Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3454: 4 Brahma

"Good to teach seniors to know~"

Jin Yong was overjoyed, and quickly explained, "My wife received a message from Senior Yue Ling once. Although Senior Yue Ling is also a high-level Tai Yi, she said that she might not have the opportunity to advance to the next level in a short period of time. Yuan, this recommends Senior Thunder to come over."


Luo Ying sighed, "Who says no? Now that Hunyuan is getting more and more difficult, I also want to concentrate on retreating, but I haven't gotten too much nagging, so I have to come here to plead with Yunlong brother, that's the case. Let's go together, my face can also be fulfilled."

Jin Yong was even more exasperated. What he wanted was Luoying's words, because he knew in his heart that Real Thunder is nothing, but Luoying and Yueling are friends, and they didn't get the invitation of the Tianzun to prove the law, so he took the initiative to come over, Luoying. Actually, she can’t hold her face. Now that the real person Lei Ting is with him, how can Luo Ying feel better, so Jin Yong pretended to hesitate, look at Yunlong, why: "Yes~"


Sure enough, Yunlong sighed and said, "Luoying, you are embarrassing me. A sea of ​​glaze has already made me difficult. Add another Chongxuan Mountain, how can I explain to Master Tianzun?"

"Master Tianzun summoned the high-level Taiyi, just to investigate the influence of the closure of the sky~"

Luo Ying smiled and said, "Look at whether Hunyuan Avenue is blocked or not. One more person will have more power. If someone Chongxuanshan can help Master Tianzun find the truth, or accomplish some tasks, Brother Yunlong is not only correct. On the contrary, it is meritorious!"

"Senior Yun~"

Zhao Pan took the opportunity to say, "You may not know that Senior Thunder has been in the business alliance for a reason, and he is traveling unimpeded in the City of Jade Demon!"


Yunlong was moved, and whispered, "Brother Thunder still has such a relationship, why didn't you say it earlier? Come, come, two please, just rush to the name of Demon Slayer City, let alone two, it is ten. Yun Mou can also hold it!"

Real Person Lei Ting was a bit stunned, he didn't expect the names of Zhu Yao City and Luo Yi Shang League to be so loud. Not to mention that Xiao Hua is missing now, even if Xiao Hua is still in the Dragon Realm now, this real person of the business alliance is under one person, and the real person of Thunder feels that he is coming in an instant.

However, he couldn't tolerate the thunderous thunder, Yunlong raised his hand to offer the Heavenly Sovereign Order, which proves that the Heavenly Sovereign Order of the Fa Tianzun is a khaki token with a weird beast head on it.

As Yunlong urged, the "Roar" beast head flew out directly from the inside, roaring open the door behind the Sifan Palace.


A thick and extremely dark rushed toward his face.


The real person Lei Ting was surprised. He couldn't think that the time of the Four Brahmas was different from the colorless sky, and it was actually a dark night at this time.

However, as Yunlong flew out of the Four Brahma Palace, True Man Lei Ting found out that he was wrong.


"Yunlong, this servant won't play tricks!"

Real Lei Ting cursed in his heart, just about to speak.

Na Jinyong asked first: "Oh, Senior Yun, why don't the Four Brahmas see the sun and the moon? There is no sky?"

With that said, Jin Yong also took a special look at his head, the figure of the real Lei Ting began to gradually show a gleam, and a slight worry appeared in his eyes.

Jin Yong had done enough homework before going to find the real Lei Ting, how could he not know the situation of the Four Brahmas?

But he also learned from Jin Xuanyue that although the real Thunder person in front of him was excellent in talent and rare in the immortal world, he also acted unscrupulously and seldom paid attention to the common sense of the immortal world.

Everything about the Four Brahmas is certainly common knowledge that immortals should know, but this real person Lei Ting may not know. If Real person Lei Ting asked, let’s not say that Real person Lei showed his timidity and lost Chong Xuan Shan’s face. He just returned angrily. May let all my plans go to waste.

So Jin Yong simply asked himself first, because he was just a Jiugongxian, so he could justify it if he didn't know it.

"Little friend Jin~"

Yunlong smiled faintly, "Four Brahmas are inherently without sky, earth, sun and moon, don't you even know this?"

Master Thunder's face blushed, he muttered a word that only he could understand, and did not speak again.


Jin Yong looked at Real Lei Ting's stature stagnant, and immediately understood that he had said this too timely, and his heart was relaxed, and he hurriedly laughed and said, "The juniors are too weak and have no chance to come to the Four Brahmas. Naturally, they don't know the situation of the Four Brahmas. what!"

"My little friend, the four brahmas are the supreme constant fusion of the sky, the jade dragon rises to conquer the sky, the dragon becomes the Brahma and the peace nurturing Jia Yitian for four days~"

Yunlong explained, "These four days are beyond the three realms, and the sun and the moon can't reach it. All of the immortals are illuminated by the light of the body, so they are not born or destroyed. The number of years of life has no period of degeneration. No way. Go down the heavens and the earth, follow the catastrophe to perish, the catastrophe reopens, and the chaos will be judged again."


Jin Yong listened and looked around. After a while, he was pleasantly surprised, "Isn't it, the younger generation is really shining, so it is!"


Yunlong smiled again, "Don't worry, don't worry, little friends will soon see the true appearance of the Four Brahmas!"

What Jin Yong thinks, how does Zhaojuan not know?

Zhao Jian followed Luo Ying and didn't speak at all. At this time, he smiled and said, "Senior Yun, please turn on the Heavenly Order. If the younger generation can't support it, please go in and hide."

"Natural, natural~"

Yunlong smiled, and threw the Tianzun Order, and the Tianzun Order roared again, transforming into a beast shape, and the whole body exuded yellowish brilliance.

"What's the meaning?"

Jin Yong was a little helpless, but since he was going to do the show, he could only continue talking, and said in surprise, "What else can't you insist on Brother Zhaopan?"

"Brother Jin Yong~"

Zhao Pan smiled and said, "Just look at your own Xianli!"


Jin Yong whispered again, "Why does this immortal power consume so much?"

"Two little friends, come here first~"

Yun Longchong and the two beckoned, "You are no more than nine palace immortals, and the Zhenwen has never been solid. It is not easy to stay for a long time in four Brahman days. Come in quickly!"

"Oh oh~"

Jin Yong nodded, UU read www.uukahnshu. com took the opportunity to fly into the light group and smiled, "Thank you Senior Yun!"

"Haha, it's nothing, this is the old man's duty to meet you,"

Yunlong waved his hand, "Before the old man prevented you from entering the Four Brahmas, in fact, it also meant this. I waited for Taiyi Immortal to be a bit unruly intrusive here, let alone you."

At the same time, whether it is a real Thunder or Fallen, both of them begin to shine, but the real Thunder is an arrogant thunder light, and Fallen is a gentle water light, and the lightning of the real Thunder is even more unrestrained soaring into the sky. Rising up, illuminating the surrounding sky brightly.

That is to say, when the thunder is raging, the real person Lei Ting's eyes are bright, and he sees another scene of the Four Brahmas...

Add more for "the fattest cow dung"~

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