Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3455: Zhengfa Tianzun Mansion, Su Zhe

At this time, the supreme constant fusion of the sky is no longer the previous dark and opaque place. Of course, this place is not there, and it is still black, but it is surrounded by strange outlines, these outlines are like mountain peaks, like roses, like trees, Like birds, these outlines are condensed with spar, and the colors are different, where the thunder light is reflected, the color seems to be alive.

"I'm going, there is no fairy spirit in the Four Brahma days!"

A different color flashed in the eyes of Real Person Thunder, and then suddenly he woke up, "This...this is the condensation of the immortal spirit's vitality!"

"No, no, it should be said that there is no ordinary aura and liquid immortal spirit vitality. Immortal spirit vitality is a solid existence in the Four Brahmas!"

"How strong are these four Brahma fairy spirits!"

Real person Lei Ting suddenly thought of the rich celestial vitality in his cave mansion, as well as the water-like celestial spirit vitality. He had been proud of it for a long time, but now, looking at it, his cave mansion is a shabby man.

"Thunder Fairy Friends~"

At this time, Luo Ying smiled and said, "Although you and I are too Yi, but there is still half a step away from life and death autism. Without this half step, I still don’t know the Four Brahmas Laws, so if I go to Tianzun Mansion first, How about coming to the Four Brahmas to realize life and death when I have a chance in the future?"


Real Lei Ting said with emotion, "Until Hunyuan will eventually become empty, Fairy Luoying, please!"

"No, no~"

Luo Ying pursed her lips and said with a smile, "It should be that you won't regret it if you don't step on Hunyuan! If you don't have such ambitions, how can you come to Supreme Changrongtian?"

Real Man Lei Ting racked his brains and tried to say a few pretending words, but when the book was used, he hated less. In the end, he could only give a thumbs up and said: "Fairy Luoying is really a heroine, and I admire him!"

Luo Ying smiled and flew into the beast-shaped light group first, but after staying for a while in the supreme constant fusion, Luo Ying felt that there were signs of uncontrollable immortal power in her body, and the soul body that was condensing Taiyi had some signs of scattering. , How dare she stay here for a while?

The feeling of the real person of Thunder is not as obvious as that of Luoying, but he also felt that the immortal power was too wasteful to burn in this way, and immediately followed Luoying into the light group.

Sure enough, the light group cut off the supreme constant fusion of the sky law, and the immortal power of the real Thunder immediately stagnated and burned, and resumed like this.

"No wonder there are no immortals in these four Buddhist palaces~"

Mortal Lei Ting smiled and said, "There won't be any low-level immortals coming over at all!"

"Yes, yes~"

Yunlong smiled and promised to activate the light group. The animal form rushed in the darkness, passing all the way, reflecting the surrounding scenery with scorching light, and the real person Lei Ting looked around curiously, his eyes full of jealousy.

It's a pity, but with half a cup of tea, before the real Lei Ting can enjoy the scenery, a bright light rises like a pepper, and the earth-yellow light shines the sky and the earth brightly.

"Is there no sun?"

Real person Thunder frowned, just complained for a while, suddenly woke up, looked at the radiant sun and whispered, "I'm going, this is Tianzun Mansion!"

"Not bad~"

Yunlong nodded proudly, "This is Tianzun Mansion..."


Following Yunlong's voice, Tianzun Mansion seemed to have heard the call, and a beam of light split out and shot straight over.


The surrounding space shook, and the space distance disappeared in an instant, and the real person Lei Ting saw a towering hall that filled the whole world. On the hall was a condensed plaque, and there were two extremely simple characters on the plaque, these two characters Lei Ting The real person didn't know him at all, but the real person Thunder swept his eyes and was immediately attracted to him. The meaning of the word "proof law" was like a hurricane directly involved in the soul of the real person.

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua couldn't help taking a breath and exclaimed, " this the power of the Heavenly Lord?"

There are now countless disciples of Hunyuan from the Good Fortune Sect, and Real Lei Ting is not unheard of, but he has never seen such a terrifying majesty of Heaven!

"Not bad~"

At this time, it was no longer necessary for Yunlong to control the Heavenly Sovereign Order. The entire light group quickly fell into the sunlight of Tianzun Mansion with the beam of light. He smiled and replied, "This is the power of the Heavenly Sovereign above Hunyuan!"


The real person Lei Ting once again cursed in his heart, "Lao Tzu's jade copy is a waste of life. Shouldn't Lao Tzu be more prestigious than this in the space??"

It is not only the majesty of Tianzun that makes the jadeite thunder alive. When the light group of Tianzun's order falls in front of Tianzun Mansion, Tianzun Mansion has long since turned into a world. Far away, there is another khaki palace suspended in the sky and earth. Central, obviously, that is the real Tianzun Mansion.

"Boom boom boom~"

Before Yun Fei could speak, in the other direction, a pale silver brilliance swept across the sky like a meteor, and flew over quickly. Within the brilliance, a handsome male immortal in a white Taoist robe stood with his hand holding his hand.

There is actually no real boundary between the heaven and earth of Tianzun Mansion, but the handsome male immortal flew near, and the pale silver brilliance of the whole body slowly disappeared, and the real person Lei Ting knew that the handsome male immortal entered the heaven and earth of Tianzun Mansion.


The handsome male fairy swept his eyes and saw Yunlong and the others. He smiled and said, "Little Yunlong, Master Tianzun is calling all the immortal disciples over, why did you run out if you weren't listening to the orders in the mansion?"

In the face of the young man in commoner clothes, Yunlong did not dare to neglect the slightest, and respectfully said: "It is good to teach Senior Su to know that the junior is ordered to go to the Sifan Palace to meet the friends of Chongxuan Mountain and Langlihai!"

"Yunlong, you are carrying private goods again!"

The handsome male immortal seemed to be very familiar with Yunlong, and he didn't have any taboos when he opened his mouth, and even revealed a kind of kindness, "Chongxuan Mountain and Lianlihai are not under the control of Master Tianzun at all!"

"Senior Su~"

Yunlong laughed with him, "Looking at what you said, Master Tianzun is called brainstorming. You are a noble and eight-star spirit immortal in the sky, and you are not under the control of Master Tianzun. Come to Tianzun Mansion?"

"Star Dome?"

"Eight Star Spirits?"

When Luo Ying heard it, she immediately looked at the sleeves of the handsome male fairy robes, but unfortunately the star dome imprint was hidden by the handsome male fairy. How could she see it? However, Luoying still hurriedly said respectfully: "Junior Liulihai Luoying has seen Senior Su. I wonder if Senior Su is Senior Su Zhesu, one of the seventy-two deacons of Star Sky?"

"Su Zhe?"

Real Man Lei Ting was taken aback, he looked at Su Zhe up and down, as if he had thought of something.

This Su Zhe is naturally the first Hunyuan Immortal Su Zhe Xiao Hua encountered in the Demon League. Xiao Hua once talked about this to Real Person Thunder. After all, the fairy tool used by Xiao Hua that day was Real Person Thunder’s Tengjiao scissors. Moreover, Xiao Hua also left a share of Su Zhe's understanding of Hunyuan cultivation to Real Person Lei Ting, which was regarded as borrowing the profit of Teng Jiao scissors.

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