Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3438: Hidden master

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In fact, Xiao Hua had already touched the edge of the true fairy Micro-Xuanlong before the dragon power in his body evolved into fluctuations, but as the fluctuations gave birth, and the cultivation of the clone, Xiao Hua's strength was once again compressed, and was suddenly reduced to the dust fairy. Long, although he once again cultivated step by step to Yanxian Yuyilong, Juyuan Taiming Dragon and Hualing Shihui Dragon, but because of the fluctuations, his realm of strength was lower than his true realm of strength.

At this time, Xiao Hua's realm seemed to be the same as the realm he used to cultivate in the ancient dragon instinct in Yanze Realm, but his strength was quite different from that of the past.

Listening to Xiao Hua's ostentatiousness, Real Man Lu was even more sure that the ancient dragon of the Great Profound Profound Dragon was definitely not Xiao Hua. As for Ao Sheng, he smiled and said, "It's okay, as long as you can live in this ancient nightmare, you are eligible to go with me... "

At this point, "Hohoho~", Xiao Hua's familiar long roar of the wild dragon began to sound again.

"Master Ao~"

Even Qinglong, his face changed slightly when he heard this voice, and he suggested in a low voice, "Let's leave early, Xifeng is not where you can try now!"

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Hua asked knowingly, "Isn't it just some Yinlong condensed by the souls of dragons and beasts?"

"what do you know!"

Qinglong was not polite to Xiao Hua, and said coldly, "When will you become a little mysterious, it will not be too late to talk big."


Perceiving the growing fluctuations around him, Ao Sheng nodded and said, "Let’s go quickly, this Xifeng Pointer is really not a place where we can stay for a long time!"

"It's too late~"

The horned dragon looked around and said, "The point of order has taken effect, and the Yinlong is being spawned..."

"It's okay~"

Ao Sheng smiled proudly, "You just follow behind me!"

After that, Ao Sheng flew away first, with the blue dragon and the horned dragon guarding on both sides, the other dragons guarding behind, and the other dragons such as Lu Zhenren following behind. As for Xiao Hua and the little python still trailing at the end.


Sure enough, after flying for a while, there began to fluctuate and flicker around, and countless dragons and dragon beasts began to condense again.

These wild dragons were just born, and immediately roared at Ao Sheng and others. At first, Ao Sheng was only able to subdue these wild dragons by giving birth to a halo from the dragon's horns, but in the end, there were more wild dragons, even Xiao Hua's Tianwei. If it doesn't work, the halo of Ao Shenglong's horns is even less effective.


Ao Sheng sneered, the dragon's horns shook, and the dragons stepped out, raised their heads and screamed, and immediately suppressed all the wild dragons, and the dragons slowly flew out.


Looking at the creeping dragons all around, Ao Sheng thought of something and asked Horned Dragon, "Which dragon can you see trialing at Xifeng?"

"I didn't dare to get close~"

The horned dragon hesitated for a moment, and replied, "So I didn't see it clearly."

"What do you mean by not seeing clearly?"

Ao Sheng frowned, "That means seeing one or two?"


The Horned Dragon nodded, "I look a bit like Ye!"


Ao Sheng was shocked and lost his voice, "Are you sure?"


The horned dragon shook his head and said, "The dragon face that covers the sky and the earth is too far, vaguely similar to Ye. If Ye didn't show up nearby, I wouldn't be able to think of it. But seeing Ye, I was a little surprised. Kind of like!"


A faint smile appeared at the corner of Ao Sheng's mouth, "Could Ye be a hidden master?"


The horned dragon shook his head again, "It's Shihui dragon at best..."

"That's not easy?"

Qinglong smiled next to him, "Let it release the dragon look!"

After flying for a few hours, the dragons flew out of the range of the wild dragons. Even Xiao Hua was terrified at this time. He couldn't imagine that there were so many wild dragons around Xifeng. He had been with so many wild dragons before. Fighting dragons is really fearless for the ignorant!


The horned dragon suddenly stopped, turned his head and asked, "Has your dragon's appearance improved?"

"Yes, yes~"

Xiao Hua immediately nodded showy.


Zhenren Lu immediately sneered and said, "Then let it go, let us see if your eggs are hatched!"

"What does it have to do with you whether Lao Tzu is hatched?"

Xiao Hua retorted and sneered.

"Let's take a look~"

The horned dragon felt a little big head, and said to Xiao Hua, "Perhaps I can give some pointers!"

"Good, good~"

Xiao Hua quickly released the dragon's appearance.

Looking at the egg shape that was still blue and white, the horned dragon and the blue dragon looked at each other, eliminating Xiao Hua's suspicion.

"Great Dragon~"

Xiao Hua laughed with him, "Hurry up and give pointers..."

The horned dragon had no choice but to say a few words, and finally concealed: "Since there is no special benefit in Hao, let's take a look at the next trial. We are going to'Holy', I hope you can gain something."


Xiao Hua was overjoyed and asked quickly, "I have heard of "Sheng" a long time ago, where is "Sheng", and is it with "Lin"?"

The horned dragon sneered: "You just follow, why ask so much!"

"Yes, yes~"

Xiao Hua laughed with him and did not dare to ask any more.

Just as he said, there were more than a hundred dragons flying from everywhere, and it seemed that they were all survivors of this trial.

"No way?"

Xiao Hua was dumbfounded, and said inwardly, "This trial is so dangerous, how many dragons have been damaged?"

"No way??"

Just as Xiao Hua was surprised, the little python whispered, "This trial is so dangerous that so many dragons have died?"

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua couldn't help turning his head to look at the lingering little python, and whispered, "Are you not the roundworm in my stomach?"

"What happened?"

Little Python hurriedly asked.

"Whatever I think, you can say whatever~"

Xiao Hua said, "Aren't you the roundworm in my stomach?"

"What...what is roundworm?"

It took a long time for the little python to say such a sentence.

"Okay, okay~"

Xiao Hua was too lazy to explain, and asked casually, "Don't mention this, I ask you, so many dragons have died, why didn't you die?"


The little python tilted his head to think about it, and said, "I don't know, I just slid off, afraid to make any noise..."

Xiao Hua understood as soon as he heard it, the little python wanted to find himself and didn't cultivate at all. Naturally, it would not attract the attention of those dragon beasts.

Xiao Hua was very moved and said, "Thank you, you even gave up trying to find me. UU reading"


Xiao Hua was so amiable, so scared that Little Anaconda was a little at a loss, he quickly explained, "Master, you promised to help me save my mother, I... I don't want you, who else can I find?"


Xiao Hua's ill-tempered dragon's tail flipped over and knocked the little python to the ground again, "nnd, I was so touched by the poor Dao that I was overthrown by you!"

"Yes, yes~"

"Familiar taste~"

The little python screamed in his heart, and immediately flew from the ground vigorously, sweeping away the previous restraints.

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