Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3466: Unknown master?

The attack of the Yun Beast was not sharp. Xiao Hua felt that he could break the Yun Beast with every gesture. But unfortunately, at this time, Xiao Hua really felt like a strange tremor was growing in his body. There was also a light and heavy weight that made Xiao Hua unable to fly smoothly.

Xiao Hua had no choice but to maintain his balance while wandering with the cloud beast, but after just a cup of tea, "swish~" on the ground, there were some hills and the river soared out and turned into a cloud beast. Fight with Xiao Hua.

The little python tried to rush in several times, but it was all blocked by the cloud beast, and it began to gather the cloud beast around itself.

But the little python still comforted Xiao Hua and said, "Master, don't worry, I'll go over and save you right away~"

"Save you~"

How could Xiao Hua hurt the little python? He cursed in a low voice, spread his wings, and tried his best to escape from the gap between the cloud beasts and rush to the depths of the clouds.


When Xiao Hua's soul flew into the sky, as he flew in, not only the earth, but more cloud beasts flew out, and above the sky, more cloud spirits rushed madly!

"I'm still afraid that you won't make it?"

Xiao Hua was also angry. Seeing that the windy dragon was born while the wings were spreading out, he cried out in his heart, "Let's see how Lao Tzu cleans up you!"

Xiao Hua felt that he was aggrieved. In other words, he is now a real fairy micro-xuanlong. But what happened is that he practiced basic exercises, and there was no way to attack.

When it comes to the attack method of the Dragon Realm, Xiao Hua also feels very speechless. When he was in 阏e earlier, Xiao Hua could not practice. He could only absorb the Sun and Moon Essence by relying on the instinct of the ancient dragon, and then found it with the little python. An influential dragon technique attack; and after getting the "Xuan", with the nine-day golden chamber record, Xiao Hua began to practice the real dragon domain, but there is no real attack method in the nine-day golden chamber record, only the basic exercises. In other words, so far, Xiao Hua has not found a way to attack.

Xiao Hua has always wanted to find some effective attack methods, but he has been with Ao Sheng to participate in the trial, and there is no time to find it. During the trial, Xiao Hua found that there is no Dragon Clan deliberately using the dragon technique to attack and fight with each other. , Relying on the strength of the dragon's body and the sharpness of the dragon's claws.

When Xiao Hua was free, he also thought about the practice of dragon art when he was in the mortal realm. It seemed that he hadn't practiced anything except the dragon language heaven art. As for the dragon language heaven art, there is no need to mention it, except to be able to "talk". , There is no other effect. Even Xiao Hua tried to use it in Nightmare and Ancient Nightmare, but unfortunately he couldn't do any meritorious service at all. Even in Ancient Nightmare's fight, Xiao Hua wanted to sharpen an attack method that could be faced. One after another dragon and beast attacked, Xiao Hua had no chance to think and try, except for desperately biting. That was a moment of life and death!

So even now, facing the attacks of ordinary Yun Beast and Yun Ling, Xiao Hua had no other means except to dodge.

As the wind dragon kicked off, Xiao Hua had a plan in his heart. He waved his wings and wanted to control it, but the dragon's power passed, and the wind dragon kick was not lifted, except for some wind whistles that were rolled up in the air and then ended in no time. , Long Li has no effect.


Xiao Hua watched Feng Xiao fall on the cloud beast, blowing some cloud silk off, unable to hurt the cloud beast at all, and cursed secretly, "It seems that it is not easy to control the wind dragon. I feel that the wind dragon can already be used, but in fact it is just some fur. It's okay to deal with the fairy Yu Yilong, and it's not enough to deal with the real fairy Wei Xuanlong!"

Xiao Hua had already thought about it, and he didn't dare to stay anymore. His gaze swept over and he was still looking at a gap and he was about to fly away. But at this time, a voice that was quite heroic and righteous rang above Xiao Hua's head: "Master, I am coming……"

Xiao Hua was shocked and turned his head hurriedly, and saw the little python flying down from a high place like a falcon, and shouted while flying, "Remember your promise and help me save my mother!"

Xiao Hua's dragon body has actually rushed into the gap, and only a slight acceleration can get out of the encirclement. Seeing the little python throw itself into the trap, Xiao Hua was so angry that the three corpses jumped, he could only turn back, and rose to the sky again, waving his wings desperately. He wanted to fan the Yun Beast, who turned his head to attack the little python, and cursed: "You believe the ball, I ran out..."

It's a pity that no matter how Xiao Hua slaps his wings, the whirlwind is like tickling it, but a little hair is shaved off the cloud beast, and seeing a few cloud beasts is about to swallow the little python.

In this very moment, weird things happened.

"Boom! Boom!"

A series of explosions sounded, and the several cloud beasts that rushed towards the little python suddenly exploded...

"I'm going~"

Don't say the little python is dumbfounded, even Xiao Hua himself is dumbfounded.


Yun Beast and Yun Ling had no sagacity. Although a few cloud beasts exploded, the other cloud beasts did not stop, they still roared and rushed over.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to delay, there were still water waves on his body, and the dragon's body was unstable. How could he fight? He hurriedly flapped his wings, and rushed out of the bursting clouds, "Puff~" It was hitting the little python!


The little python whispered and rolled in the really believe in the ball~"

Xiao Hua couldn't help cursing again, and the dragon's claw grabbed the little python and soared into the sky.

But at this moment, "Boom~", a Yun Ling who had already rushed to the side exploded again!

Xiao Hua was confused. He didn't know what was going on. He pulled the little python and looked around, but it was a pity that there was nothing unusual in the surroundings except for the wind and howling.

"Wh...Which dragon??"

Xiao Hua tried to shout, "Little Dragon, thanks Dalong for his righteous action!"

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua shouted three times, but no dragons appeared.

"Dragons are not humans~"

"They won't draw their swords to help each other, and there should be no Long Pingbai to save us for no reason."

Xiao Hua ran away in panic. Behind him, the cloud beasts were still chasing endlessly, and Xiao Hua flew past. Whether it was a mountain or a river under him, they rushed into the air and turned into cloud beasts to chase after him.

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua thought, looking at the little python clutched by the dragon's claws, and whispered, "Isn't this silly little python? This fellow is actually a hidden master?"

"How did you kill Yun Beast?"

Xiao Hua was also polite and tortured immediately.


The little python was still dizzy. It was hit hard by Xiao Hua. When Xiao Hua asked, he immediately blinked and said innocently, "How could I kill Yun Beast? I...I just wanted to kill him. Yun Beast smashed away and rescued you. After all, you are so powerful and promised to save my mother!"

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