Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3437: Ancient Nightmare

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"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua pretended to be anxious, and also waved his dragon claws, shouting, "How did I provoke you? You actually want to kill me!"

"Why did I kill you?"

Zhenren Lu grinned and said, "Don't you know?"


Following the voice of Reality Lun, the dragon claw had already hit Xiao Hua's eyes, watching the extraordinary strength on the claws, and then looking at the fierceness in Reality Lu's eyes, Xiao Hua knew that Reality Lu was really going to kill herself!


Xiao Hua was also furious, and exclaimed, "I'm still afraid that you won't make it?"

With that, Xiao Hua's Dragon Claw also greeted him, "Kakchacha", the two dragon's claws grabbed each other, and almost thunder light was born.


Real man Lu is obviously better at fighting dragons than Xiao Hua. He just grabbed Xiao Hua's dragon claws and immediately twisted his body. With the dragon claws hard, Xiao Hua's entire dragon body was lifted up, and then he was smashed with a "boom". The real person smashed to the ground, and even before Xiao Hua could react at all, Real Human Lu grabbed Xiao Hua's heart with another dragon claw!

Xiao Hua naturally knew that Reality Lun was Reality Lun, and he had no intention of killing, but seeing Reality Lun soaring to the sky with murderous intent, where would he dare to be half-slacking?


Xiao Hua let out a low growl, and the dragon's breath spouted out of his mouth, hitting the head of Real Man Lu.


Zhenren Lun easily avoided, and that dragon claw had already touched Xiao Hua's scales!


Xiao Hua also came out in the dragon tide, and at this time, the dragon's tail hurriedly slammed onto the dragon claws of the real man, long ago blocking the fatal blow of the man.

It is a pity that Xiao Hua missed the dragon claw of the real man, but he also shattered the last hope of the real man.


Real man Lu looked at Xiao Hua's dragon's tail vigorous, and his heart was very angry, "This servant not only has no Taoist means, but also no heavenly secret arts. It is completely the dragon's fighting method. How can it be Xiao Daoyou? Today will not be you. How can you force you to find out the whereabouts of Friends Xiao Daoist!"


After Zhenren Lu tried three or five times, colorful colors appeared on the dragon's claws, everything near him was controlled by him, and the space was distorted in the colorful colors.

Watching the dragon claws give birth to numerous phantoms, and immediately inserted Xiao Hua's dragon body, the little python flew up anxiously, biting towards the back of the real man, and shouted: "Kill you, kill you!"


How could the little python be the real opponent? Real man Lun just flicked the dragon's tail and knocked the little python flying away.

However, just when the real human dragon claw was inserted into Xiao Hua's dragon body, "swipe~", the sound of Xiao Hua's dragon body also appeared in a blue and white halo, the halo forcibly blocked the real human dragon claw, and Xiao Hua's dragon body also Take advantage of the situation and fly in one direction!


Real man Lu sneered, "There is no door~"

Zhenren Lu immediately threw himself out, trying to chase Xiao Hua, but at the moment his dragon body rushed out, Xiao Hua's curled up dragon body suddenly flicked, and the dragon head protruded from under Zhenren Lu and bit him in one bite. The dragon tail of the real man!

Xiao Hua was trying this in Haoyuan, and he didn't know how many dragons and beasts' tails had been bitten by this trick, how could Real Man Lu escape.


Real man Lu suddenly screamed in pain!

He wanted to turn around to catch Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua's dragon body stretched out, and his wings gave birth to a blue and white glow, which fell like a hook on the dragon's body, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard he struggled.


Zhenren Lun coldly snorted, "Boom~", five-color flames gushing out from the scales of his dragon's body, starting to burn Xiao Hua.


Xiao Hua was a little helpless, although he had already practiced the Longxuan technique hard, but the dragon soul's shortcomings of being inferior to the dragon body still existed. Feeling the fire tongue burned his own dragon soul, Xiao Hua grinned in pain, and could only let go of the real man!

"Go to die~"

The dragon's horns flickered, and a huge thunder was born out of thin air...

"Lu, Lu..."

At this moment, Ao Sheng hurriedly flew out from the hiding place and shouted, "You are merciful, your servants are merciful!"

"Master Ao~"

Real person Lu looked at the other dragons behind Ao Sheng. The thunder between the dragon's horns did not disappear, but shouted, "This dragon has an unpredictable heart. If you don't kill him this time, there will be a catastrophe!"


The horned dragon also flew out from the dark, coughing softly, "Let's let go, although I don't know what your grudges are, but I said before, try to help each other, don't kill each other! "

"Not bad~"

Qinglong also shouted, "Our strength has been greatly lost in this trial. You are one of the few survivors, so don't stop quickly!"


Seeing that several masters were coming, Master Lun knew that he could no longer kill the ancient dragon, so he had to accept the thunder, and said lightly, "If you say you don't kill, then don't kill!"

"Why did I mess with you?"

Xiao Hua said angrily, "You have to make it clear today, otherwise I will never finish with you!"

"Why did you mess with me?"

After hearing this, Zhenren Lu immediately followed the boat and said, "Don't you understand in your heart? Why are you here..."

"No need to say more, no need to say more~"

Ao Sheng naturally wouldn't let Xiao Hua tell about Lin Huan, he hurriedly stopped and said, "This is all about Chen Guzi's rotten sesame seeds. I have already said it before!"

Zhenren Lun looked at Ao Sheng meaningfully and complained in his heart: "nnd, a certain family killed Ye, of course, to force it to tell the whereabouts of Xiao Daoyou, but more importantly, it is for you little dragon cub! Its purpose is clearly you. what!"

Zhenren Lu has already begun to awaken some of the memories on the Dragon God. Like Xiao Hua back then, he was a little guilty for taking away Ao Sheng's opportunity, so he always wanted to make up for something, but seeing that Ao Sheng didn't care, neither did he Will hot face and stick to other people's cold ass.

"Other dragons may not know~"

Ao Sheng had tempered his temper and said to Xiao Hua and Lu Zhenren, "Don’t you two know? This time I’m going to try. The other dragon races are all under the guise, and this ancient nightmare was chosen by me temporarily, just for the sake of it. The next opportunity!"

"Gu Nightmare?"

Zhenren Lu moved in his heart and asked, "What is Ancient Nightmare?"

"You don't need to know what Ancient Nightmare is now~"

Ao Sheng shook his head and said, "You only need to know that there are very few ancient nightmare in the dragon realm, and every ancient nightmare is in the hands of eight heavenly dragons. It is definitely a rare opportunity for you to come in. Oh, look at you. You Ye, is your strength greatly improved?"

"Yes, not bad~"

Xiao Hua burst into laughter immediately, UU reading www.uukā said, "This place is really suitable for cultivation, I feel that this kind of place is rare in the world."

"Frog at the bottom of the well!"

Zhenren Lu said coldly, "There are so many places like this in the Dragon Region... there are so many!"

Ao Sheng ignored the two dragons' bickering, and then said: "The progress of your two dragons is really beyond my expectations, especially Ye. It seems that your strength has reached Taiming Dragon..."

"How can it be!"

Xiao Hua immediately defended and said, "I'm already a dragon!"

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