Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3304: Xiao Hua vs. Wu Danqing

Xiao Hua watched the six Ding Liujia warlords fly over, the surrounding space changed, and the space Hongyun blocked the place where he was located, raised his brows, and said: "A war puppet that can withstand Wu Wenyou's will is absolutely extraordinary! "

   "More than an ordinary thing~"

   Wu Danqing’s voice fell on one of the warlords again, and said with a chuckle, "They are my right-hand man, and they are my greatest help in achieving the throne!"

   "I am the Jiazi warlord Wang Wenqing~",

   "I am the article of the Jiayin warlord~",

   "I am Jiachen battle general Meng Feiqing~",

   "I am the Jiashen General Hu Wenchang~",

   "I am the warrior of the Jiawu war, the book Yuqing~",

   "I am the Jiaxu warrior Zhan Zijiang~",

   "I am Ding Chou warrior Zhao Ziren~",

   "I am Dingmao general Sima Qing~",

   "I am Dingsi battle general Cui Shiqing~",

   "I am not a Ding warlord, Shi Shutong~",

   "I am Dingyou warrior Zang Wengong~",

   "I am Dinghai general Zhang Wentong~".

   The twelve bronze generals reported their surnames, and their voices were different.

   "Under Xiao Hua~"

   Xiao Hua cautiously saluted, and said, "I have seen you all warriors!"


The twelve bronze warlords did not speak any more, and shouted together, six male fairy warlords holding swords and six female fairy warlords holding longbows, surrounded Xiao Hua as they flew, and the sword gleamed on the sword. There was a roar of arrows as the bow moved.

   "Good job~"

Xiao Hua roared, his body soared, and he waited to be as tall as these bronze warriors. He shook his body and immediately showed five heads and nine arms. While the nine arms were waving, the blue light sword, the Hunyuan umbrella, and the sun Commonly used immortal artifacts such as moon beads, jade ruyi, and Hunyuan hammer were sacrificed.

   Seeing the radiance of the fairy tools, even Wu Danqing could not help but exclaimed: "Xiao Hua, did you rob the Primordial Immortal Realm?"

   "Boom boom~"

The power of the Primordial Immortal Tool is unusual. When the blue light sword is shaking, the magical powers of wind, fire, thunder and lightning are revealed, and the swords and long arrows are directly facing Liuding Liujia. For a time, the sky quakes, the space shakes, the light and the clouds Let's fly!

   After a long fight, seeing the situation gradually stabilized, Xiao Huacai raised one of the three heads to look at the palace, and said with a smile: "Yes, that's it!"

   "In my big formation of Liu Ding Liu Jia, how about even if you robbed the immortal realm of the early beginning?"

  The voice of Wu Danqing suddenly appeared in the mouth of General Hu Wenchang, General Shen Zhan.

  Speaking, Jiashen Zhan general Hu Wenchang waved his sword and pierced Xiao Hua's chest and abdomen.

Xiao Hua held the Hunyuan Hammer in one arm and immediately blocked it. The Hunyuan Hammer was extremely heavy, and the place where it was shot down was where the Shangqing Dixian would be smashed into fleshy flesh, but the thin sword was not afraid, hitting it. It was even more Hunyuan Hammer than Hunyuan Hammer, and even Wu Danqing's sword was lightly raised, Xiao Hua suddenly felt that the Hunyuan Hammer was beaten upside down!

   Seeing this, Xiao Hua was shocked. The strength of this General Shen Wenchang was not only several times stronger than before without thinking, but it was also much stronger than before.

   "I'm going~"

   Xiao Hua couldn't help but whispered, "Why is it so powerful?"

   "Xiao Daoyou~"

   Wu Danqing's voice sounded, "You are still a Daoxian Hunyuan~"

Before Wu Danqing finished speaking, "Om~" The Hunyuan hammer in Xiao Hua's hand disappeared, and a bronze seal was replaced by a bronze seal. Thirty-six characters were engraved on the bronze seal. The strokes of these characters were twisted like tadpoles. Xiao Hua's immortal force urged him, and there was faint blood reflected from the strokes, and the **** light and shadow connected together was another vague inscription. Isn't it the word "Confucianism"?

   The word "Confucianism" flew out of the ancient bronze seal and directly penetrated the space and fell on the body of Jiashen Zhanjiang Hu Wenchang, forming a **** mark.

   The blood-colored imprint is naturally the character "Confucianism", but the blood-colored "Confucianism" character fell on Jiashen Zhanjiang Hu Wenchang's body, the strokes broke immediately, and a vague wailing emerged from the blood.


   Jia Shen Zhanjiang Hu Wenchang let out a scream, his huge body flew upside down...


   Xiao Hua laughed, "Wu Wenyou, you think I don't know this is the space of the Celestial Disk, six Ding Liujia warriors are like gods here, ah..."

   Unfortunately, before Xiao Hua had finished speaking, he himself screamed out loud.

   But seeing Xiao Hua behind, Ding Si's battle general Cui Shiqing, holding a long bow, pierced Xiao Hua's arm and shoulder with an arrow, and Xiao Hua's entire arm fell down!

At this time, Ding Si’s battle commander Cui Shiqing said Wu Danqing’s voice: "What a Xiao Zhunsheng, this ancient immortal pit Confucian platform actually fell into your hands, but unfortunately within these six big formations, I can do whatever I want. Change your identity, you can't find my real body!"

   Xiao Hua's arm was broken, but there was a light golden luster coming out of the broken place, and he quickly connected the arm, but the pain at the broken place was like a sword piercing his heart, making Xiao Hua's brows slightly frowned.


   Wu Danqing looked at the pale gold luster on Xiao Hua's shoulders, and asked a little surprised, "What kind of supernatural power is this? My six Ding and Liujia warlords are in the Celestial Plate, and all of them are scourges. Ordinary immortals can't easily repair their bodies!"

   "Boom boom~"

   Wu Danqing was so immaculate to speak, Xiao Hua didn't dare to take it carelessly. He had already suffered a small loss, and he absolutely didn't want to be hit by a sword again. Sun Moon Pearl and other soldiers resisted the six great warriors one after another.

What Xiao Hua said is also a Taoist immortal, even in the space of the Celestial Disk, without the six Ding Liujia warlords presided over by Wu Danqing, Xiao Hua can not be treated like a piece of space. Seeing that the space fragments are broken, the Hongyun of the Celestial Disk space is broken into one piece. In the chaos, Wu Danqing felt a little anxious. He saw Jiashen Zhanjiang Hu Wenchang raising his hand and slashing towards Xiao Hua, and his figure fell into it immediately. The sword that had been blocked by Xiao Huayu Ruyi's "brushing" suddenly lifted a phantom, and he was directly strong. Ruyi's flaw in the jade!


   At this time, Xiao Hua knew that Jiashen Zhan Jiang Hu Wenchang had turned into Wu Danqing.

   It's a pity that it's too late. "Sweeping" Wu Danqing's hand up and down the sword, immediately cut Xiao Hua's arm!

   At the same time, the "swish" Ding You warrior Zang Wengong shot a long arrow. With a "pop", Xiao Hua's broken arm was blown apart!


   Unspeakable pain is born, UU reading www. Xiao Hua grinned and screamed, he knew it was Wu Danqing deliberately.


  Sure enough, Wu Danqing’s voice rang from the seal-shaped hall again, "Xiao Hua, how do you feel? This is not your chess fantasy, this is my celestial board, you enjoy it!"

   "No way~"

   Xiao Hua's arm grew again, and when he fought again, he secretly said, "Fight like this, Xiao will be trapped to death sooner or later, Xiao must fight back!"

   "But if there is a counterattack, we must first change the current passive beating situation, these ancient immortal artifacts are probably not easy to use~"

   "Secondly, Xiao must take advantage of Wu Danqing to fall into the body of the six Ding Liujia warriors, the pitting platform is a must-kill tool, the question is, how can we distinguish in advance which warrior Wu Danqing is going to fall into?"

   Xiao Hua naturally thought of the secret secret technique of plucking the weeds, but when Xiao Hua acted promptly, he suddenly discovered that all the secret techniques of Confucianism and immortals could not be used.

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support for the cultivation of gods. They are: Half Smoke, Stinky Mosquito, Shield Royal, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Return, Li Jian, Xingkong Meng, Bihai Advertising, Singing Birds, Wind Walk, Rice grains, cyclone cat, Tian Facai, doing N mules, looking at the face with a lamp, Hualiuhai, proud of Shenzhou, ruthless, brick mover, eating cold skin in the middle of the night, I used to look forward to the present, there is no secret, Jiang Yuanfeng, sesame seeds... , Anonymous, etc.

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