Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3303: Xiao Hua vs. Wu Danqing


   Great Profound Ancient Dragon Xiao Hua laughed, but just as he waved his wings and a sharp mysterious light slashed down like a sword, Long Xiang suddenly spoke: "Your opponent is I~"

   "Boom boom~"

  Then the dragon's face bloomed brightly, and a cloud of clouds appeared out of nowhere, and in the light, the dragon's face increased again and again, and the emperor's prestige rose steadily!

   Seeing Wu Danqing's fierce expression in the eyes of the dragon, the ancient dragon Xiao Hua roared, and the whole body glowed with mysterious light, and once again pounced on the dragon.

It’s also weird. Xiao Hua’s transformation into a Taixuan ancient dragon is different from Huangtong’s demon body, and it can’t grow bigger. Under Wu Danqinglong, it looks slightly smaller, but the Taixuan ancient dragon’s dragon body is more than Huangtong’s demon body. Sharp too much.


Wu Danqing's dragon image is also different from the previous dragon image. In the dragon body transformed by the dragon seal, the emperor's prestige is gradually condensed into substance, and the dragon body of the dragon image naturally becomes more and more solid. The voice of Jinming can no longer be torn apart as easily as before!

   "Boom boom boom~"

After several fights, Wu Danqing looked at Xiao Hua whose dragon body was torn apart, and said coldly, "Xiao Hua, if you show a human form, using Dao Xian Hun Yuan may have some fighting power, you take this Waiting for the strange dragon clan's face, how could it be my adversary?"

Xiao Hua was also in a dilemma. He obviously felt that the ancient dragon of the Great Profound Realm had the power to restrain the dragon, and also had the ability to resist Wu Danqing's emperor's might. But unfortunately, he did not deliberately practice the dragon clan exercises, or he was right. The dragon crystal of this ancient dragon was not familiar with it, and could not use the power of the ancient dragon to its extreme.

   At the same time, Xiao Hua also knew that if he regained his human form, nothing else, Wu Danqing alone would be enough to drink a pot by himself!

"How to do?"

   Watching Wu Danqing's teeth and dancing claws, those twinkling golden eyes were mocking, Xiao Hua resisted and thought.


Wu Danqing whispered again, and the dragon claws fell. Under the dragon claws, the space around Xiao Hua was imprisoned, and the black luster that overflowed from his body was almost stagnant. A fiery heat rushed out of Xiao Hua’s blood, as if he was about to be caught by the dragon claws. out!


   Xiao Hua tried his best to flash his wings, trying to struggle, but Wu Danqing's dragon power was too overbearing, Xiao Hua's small dragon body was hard to match!


   Xiao Hua was helpless, the ancient dragon's body was rolling in midair, and the mysterious light all over his body washed down like water, and then, "Om~" Xiao Hua's dragon claws showed an axe shadow out of thin air?

   The shadow of the axe suddenly appeared, Wu Danqing immediately sensed, his eyes shrank suddenly, but before he could do anything, he "brushed" Xiao Hua's claw to hold the Pangu axe, and slashed at Wu Danqing with one axe.

The Pangu axe was amazing when it came out. The mountainous Longwei was instantly split. After Longwei, the heavy space that covered the surface of the dragon's body was also split in half, and even the Pangu axe fell on Danqing's body. , The golden light flashing on the dragon scales was annihilated, and the dragon seals flashed under the shadow of the axe. .


   Wu Danqing screamed, and the dragon's body was split in half.

   Then, with a thunderbolt, the golden light of the dragon body suddenly disappeared, and Wu Danqing's extremely surprised voice sounded above the sky: "Pan...Pangu axe??"

As Wu Danqing’s voice dissipated, it was the collapsed dragon seal. At this time, the dragon seal had once again been restored to the number of dragon seals, but these dragon seals were neatly chopped in half, and each dragon seal was on. The outline of the handwriting also began to ablate.

   "Not bad~"

Xiao Hua received the Pangu axe, and the human figure emerged from the dragon's face. He looked at Wu Danqing's voice and said lightly, "It is the Pangu axe. The dragon seal is too powerful, Xiao Mou had to use it in advance."


   Wu Danqing cursed in a low voice, "I was too careless..."

   "Wu Danqing, just steal the fun~"

Xiao Hua's figure urged, flew past the shattered shavings, and sneered, "Xiao's axe is just the soul that hurts you. If this is really hard to kill, then you have to kill half your life. ?"


Wu Danqing laughed again, and said, "That's true. For treasures like the Pangu Axe, you can only use it once if you can. If my dragon can't force it out, when I really fight , It’s me who suffers a lot!"


   Xiao Hua flew out light golden shavings, and the peaks of the Great Zhou Tianshu appeared again. On the peaks at this time, the phoenix seal was dim, and the dragon seal was shattered, far from the previous harsh and severe appearance.

   "How about the warm-up I prepared for you?"

   Wu Danqing's voice sounded in the distance again.

   "It's okay~"

Xiao Hua touched her nose and mouth, but she secretly slandered in her heart, "It's more than good, these dragon seals and phoenix seals are several times more powerful than those in the Great Sword Realm of Haotian? If it hadn't been for Xiao Mou to have a phoenix body. And Longxiang, it’s really hard to get out of the big formation!"

   "That's good~"

   Wu Danqing said, "Next is the real big formation, as long as you can get out of this big formation, even if you pass the test of the sky disk!"


   Around Xiao Hua, the floating mountain peaks with the number of days of the week flickered nine times and disappeared, revealing a vast sea of ​​clouds.

   Without waiting for Xiao Hua's gaze to sweep the sea of ​​clouds, "buzzing~" The sea of ​​clouds began to swell, like boiling water, but for a moment, the sea of ​​clouds was like water transpiring, and Xiao Hua was surprised by the scene that was revealed.

But seeing the place where the sea of ​​clouds disappeared, twelve bronze warlords stood on top of the sky, guarding the radiant seal-like palace. Not only was the palace’s unspeakable power radiating to the surroundings, but also on the body of the twelve bronze warlords. Give out a chilling breath!


   Xiao Hua's gaze fell, UU reading twelve bronze warriors roared in unison, turned to look at Xiao Hua, twenty-four gazes cut down like a sharp sword.

   The twelve bronze warriors are six males and six females. The six male fairies represent Liujia, and the male fairies hold the arrow on the left hand; the six female fairies represent the Liuding, and the female fairies hold the pot with the right hand.

   Xiao Hua's body shape is like a bullet. Compared with these bronze warriors, even three-year-old children are inferior.

   "You are here~"

   Twelve bronze warriors all spoke together, the central seal-shaped hall also exuded murderous intent, and the faint image of moving stars and susceptibility began to appear in the sky.

Xiao Hua’s blood began to boil around his body, and the wisps of laws overflowed like dragons and snakes on his body. He squinted his eyes and watched the twelve bronze warlords abandon the palace and rise up, saying every word: “This is Wu Wenyou’s ten Two clones?"


   Wu Danqing's voice sounded in the hall again at this time, "They are six Ding Liujia warriors, part of the Celestial Pan, and can also be regarded as the battle puppets of the Temple of War."

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support for the cultivation of gods. They are: Half Smoke, Stinky Mosquito, Shield Royal, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Return, Li Jian, Xingkong Meng, Bihai Advertising, Singing Birds, Wind Walk, Rice grains, cyclone cat, Tian Facai, doing N mules, looking at the face with a lamp, Hualiuhai, proud of Shenzhou, ruthless, brick mover, eating cold skin in the middle of the night, I used to look forward to the present, there is no secret, Jiang Yuanfeng, sesame seeds... , Anonymous, etc.

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