Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3453: Goodbye

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"The junior is Jin Yong~"

Jin Yong hurriedly stepped forward, took out an orange thousand knot, respectfully handed it to Taiyixian, and then said, "I have seen the senior, this is what Liu Ying asked the junior to bring to the senior."

"Liu Ying is real~"

Jin Yong took the Orange Thousand Knot and didn't look at it at all. He just accepted it, and complained, "Why are you making trouble for me? You are clearly in the Liutian Continent with Xuanshan, why do you have to get together with us adults? "


Jin Yong hurriedly laughed and said, "I'm not rushing to Xuanshan because I want to build a relationship with Master Tianzun. It's better to rely on seniors to connect!"

"It's okay to match the thread~"

The immortal Taiyi looked at Jin Yong and the real person Lei Ting, displeased, "Most of those who have visited us recently are high-rank Taiyi, and the adults also made it clear that each immortal gate must send the most Maybe you set foot on Hunyuan's disciple, you will let a high-level disciple of Taiyi Middle School pass through Xuanshan. He doesn't meet the requirements of Master Tianzun at all!"

Real Man Thunder was displeased when he heard it. He had always been flattered by others, and he had never heard anyone say that he was not strong enough!

Jin Yong had paid attention to the real person Lei Ting a long time ago. Seeing him upset at this time, he hurriedly said, "Although my Master Lei Ting is only at Taiyi Middle School, how long has his old man cultivated? His old man has cultivated to the golden immortal in Huang Zengtian..."


Taiyi Immortal was also surprised, "He cultivated to Golden Immortal in Huang Zengtian? How could this be possible? Not to mention that Huang Zengtian does not have a fairy light suitable for true immortal cultivation. Even the immortal official of the Palace of Desires cannot be blind. Eyes?"


Jin Yong said, "Master Thunder is the man who created miracles. If he doesn't come to the Four Brahmas, Master Tianzun will definitely have shortcomings in this convening!"

Jin Yong's words were meant to be the icing on the cake, but he didn't expect it to be a bit superfluous. Tai Yixian sneered and said, "My little friend, however, feels too good about himself. Countless, what kind of aptitude Hun Yuanxian of my Lord Tianzun hasn't seen? A small Taiyixian dare to be so arrogant..."

The real person Thunder became more and more angry as he listened, but he also knew that this might be his only chance to set foot in Hunyuan, so he kept enduring it, only complaining about his own strength in his heart.

But just when the real person Lei Ting could no longer hold the fire, "brush~" another ray of glow broke through the sky outside the Si Fan Palace, the glow fell on the main hall, the main hall vibrated slightly, and then the four-colored clouds floated into the glow.

The clouds fell like catkins, and then there was a soft sound of "keng", a touch of water came out of the glow, the water revolved rapidly, blooming like a flower, and a scattered light path condensed in the center of the water.

"Why is someone here again?"

Immortal Taiyi frowned slightly, and said displeasedly, "When is the Sifan Palace so lively!"


Real Person Lei Ting was even more displeased, snorting coldly in his heart, "Isn't it because there is a deity behind it that is qualified to enter and exit the Four Brahmas, what's so great!"


At this moment, in the path of light, two humanoids that looked like bullets flew out, and a surprised voice sounded in the ears of Real Thunder, "It turns out to be Senior Thunder, why are you here?"


Although he didn't see the human figure clearly, the voice of Real Thunder is extremely familiar. Isn't it the sentence of Yan Lihai?

Seeing Zhao Judgment, Real Lei Ting immediately thought of Xiao Hua’s warning, as well as his calculations before Zhao Judgment. He was originally an angry real Lei Ting, and he couldn’t control it. It was just when he was about to speak angrily. Another voice sounded like a natural sound: "Oh? Is it Brother Yun Xian? How did you know that I came here today?"


The immortal Taiyi, who had just been cold-faced to the real person Lei Ting and Jin Yong, now immediately changed his face, watching the spray bloom, a fairy who condensed like ice and snow flew out, with a smile on her face, and said, "Luo Ying Isn’t it some mundane affairs for brother? I just happened to walk into the Four-Vatican Palace, and I did not expect to meet the fairy. What a coincidence!"


The fairy named Luoying flew out, her bright eyes swept across the people, and the smiling Chong Taiyi was bowed and said, "I can let Brother Yunlong come to the Sifan Palace to receive the invitation, my little sister thanked it here."

"You're welcome, you're welcome~"

The immortal Taiyi, who is called Yunlong, hurriedly replied, "You and I are old friends. It should be a visit."

Luo Ying of Liu Lihai glanced at the real person Lei Ting, and still asked with a smile, "This is?"


Behind Luo Ying, the sentence was naturally sentenced. He hurriedly said, "This is the Thunder of Chongxuan Mountain. The disciple mentioned to you earlier. He was still a golden fairy when he became a disciple. Now he should be Taiyi Intermediate! "

"You are wrong~"

Luo Ying looked at the real person Lei Ting, then turned his head and sentenced Zhao, "This friend of the Thunder Celestial Lord is now Taiyi Middle High, only half a step away from Taiyi High!"


Zhao Zhen exclaimed. He looked at the real Lei Ting and said incredulously, "Senior Thunder, you are not really too high in Taiyi Middle School, are you? You weren't just about to set foot in Taiyi Middle School last time..."

Real Lei Ting was proud, and the anger in his heart had long since vanished. He smiled and waved his hand and said, "That's all ages ago."

"Senior, senior~"

Zhao Jian smiled bitterly, "The juniors are working hard to cultivate, but now you are only high in the nine palaces, you are better off, and you are about to be high in Taiyi. Do you know how long it takes for others to cultivate from Taiyi to Taiyi high?"

"Falling in the Xia Lili Sea~"

The female fairy Luoying looked at Lei Ting, and said, "I have seen a friend of Lei Ting!"

Both Chongxuan Mountain and Long Lihai are in the Continent of Li Tian, ​​and naturally they know each other. Luo Ying's name may not be known to the real person Lei Ting, but Luo Ying must know the name of the real person.

"You're welcome~"

The real people of Thunder return the gift like a dog, UU reading www.uukanshu. com smiled and said, "I saw a fairy today, and Xiaosheng is also fortunate for three lives."

In the eyes of Real Man Lei Ting, Wenqu is the most refined and elegant, so he moved the set of Wenqu bluntly.

Luo Ying got up, looked at the real person Lei Ting and Yunlong, and smiled: "Brother Yunlong, does Chongxuanshan have the same plans as mine?"

"Fairy Luoying~"

Without waiting for Real Lei Ting and Yunlong to speak, Jin Yong immediately bowed and said, "Junior Jin Yong, who had been with Yuling Dongtian, who had been in love with Han and so much before, had seen Senior Yueling with Senior..."

"Oh oh~"

Luo Ying smiled and said, "I have the impression, where is Yueling? Why doesn't she come."

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