Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2613: Lanjingtongyou



Xiao Hua still nodded with a smile, looked around and said, "Friends of Daoist come here now, I'm afraid there are other things, right?"

"Senior if it's convenient~"

Ximen Fengyun tentatively asked, "How about looking for a quiet place to speak?"


Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "Xiao still wants to wait for someone!"

"Oh oh~"

Ximen Fengyun woke up and said, "If you want to wait for someone from the Nangong family, I am afraid you will be disappointed."


Xiao Huaqi said, "Don't you dare to come from the Nangong family?"

"Not afraid to come~"

Ximen Fengyun smiled and said, "They just left, I'm afraid they won't come again in a short time!"

Later, Ximen Fengyun explained: "The predecessors killed Nangong Shiru here. Although the Nangong family tried their best to conceal it, there were too many immortals involved in that day. There were hundreds of immortals in Taiqing, and more than a hundred fell. They fled. After leaving the Red Cliff, those who have the strength will directly settle the accounts with the Nangong family. They are incapable of verbal criticism and no one can cover the crimes of Nangong Shiru."

"The marriage contract between the Nangong family and Yinghuo was directly cancelled, and His Majesty Crimson also punished the Nangong family. Therefore, the Nangong family had a grudge against the predecessors, and they did not dare to come over brazenly."

"Of course, the Nangong family still has the means. When the younger generation came over, they also saw some disciples of the Nangong family, but they were just cross-street rats and everyone shouted and beat them. Many Taiqing Tianxians who had the favor of the predecessors came and turned around. , The disciples of the Nangong family have also been chased away for nearly a thousand years!"

"You have waited for thousands of years again?"

Xiao Hua asked back.


Ximen Fengyun nodded and said, "Previously, the younger generation was ordered by the clan to send the Xiayun Festival to the seniors, but the younger Long Congshun has not responded. Later, after the clan learned about Hongya, they knew that seniors might be Sage Ge Tian’s revolving sky power was suppressed, so he sent his disciples to wait."

"Oh, senior, the sage art formation is not easy for me and other aristocrats to find, and even if we find it, we dare not easily break the formation, so it is easy to accidentally hurt senior..."

"It's okay~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Xiao's friendship with the Simon family has not yet reached that point."


Ximen Fengyun was a little embarrassed, and nodded, "Senior can understand it."

"What am I not understanding?"

Xiao Hua curled her lips secretly, and said in her heart, "If it weren't for Pang Dao to kill Nangong Shiru, you could come over; if Pang Dao could come out of Ge Tian's vortex power image, are you waiting here?"

Ximen Fengyun knew that Xiao Hua was talkative, and looked at Xiao Hua without any special dissatisfaction, and carefully took out a green jade orchid and handed it to Xiao Hua respectfully, saying, "Senior, this is the highest standard orchid of my Simon family. The invitation was sent by the owner of the family. I would like to invite you to my family of Simon!"

"Orchid again~"

When Xiao Hua was in the four continents, he already knew that the symbol of the Ximen family was orchids, so it was no surprise that he saw this jade orchid. He had prepared the words and laughed, "Where is the ancestral land?"

"The ancestral land of my family of Simon is within the Yellow City~"

Ximen Fengyun was overjoyed and quickly explained, "If it is the specific location, it is probably between Qunyu City and Qiyun City!"

"It's too far!"

Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "It will take a long time to pass from here, so forget it!"

"No, no~"

Ximen Fengyun pointed his finger in his hand and said Lanhua, "Senior, with this invitation, you can open the unique orchid path of my family of Simon, and you will soon reach the ancestral land. Oh, even if it’s other places, as long as there is the influence of my family of Simon, Can be reached!"

Xiao Hua was a little speechless, and his excuse was suddenly blocked!

However, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of Qinglian Jianxian and Lan Zhan. Didn't Lan Zhan have a ten-thousand-year bet with Jiang Jianming?

I was planning to watch the time and rush back, but now I have been suppressed for eight thousand years. The original plan has been disrupted. Since there is an orchid path from the Ximen family, if you don’t want to use it, you should send Yue Yichun back. .

As for the Simon family, Xiao Hua already vaguely understood what they meant. They probably wanted to use their own power, and he also wanted to use the Simon family to fight the Nangong family!

After all, it is the dominating Nangong family, Xiao Hua doesn't feel that he is a Hunyuan Intermediate with enough certainty to shake them!


Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Your Patriarch is so thoughtful, it is better for Xiao to be respectful."


Ximen Fengyun was overjoyed, and said hurriedly, "This junior will accompany senior over..."

"No hurry~"

Xiao Hua looked at the clouds in the sky and said, "Xiao has other things."

"Good, good~"

Ximen Fengyun's little chicken nodded like a peck of rice, "That junior inform the Patriarch, the junior is here to accompany senior."


Xiao Hua just waited for Lin Quan Gao Yitu to recover, so there was no objection.

So Xiao Hua sat cross-legged in the air and began to practice. Ximen Fengyun did not dare to interrupt, he stayed a hundred thousand miles away, first sent a message to the Patriarch, and then waited quietly.

To say that Ximen Fengyun is also quite powerful, he can wait for more than a thousand years in the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm, and this patience must have been cultivated in the underground jade veins of the Xuanpu.

Xiao Hua released three shadows around to guard, and sent a dream mirage butterfly to spread the illusion, and then he dashed into the space.

"Where is Taoist friend?"

Xiao Hua, the jade diary, looked at the prehistoric God Realm space.

"Here, here comes~"

The Jade Divine Man flew out of the space excitedly and exclaimed, "Does the Daoist want to use the red protactinium pillow to practice?"

"Not yet~"

Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "Poor Taoist Confucianism is just getting started. At this time, cultivation is not good for Wenqu Taoists!"

"Then what do you call a certain house?"

Yu Di Tianren pouted.


Yu Di Xiao Hua coughed slightly and asked, "How is the practice of Fellow Daoist's Bone Star Rainbow Sacrifice?"

"Bone Star Rainbow?"

The Jade Divine Man was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, and said, "That's the broken door, I gave it to Fellow Wu!"


Xiao Hua had no choice but to look at Wushan Space, and said loudly, "Where is the Taoist friend?"

After hearing this, the jade witch slowly flew out, bowed and said: "I haven't seen fellow Taoists for a long time, how are you doing recently?"

"Very good~"

Yu Di Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Pan Dao encountered many interesting exercises in Heavenly Court!"

With that said, UU read www.uukanshu. Xiao Hua sang the Qingyun Taoist song, and Qingyun came out all over her body and said: "Look at the Taoist friends, is this song similar to the green seal script?"


Yuzhu Wu squinted his eyes for a moment, then shook his head and said, "This is the power of the Daoist's own body, not the power of the heavens and the earth. It cannot be the same as the green seal script!"

"That broke!"

The Jade Divine Man became impatient and interrupted the Jade Divine Witch to ask.

"The poor Taoist sacrifice is finished, hand it over to the little monk!"

(Well, Tanhua’s real birthday, add another chapter, thank you fellow Taoists for your company.)

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