technique of seeing and coming could not be seen clearly.

Xiao Hua thought about it a little, and his figure flickered, leaving the red cliff and flying towards the depths of Hong Yun!

Xiao Hua flew over the red rocks, and immediately felt wind around him!

This wind is not a simple wind, but the impact of Hongyun!


Xiao Hua smiled and led these Hong Yun to fall into his sleeves, where Lin Quan Gao Yitu was.

Hong Yun rushed into Linquan Gaoyitu, and then fell into the green willow forest, being absorbed by the flower bone flower that condensed the past, present and future together.

As a result, the Red Dust Soul in Huaguduo multiplied crazily!

Looking at these, Xiao Hua had a hint of understanding. The result of his own cultivation of flowers may not lie in his own cultivation, but in the maturity of the world of the Red Dust Soul. This mirrors Xiao Hua's own mixed-element cultivation!

Since it was useful for his own cultivation, Xiao Hua flew towards the distant red stele without hurriedly, and left Nianxiao and Yinghuo neither.

Even Xiao Hua was sure, Yinghuo wished that she would never go back.

"Fate, wonderful!"

Xiao Hua flew, smiling at the corners of his mouth, and inexplicably produced a song in his mind, "Sister, sit on the bow, brother, I walk on the shore..."

Are not Li Nianxiao and Yinghuo at this stage?

I don't know how long it has been flying, Xiao Hua suddenly frowned, and his figure stopped because he saw a faint human figure in the diagonal thorn.

"Excuse me~"

Xiao Hua inspected Zuo Jin and knew that Fei Tai Qing Tianxian could not approach him, so he asked in a low voice, "Which literary friend is here?"

I don't know that the figure did not answer.

Xiao Hua thought for a while, and tentatively said: "If you want to explore, please ask your literary friend to speak out!"

Seeing the human figure and still not speaking, Xiao Hua flew in that direction while showing his ordinary clear eyes.

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The light of clear eyes swept away, and there was nothing unusual there, but to be partial, Xiao Hua saw with naked eyes, the human form became clearer!


Xiao Hua muttered in his heart and continued to fly closer.

Sure enough, the human form was a handsome young man, sitting cross-legged, his hands seemed to be painted with text, but it was just a solid human form, not a real flesh.

"Literary friends?"

Xiao Hua stood in front of the young man and yelled softly, "May you see Xiaosheng?"

The young man turned a deaf ear to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, but did not dare to bother, and flew away tiptoe.

After all, he didn't know what was going on with Hong Yun. If he disturbed Hong Yun, it might affect other people's cultivation!

Just after Xiao Hua flew away, a weird scene happened. The young man stopped casting the spell and looked a little strangely at the place where Xiao Hua stood just now. He said something. Seeing that the mouth shape should be: "A literary friend?"

"Are you talking about Xiaosheng?"

"Xiaosheng can see literary friends!"

"Hehe, presumably the literary friend also came to Hongya Xiaotian to comprehend the "Tai Shang Sun Moon Hun Yuan Jing"?"

"But it seems that the literary friend doesn’t know the strangeness of this Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm. The literary friend can hear the niche, and the niche can see the literary friend, but you and I don’t really see it, but through... Insinuation!!!"

"So, there are differences and differences between what you and I say and what you see, and even misunderstandings..."

It is a pity that Xiao Hua didn't know this, he had already turned and left.

It's just that the moment the young man spoke, Xiao Hua's vest sweated, and he felt a sense of horror!

"what happened?"

Xiao Hua stopped in shock, but when he looked back, the figure of the young man was gone.

Xiao Hua was about to fly over to investigate, his face was even more shocked, and he looked far away, because the figure he had left outside of the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm lost its sense at the same time!

"I go!"

Xiao Hua whispered, "It looks like this Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm is really dangerous!"

"What's the secret?"

Xiao Hua's eyes rolled, and there was enlightenment in his heart. Lan Yu asked his reincarnation body, Zhou Xiaoming, to come over, afraid it was because of this secret?

Unfortunately, today Zhou Xiaoming is unconscious and only Xiao Hua has done the work for him.

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua hurriedly sent Zhou Xiaoming out of the space.

It's just that Zhou Xiaoming's figure fell between the heavens and the earth, Hong Yun was like the wind, he did not change in any way.

Xiao Hua knew that the opportunity hadn't arrived, so he put Zhou Xiaoming in his sleeves and moved on by himself.

The red stele in the distance is like the scarlet of the setting sun, some eye-catching, and even more intimidating.

After flying for another half an hour, Xiao Hua found a human figure wearing a cloak sitting cross-legged in the sky.

Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, and finally urged his figure to pass. To Xiao Hua's surprise, the middle-aged man in the distance had just urged his figure to stand up, as if raising his hand in return, and then lifted his cloak to reveal He looks like a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man said something blankly on his face.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly flew over, and raised his hand to salute: "Friends of literature, is Xiao Hua polite, UU reading Xiaosheng?"

Then, Xiao Hua was afraid of the middle-aged people’s misunderstanding, and even left in a hurry. Then he laughed and said with a smile: "Xiaosheng wants to inquire, is there anything special about this Red Cliff Little Heaven? What is the literary friend here to learn... …"

In fact, when Xiao Hua just talked about the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm, some ethereal voices came over: "...Xiao Sheng is...into the "Tai Shang Sun Moon Hun Yuan Jing",... Sanhua Divine Soul...relevant, hehe, it is said that a Taoist immortal came here...they mixed element...xuanyuan...heaven..."

With that, the middle-aged man raised his cloak again, covered himself, and continued to sit down.

Xiao Hua was confused, but seeing the middle-aged man sitting down again, he had to raise his hand to say goodbye and flew away.

It can’t be said that Xiao Hua didn’t gain anything. He at least knew what "The Supreme Sun and Moon Hunyuan Scripture" could be comprehended in this red cliff small sky, and the Hunyuan immortal of Dao Xianjie had also come; Xiao Hua guessed that since this "Sutra of the Supreme Sun and Moon Hunyuan Sutra" is related to the Confucian Soul of the Three Flowers, then there is Xuanyuantian within the Soul of the Hunyuan Immortal, and he can naturally understand it.

Xiao Hua flew forward, and encountered dozens of figures, either male or female, some of them showed their appearances, and some of them were covered with writing instruments, and could not see their appearances, but without exception they ignored Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua didn't think it was strange, and he still flew forward to find the location of the red monument.

At this time, the surrounding sky and the earth became more and more red as blood, and in the sky, huge cloud pillars were twisted and traversed from east to west. On the earth, huge mountains stretched across the north and south.

The silky pressure on Xiao Hua's body began to heavier.

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