Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2614: Lanjingtongyou (2)


The jade witch replied unhurriedly, "What's the matter?"

The Jade Divine Man asked curiously: "What did you make of that break?"

"This look~"

The jade witch was unknown, so, with a wave of his hand in the air, a cave-like thing appeared in front of the jade witch.

"Haha, haha~"

Jade Divine Man clutched his belly and laughed, and said, "This is a stone cave star rainbow, it looks really ugly!"

Xiao Hua also couldn't help being amused. Although he knew that the star rainbow ceremonies should be related to the supernatural powers of the clones, the star rainbow of the celestial being was bone-shaped, so how could the star rainbow of the witch Taoist become a cave?

"Nanwu Maitreya Buddha~"

Xiao Hua looked at the Buddha Kingdom space, folded his hands and asked, "Where is the Lord Buddha?"

The Jade Buddha stepped out of the Buddha's light. He looked at the stone cave and the star rainbow and smiled and said, "What is this? The little monk hasn't finished the sacrifice of this thing yet!"

"What does the little monk's star rainbow look like?"

Yu Di Tianren asked excitedly.

The jade Buddha was puzzled, and raised his hand to take out the star rainbow, but it was an ordinary wooden door!


Yu Di Tianren looked at Zhumen Xinghong, and his interest was greatly diminished. He shook his head and said, "How can I make something made of wood? How can this thing go through the interface?"

"Nanwu Maitreya Buddha~"

The Jade Buddha said with a smile, "This is a convenient door for my Buddhist country, and it is naturally ordinary."

Xiao Hua naturally wanted to use the star rainbow to return to the realm of Taoism. After all, the shadow exchange time is too short and the distance is limited. The most important thing is that if the shadow is destroyed, his own body will also be seriously injured. If it is not an emergency, it is less used. it is good.

After the jade avatars said a few words, they returned to each other. Xiao Hua, the jade plaque, instructed Luoyi Business League to pay close attention to Liu Yanyi's whereabouts, and then he was about to leave the space.

"Friends, wait~"

Yu Di Wenqu hurried over.


Xiao Huaqi said, "What's the matter with fellow Taoists?"

"The cultivation of fellow Taoists!!"

Yu Di Wenqu asked, "Xiaosheng is very curious, how can your language including the law of time and the world of the Red Dust Souls be consummated and how to grow flowers! Don't hide from Taoists, after thinking about it, Xiaosheng always feels that this language is too rebellious. God, no matter it is cultivation techniques such as jade planting or plucking weeds, it is impossible to cultivate them successfully!"


When mentioning this jade plaque, Xiao Hua didn't realize that she was excited, and she whispered, "Do you think that the poor Dao has gone for eight thousand years?"


Yu Di Wenqu was incredible, "Are you really successful?"

"of course!"

Yu Di Xiao Hua nodded affirmatively, "Furthermore, Poor Dao has condensed 13200 petals, and he is practicing with the Qingxu Art!"

"One...One hundred and three thousand two hundred?"

The Jade Bian Wenqu was dumbfounded, "You, what do you do with so many petals?"

"Yuan Xu has no pictures~"

Xiao Hua smiled and groaned, "Pan Dao, this petal is born with a picture of emptiness!"

"I...I'll go!!"

Yu Di Wenqu was about to cry, and said, "Friends of Taoism is cheating, right?"

"This is the benefit of rebuilding the funeral flower!"

Xiao Hua replied.

"Can fellow Taoists specifically talk about how to practice?"

Yu Di Wenqu's brows furrowed, "No matter how you think about it, Xiaosheng feels it is impossible to succeed in cultivation!"

"That's it~"

Xiao Hualue said, "The poor Dao got the Qingyun Dao Song, and learned a new technique..."

After listening to Xiao Hua's point of view, the jade wenqu is really stupid. This kind of cultivation is absolutely unprecedented!


Xiao Hua finally asked, "Who is the saint Ge Tian? What are the red steles and stone steles?"

Yu Di Wenqu shook his head blankly, and replied: "This little student has never heard of it, but since he is named a saint, he is naturally a heavenly character from a long time ago. If you want to know, Xiaosheng will help you find it!"

"I won't let you work in vain!"

Xiao Hua gave a few Xiayun Festivals to the Jade Dia Wen Qudao, "This is a complete cultivation method."


Yu Di Wenqu waved his hand without thinking.


This time it was the turn of Jade Divine Warnahan, "Why not?"

"Because there is no second person in your practice~"

Yu Di Wenqu replied, "Moreover, this kind of exercise has no reference value, especially if others read it, it is easy to go astray!"

After finishing speaking, the eyes of Yu Diwenqu turned and said: "Of course, it is not completely worthless, so that Emperor Kun Sheng can enter the heaven."

Xiao Hua laughed. He understood the painstaking effort of the jade wenqu, so he followed the jade wenqu to the heaven space without saying a word, and gave the finishing method to Xinxin, and said something to her. Just leave the space.

Xiao Hua thought that Lin Quan Gao Yitu would soon recover.

But he still underestimated the treasures with innate spiritual roots. This... he waited for ten years!

But think about it, Lin Quan Gao Yitu can support Xiao Hua's 20 million cultivation, how can he recover in a short time?

Ximen Fengyun in the distance was not in a hurry, but just over a month or so to take a look. Seeing Xiao Hua's cultivation, he turned and left.

On this day, Ximen Fengyun came as usual, and saw Xiao Hua standing upright with his hands, and immediately accompanied with a smile: "Senior, can you leave now?"

"Yes, yes~"

Xiao Hua said, "But Xiao must go to Fuyu City first."

"Floating Jade City?"

Ximen Fengyun was taken aback for a moment, and almost blurted out, "Senior went to Fuyu City..."

However, as soon as he said a few words, Ximen Fengyun immediately realized that it was inappropriate, and hurriedly changed his words: "Be assured, although the orchid path of my Ximen family can't go directly to Fuyu City, but it is already very fast to go to Fuyu City after arriving in Qunyu City! "

"Oh oh,"

Hearing Qunyu City, Xiao Hua remembered something again and hurriedly said with a smile, "Go to Qunyu City first, Xiao has one more thing!"

Ximen Fengyun was overjoyed and hurriedly sacrificed the jade orchid. After a mouthful of blood was sprayed on it, a light blue orchid bloomed from the jade.


The seemingly infinite innate aura madly poured into the orchid, the orchid swelled and stretched towards the void.

But after a meal, Xiao Hua and Ximen Fengyun were surrounded by orchids. UU reading www.

Ximen Fengyun struck out a jade pen, and the handwritten edict fell on many orchids after the force of writing.


All the orchids began to rotate, and then followed the Ximen Fengyun jade pen, and fell one by one!

Xiao Hua could see clearly that every time an orchid fell into it, a space passageway dappled with flames appeared within the stamen of the first orchid.

And when all the orchids are stacked together, the stamens of the mid-air orchids turn into jade carts. In front of the jade carts, a deep and difficult-to-explore space passage has taken shape.

"Senior please~"

Ximen Fengyun raised his hand cautiously.

Xiao Hua nodded, falling into a jade car.

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