Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3442: The road on Hunyuan Avenue is broken?

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Jin Xuanyue thought hard for a while, and asked rather dryly, " you know? The immortal world seems to have changed. The road to Hunyuan...I'm afraid it will be closed..."

"How can it be?"

Real Lei Ting didn't bother at all, "This is alarmist, who do you listen to?"


Jin Xuanyue hesitated for a while, carefully took out a Moxian pupil, and said, "The disciple is here for this!"


Not surprising Jin Xuanyue, Real Lei Ting did not accept Mo Xiantong at all, and sneered, "This is another trick to play, let me give Lao Tzu a big suspense first, and then send Lao Tzu a big task. I'm not fooled!"


Jin Xuanyue laughed and said, "The disciple didn't explore what's in Moxian pupil, but the disciple's Uncle Yong knows some information in this regard. If Master wants to understand clearly, you might as well ask him to come in and ask!"

"I want to see~"

Real Lei Ting cursed, "Which **** said Hun Yuan's road is broken!"

With that, the real person Lei Ting raised his hand and grabbed Jin Yong, and he caught him coming in.


The real person Lei Ting threw Jin Yong on the ground and said, "Let's talk!"

"Uncle Master~"

Jin Yong was extremely embarrassed, but he hurriedly tidied up his clothes and respectfully saluted, and said, "This matter is what the old man said to prove the law Tianzun..."


Jin Yong caught the real person Lei Ting's attention with a single sentence, and he nearly said, "It's the bachelor of the Heavenly Sovereign of Zhengfa..."


Jin Xuanyue's face changed drastically, and she never expected that Real Lei Ting would be so bold and dare to scold Tian Zun in Wu Se Tian. She interrupted Real Lei Ting first and exclaimed, "It is the old man who proves Tian Zun!"

"Hehe, hehe~"

Real Person Lei Ting also realized his Meng Lang, and immediately covered his mouth with his hand, nodded and said, "Yes, it's his old man, hehe!"

Jin Yong's face was also a little pale, and it took a long time to stammer: "Uncle Master, to be honest, this matter can be regarded as a hearsay from a disciple..."

"What is hearsay?"

Real person Lei Ting himself was shocked, he couldn't help interrupting Jin Yong again, and exclaimed, "If you have no basis, you just talk nonsense, nnd, I almost got into trouble!"

"The good teacher knows~"

Jin Yong accompanied him carefully, and said, "Although this matter has not been confirmed, the disciple heard from a friend of Tianzun Mansion, but we are under the jurisdiction of Zhengfa Tianzun. There is no way to confirm!"


Real Lei Ting said in a strange way, "Aren't they all under the jurisdiction of Taoist Ancestor Tianfu? Why is there a Proving Fa Tianzunfu??"

Jin Yong smiled, glanced at Jin Xuanyue, and secretly praised her heir for careful thought, and she understood the character of the real Lei Ting clearly.

So Jin Yong explained: "That’s the case, Master, the foundation of our Chongxuan Mountain lies in the Continent of Liutian where Huang Zengtian has no immortal territory. There is Daozu Tianfu in the Continent of Huang Zengtian, so let’s return to the Tianfu of Daozu Tianfu in the Continent of Liutian. Jurisdiction."

"Zhengfa Tianzun's old man is in Huang Zengtian's Tianzun Mansion, in the Tianqing Continent in the Tianwuxian realm, so the immortal gates of Tianqing Continent are all under the jurisdiction of Zhengfa Tianzun Mansion!"

"That's not right~"

Real person Lei Ting shook his head and said, "That is the fairy gate where the low-level disciples are located. When you reach the world of desire, don't you all be together?"

"Uncle Master~"

Jin Yong smiled and groaned, "The disciple wants to ask you, do you see Yue'er kindly, or do you see the disciple kindly!"

"Aren't you nonsense~"

Real Lei Ting curled his lips and said, "I know who you are!"


Jin Xuanyue hurriedly took out the thunder group and said, "Master gave me this, saying that as long as I can comprehend, I can definitely set foot on the Golden Immortal."

"Look, see~"

Jin Yong smiled, "Master, when you saw Yue'er, you not only let her enter the cave, but also gave her such a treasure, but what about the disciple? The disciple is still Jiugongxian, why do you always look down on it?"

"She is the old acquaintance of the old man in Huang Zengtian~"

Real Lei Ting replied without thinking, "How can you compare to her?"


Speaking of this, the real person Lei Ting suddenly slapped his forehead and said, "So, the old man understands that those immortal gates are all under the jurisdiction of Zhengfa Tianzun Palace, let alone Tianzun adults, it is Tianzun Palace immortal officials see When you get to these old friends, you will be more tolerant."

"Yes, what the uncle said is very true~"

Jin Yong hurriedly flattered, "Although we Chongxuanshan is under Huang Zengtian's return to Taoist Tianfu's jurisdiction, the disciples feel that there is glory in face, but when they reach the world of desire, Taoist Tianfu has more immortal gates, who cares about one? Chongxuan Mountain? Besides, Shishu must have some feelings for the Taoist Tianfu immortal official's way of being an official, right!"

"Yes, yes~"

Real Lei Ting touched his hand, "A group of food-oriented things were still showing off in front of the old man before! I almost didn't have a thunderbolt to kill them!"


Jin Yong took advantage of the situation and said, "Even if the immortal officials of the Taoist Heavenly Mansion know about some things, they may not move, but the immortal officials of the Tianzun Mansion may be different!"

"They are all raccoon dogs~"

Real Thunder said with a curled mouth.


Jin Yong smiled, "The disciples feel that Tianzun Mansion is always better. For example, this time, the disciples heard from their friends that Tianzun Mansion's immortal officials have summoned the immortal gates of Tianqing Continent, and Taoist Tianfu didn't even have a fart. put!"


Real Thunder laughed, "Well said, those idiots are even slower than others to fart!"

"Uncle Master, the reason for the matter is like this~"

Jin Yong finally finished the preparation, and saw that Real Lei Ting hadn’t stopped him, and took the opportunity to say, “According to my friend, Zheng Tianzun’s old man was on a whim and found that the secret of the heavens had changed. So his old man quickly passed the order in secret and set out to hunt for some Taiyi Immortals to explore..."


Real Lei Ting frowned, "Since it's a secret, how can I let you know?"

"Uncle Master has a good question~"

Jin Yong looked at the real person Lei Ting with admiration, and said, "This is also the first sentence asked by UU reading when the disciple told Ming Tai!"

"Then what?"

Real Man Thunder was extremely proud, and asked rhetorically.

"Of course the disciple is speechless~"

Jin Yong replied, "The disciple was prosperous to report to Taishang when he was Yuanri, thinking that he had made great contributions to the teacher's school, but he did not know that his words poured cold water on the disciple. The disciple regretted that he did not have the wisdom of the uncle. You can see the flaws at a glance!"

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Real Thunderman touched his head with a smile, and said triumphantly, "You will get better if you practice slowly."

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