Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3452: 4Vatican Palace

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"It's a pity~"

Xiao Hua curled his lips again, "One is the stupid dragon who only knows to kill Pindao, and the other is the reincarnated Long Hao who doesn't know the secrets of Pindao's space, and Pindao's mind can't enter the space. I'm going to run away for nothing!"

Seeing that there is no advantage to take advantage of, Xiao Hua felt a little uncomfortable. He secretly thought about how to remind Real Person Lu to take out suitable things from the space. However, suddenly Xiao Hua's vest was sweating, and he looked at the relationship between Real Person Lu and Sheng Ao. Distance, heart said: "No, Ao Sheng and Lu Zhenren are old acquaintances. Even if the two dragons have just met, they... won't have such a separation. After all, in Mortal Realm Dragon Island, Lu Zhenren is still Ao Sheng’s master. what!"

"According to the common sense of the Dragon Realm, Ao Sheng can disregard the master of the real man, but Ao Sheng can ask the real man!"

"Even if this relationship is left behind, isn't there still Poor Dao? Although Ao Sheng doesn't know that Lu Zhenren is the clone of Poor Dao Dragon Clan, he also knows that Lu Zhenren and Pin Dao are friends of life and death."

"Furthermore, even if the real person Leng Dao came to the Dragon Region, even if the real person Lun didn't tell Ao Sheng, he should know about Ao Sheng's power in the Dragon Region at this time."

"And Ao Sheng just didn't mention the poor Dao. Could it be that he was worrying about it?"

Ao Sheng didn't expect that only a word of himself would make Xiao Hua think so much.

"There is also the real person~"

"This servant went from mysteriously disappearing to appearing extremely unexpectedly in Suo, and even in front of Ao Sheng. What happened in the middle?"

"Mr. Lun can't always hide in the break of the rope, he must have just fallen into it!"

"Could it be that Youlong deliberately captured Real Man Lu and sent it to Suoxu?"


Thinking of this, Xiao Hua almost jumped up, "The real man Lu met Ao Sheng. It's no secret. If there is a dragon to deal with Ao Sheng, they must know!"


"Mr. Lu just said that, like other dragons, he doesn't know the'sage', that is to say, the'sage' in the dragon scale carvings he left for the poor road is not Shenglin Continent, that'sage'... is Ao Holy!"

"It is very possible that Real Man Lu saw Ao Sheng, and then he was captured by Ao Sheng without precaution! Of course, that Ao Sheng is definitely not a real Ao Sheng, but a dragon pretending to be a dragon!"

"Then, after being imprisoned for a period of time, Zhenren Lu appeared in the "Suo" of "Lin" and was rescued by Ao Sheng!"

"Since the barbarians who are plotting against Ao Sheng can appear here, then the real person Lun can also appear in Sorri!"


Thinking of this, Xiao Hua became more and more sober, "Why does Real Man Lu repeatedly want to kill Poor Dao? That's because he already knows that Poor Dao is'missing'. He thinks Pin Dao was captured just like him. The black hand behind the scenes used the dragon body of this ancient dragon to kill Ao Sheng. He killed the poor road to save Ao Sheng!"

"But there must be a dragon forbidden on Master Lu, and like Pindao, he will also have the imprint of the soul of other dragon races, so he dare not point it out, nnd, why didn’t Pindao remember it long ago?"

"In this case, Pang Dao only needs to express his goodwill towards Ao Sheng, and without revealing Pang Dao's identity, he can eliminate the murderous intentions of Zhen Zhen Ren towards Pang Dao..."

"No, no~"

"Whether it’s the Dragon Clan who killed Ao Sheng, or Ao Sheng and the real person, they don’t know the true identity of Pin Dao. Pin Dao has no reason to break this balance at this time. The more Ao Sheng wants to kill Pin Dao, the more he Being safe, Poverty Dao will hide deeper, especially when Zhenren Lun and Poverty Dao are now at a trough in their strengths, Poverty Dao should hide behind the body of this ancient dragon, waiting for the best time!"

"Don't forget, there is an incredible and powerful adversary behind Pin Dao. If it knows that Pin Dao is not only the ancient Dragon Ling, but also the human race that killed the ancient Longling, how could the poor Dao have his life?"

Now that he knows the basics of the matter and understands the situation of Zhen Ren and herself, Xiao Hua's heart becomes more and more calm. Now this kind of balance is the best. He still has the real person, so he can only improve his strength as soon as possible. When the ring disappears, you can perceive the space, and you can connect with Real Person Lun unconsciously, and then you can recognize Real Person Lun!

Even Xiao Hua still had his thoughts. When the time comes to see the development of things, if it is beyond expectation, even if he can perceive the space, he may not necessarily recognize Zhenren Lu. Who knows how powerful the Dragon Forbidden is on him!

"Cultivation, practice~"

Xiao Hua squinted at the front of his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Whether it is the Taoist Immortal Realm and the Heavenly Court, or the Demon League and the Dragon Realm, strength is the kingly way!"


At this time, the little python asked softly, "What are you doing? Gritting your teeth for a while, grinning for a while, smiling for a while?"

"I'm dreaming~"

Xiao Hua replied irritably.


The little python curiously said, "What dreams, I obviously see you with your eyes open!"

"I'm daydreaming about being admitted as a human talent for Little Anaconda!"

Xiao Hua's words were really loud.

Like Xiao Hua, who realized that his strength was important was Mortal Lei Ting. At this time, he was standing in the Four Brahma Palace, looking at everything in the Four Brahma Palace.

The biggest difference between the Sifan Palace and the Desire Realm Palace is that there are no immortals in the Sifan Palace, and the hall is empty and even looks a little shabby.

When the real person Lei Ting looked around, Jin Yong carefully took out a communication fairy, and after a few words respectfully, he said to Real Person Lei Ting: "Uncle Master, the disciple has already sent a message to Tianzun Mansion, they will come and lead us right away. Out of the Sivan Palace."

"Why are there no immortals in the Sifan Palace?"

The real person Lei Ting turned around, but he didn't notice anything special about the Four Brahma Palaces, so he asked casually.

"The good teacher knows~"

Jin Yong laughed and said, "There are four realm palaces between the heavens in the immortal world. They are the Desire Realm Palace, the Color Realm Palace, the Colorless Realm Palace and the Sifan Palace. Except for the Sivan Palace, the other three realm palaces are at any time. There is a Celestial Venerable on rotation. They either administer the affairs of the realm, or manage the immortals passing through the palace, prohibiting the lower-order celestial celestial beings from going to the higher-order celestial realm, and also restricting the higher-order celestial celestial beings from going to the lower-order celestial realm."

"But the Four Brahmas are all Tianzun and Immortal Kings, how can they manage themselves? So there is no Tianzun on duty in the Sifan Palace, so there is no immortal official!"

"The lower realm of Tianzun is naturally unregulated. UU reading, but immortals below the Four Brahmas must first contact each Tianzun Mansion before they can fly out of the Four Brahma. Brahma Palace."

"Furthermore, the disciple also heard that there was a boy in Tian Wai Tian from time to time to take a look. It has been a long time now, and that boy is nowhere to be seen. I am afraid that because of this, Master Tian Zun is aware that Tian Wai Tian has changed!"


Real Thunder replied casually.


In front of the gate of Sifan Palace, a golden light flashed, and then a thin Taiyi Immortal flew out from inside. He hurriedly flew into Sifan Palace, looked at the real person Lei Ting and Jin Yong, and frowned, "Who is Jin? Yong?"

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