Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3441: Old friend visiting

"And those two dragon swords~"

Qingqing said with a smile, "The black and white two-color two dragon sword is the thing of the ancient Tiangong Queen Mother, it is a famous weapon in the world, and it can kill all things."

"More shit~"

Yubi Lei Ting became more and more disdainful, and waved his hand, "Could it be better than Lao Tzu's Tengjiao scissors!"

Qingqing was speechless. She knew there was no way to answer this question, so she smiled and said, "Does it matter to her? Husband only needs to tell Xiao Hua the news, and let him bother."


Yu Di Lei Ting was about to answer, suddenly frowned, and cursed, "How come there is a teacher?"

As he said, the jade dice thunder pulled green, and his mind came out of the space.

Sure enough, outside the cave, there was a pale golden mountain shape floating in the air, shining brightly and darkly.

Reality Lei Ting is now a high-ranking Taiyi middle school. As early as in Haoting Xiaodutian in the colorless sky, he opened a cave in the name of a disciple of Chongxuanshan. He usually does not go to Chongxuanshan, but he has important things to do with Chongxuanshan. Please real person Lei Ting, will send his disciples to take the head of the hand to ask.

This pale golden mountain shape was used by Chongxuanshan disciples to send messages.

Real Lei Ting raised his hand impatiently, and said to the messenger, "What's the matter?"


A woman’s voice came from inside the messenger fairy, "Junior Jin Xuanyue, come here on the order of the Supreme Master and ask Master to open the cave~"

"Jin Xuanyue?"

Real Lei Ting frowned. This Jin Xuanyue was the head of Xuanshan when he was in Huang Zengtian. He was really good to him back then, which made him feel a little bit awkward and drove Jin Xuanyue away.


Qingqing listened and said with a smile, "This Jin Xuanyue's name concubine was heard from you. Back then, Huang Zengtian was no one in charge. Now she is no more powerful than a golden immortal. How can a golden immortal reach the colorless sky? She must be accompanied by someone, and the other person is the key point. Since Taishang asked Jin Xuanyue to accompany that person, it must be a more important thing. The concubine feels that since Taishang is afraid that you will drive them away, It’s better to meet your husband!"

Qingqing is right. Outside the cave, Jin Xuanyue has a stern face, while looking at the flames resembling thunder, while looking at a young male fairy next to him from the corner of her eye, this male fairy looks like Jin Xuanyue. Somewhat similar.

The male immortal seemed to see Jin Xuanyue’s uneasy heart, and simply smiled: “Yue’er, don’t be afraid. I heard that the disciples who came to the interrogation will all eat closed doors. You are not the first one, let alone the first one. Two!"

"Yes, Uncle~"

Jin Xuanyue's face was flushed, and she laughed, "The boy is still too nervous, after all, it is the first time to come to Colorless Heaven. However, the boy still knows something about Lei Ting, oh, Master Lei Ting, of course, he has a weird temper. But still nostalgic, otherwise it would be impossible for Tai Shang to let the child accompany his uncle..."


Hearing this, the male immortal also sighed and said, "I can't blame this thing too much. After all, it's just news, and that Tianzun doesn't care about us rushing to Xuanshan. Let's not find a disciple with outstanding talents. They ignored it at all."


Just as he said, a thunderbolt emerged from the thunder light, directly splitting the flames, and then a thunder water flowed down in front of Jin Xuanyue and the male immortal.

The male immortal did not dare to neglect, so he hurriedly adjusted his clothes and said respectfully: "Uncle Master, disciple Jin Yong was ordered by the Supreme Supreme to send Yue'er to the colorless sky, please come in and see Uncle Master!"

"You stay outside!"

Real Lei Ting said lightly, "I only heard Jin Xuanyue's invitation, but didn't hear your name!"


Jin Yong didn't feel annoyed, and agreed, still standing aside respectfully.

Seeing this, Jin Xuanyue didn't dare to neglect, so she hurriedly stepped on to Lei Shui, "brush~", Lei Shui curled up in the air, wrapped Jin Xuanyue and disappeared.

Jin Yong smiled at the corner of his mouth, waiting there with confidence.

With a flower in front of Jin Xuanyue's eyes, she was in front of a hall, and on the jade chair at the top of the hall, the real person Lei Ting was sitting comfortably.

"The disciple has seen Master~"

With respect on Jin Xuanyue's face, she hurriedly floated into the hall, saying that she was going to give a salute to her master.

Real Person Lei Ting raised his hand to help her up, and said with a smile: "Master, you and I are old acquaintances, why bother to be so polite."

"The disciple has already discharged Huang Zengtian's responsibilities as the head~"

Jin Xuanyue hurriedly replied, "Now return to the division and concentrate on training!"

"Yes, not bad~"

Real person Lei Ting looked at Jin Xuanyue up and down, and praised, "Now they are all high-ranking heavenly immortals, which is beyond my expectation!"

"The disciple dare not compare with the master~"

Jin Xuanyue said carefully, "Even if the disciple returns to the teacher's door, even if he has some rewards, he can still cultivate to the heavenly immortal. This last step can't break through. It seems that he is a heavenly immortal in this life. Cultivate to Jinxian!"


Real person Lei Ting was happy to hear, raised his hand and grabbed a thunder in his hand. Then he passed it to Jin Xuanyue and said, "It's rare that you took care of me in Huang Zengtian. Upanishad, I will entrust you to the Golden Fairy!"


Jin Xuanyue couldn't believe her eyes, she didn't raise her hand, she just whispered.

"Why did Lao Tzu lie to you?"

Real Lei Ting was displeased, and he scolded, "You think I am the old immortal gang in the door. They only say that they realize and practice on their own, regardless of the life and death of the following disciples!"

"Yes, yes~"

Jin Xuanyue hurriedly took Lei Tuan with both hands, and said, "The disciple thanks Shizu for his gift."

"It's nothing~"

Real Lei Ting waved his hand and said, "It's just to settle some cause and effect!"

Jin Xuanyue smiled and took the Lei Tuan, and then gave Real Man Lei Ting a second high hat. She looked at Real Man Lei Ting and said carefully: "Master, what strength do you have now? My disciple heard that you are almost reaching the middle rank of Taiyi. Bar?"

"What Taiyi Intermediate~"

Real Lei Ting said with disdain, "That all happened many years ago, the old man is now too high school..."


"Taiyi High School!!"

Although Jin Xuanyue wanted to compliment the real person Lei Ting, UU read the book, but she heard that the real person Lei Ting is already a high-level in Taiyi middle school, she was still suppressed, you must know that there is no time after the nine palaces, even if it is a genius, From the beginning of Taiyi Middle School to Taiyi Middle School, it is impossible to count in "life years"!

Seeing Jin Xuanyue's stunned look, Lei Ting was very happy. He liked the shocked look of others, especially the old acquaintances. Jin Xuanyue was his head before, and her shock made Lei Ting even more shocked. Really cool.

"This is nothing~"

Real Lei Ting waved his hand with disdain, "The old man will be at Hunyuan soon!"

Jin Xuanyue was a little dizzy by the words of Real Person Lei Ting. She felt that all her previous plans were in vain, and all her words were pale and weak before the word Hunyuan.

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