Revival of the Gods

: When Luzhen dialect meets Taixuan Gulong

"It's really not you?"

Xiao Hua asked again.

The little python said helplessly: "It's really not me, can I lie to you??"

"Since it's not a little python~"

Xiao Hua looked at the almost infinite cloud beasts around him, his eyes rolled sharply, "Then...Is that Pindao himself?"

"But, I didn't do anything?"

"My dragon power has turned into volatility. Although it is strong, I don't know how to use it?"

"The flapping wind dragon is purely a whirlwind..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly realized something: "I'm going, could it be the Luzhen dialect I said?"

Just seeing the little python throwing himself into the trap, Xiao Hua had to give up the opportunity to escape. He was really anxious, and then his brain twitched, unexpectedly cursing out the deepest words in his memory.

Believe in the ball, is the meaning of a fool!

"This... how is this possible?"

"There should be other reasons..."

Xiao Hua felt that she was a bit whimsical. After all, Lu Zhen had nothing to do with Longyu Fengma Niu. How could Lu Zhen's dialect kill Yun Beast?


But at this moment, a cloud spirit rushed towards Xiao Hua with a low growl. This cloud spirit was like a colorful phoenix, but there were more than a dozen phoenix claws, and clouds and silks like a cobweb were born around Xiao Hua between the waves of each phoenix claw.

Xiao Hua naturally did not dare to contaminate this cloud silk, and he hurriedly avoided.

But at this time, Xiao Hua's dragon claws were holding a small python, and there was still water in his body. How could he hide it?


Xiao Hua looked around and screamed at the little python, "Don't come over where I go. Just take care of yourself. I will be fine. If you are here to save me, I will not save your mother. NS!!"

After that, Xiao Hua's Long Claws had enough strength to throw the little python towards one place!


As soon as the little python heard that Xiao Hua was not going to save its mother, his face was so scared that his face was tumbling in midair, and he hurriedly assured Xiao Hua, "I...I don't dare anymore..."


As soon as the little python flew away, Yun Ling's cloud thread fell down and immediately stuck Xiao Hua!

The cloud silk fell into Xiao Hua's dragon body instantly, like water, and Xiao Hua immediately felt the sky spin.

"You believe in the ball!"

Xiao Hua hurriedly escaped, and couldn't help but curse in Luzhen dialect!

Suddenly, a miracle happened. Yun Ling, who was still very arrogant just now, suddenly panicked and hurriedly tried to escape, but he flew thousands of feet away, "Boom~", Yun Ling burst out of thin air, not to mention the cloud is gone, even the dust is gone!

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua was shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes, let alone his ears. He felt it was incredible that Lu Zhen's dialect could actually kill Yun Ling?

"Try it and you will know?"

Xiao Hua's eyes turned sharply, his figure moved, and he flew towards another Yun Beast. Seeing Yun Beast approaching, he said, "You believe in the ball~"

Yun Beast was not as good as Yun Ling, and he did not wait for Xiao Hua to finish chanting this popular dialect, and the "boom" turned into nothingness!

"I'm going! I'm going!! I'm going!!!"

Xiao Hua yelled happily, as if he understood something, "Isn't this the Longyu Heavenly Skill?"

Later, Xiao Hua looked at another Yun Beast and shouted: "You fool!"

"You fool!"

"You fool!"

"You stupid!"

"You fool..."

It's a pity that Xiao Hua spoke a few pure dragon words in a straightforward tone, and none of them were useful.

And when it came to the exit of "You believe the ball", "Boom~" Yun Beast burst! ! !

"Pan Dao understands~"

Xiao Hua sighed, "The dragon language heavenly skills cultivated in the mortal realm by Pian Dao belonged to the dragon body of the real man, or it is used by the current dragon clan. Pian Dao is now the ancient dragon of the Primordial Profound, and the ancient dragon of the ancient Dragon is the dragon clan of the previous dragon realm. , Their Longyu Tianshu is different from the current Longyu Tianshu!"

"Pan Dao is now reciting the current Longyu Tianshu with the Taixuan ancient dragon body. It is impossible to have the power of the Longyu Tianshu. The only possible effect is to talk and sense the outline of the place name!"

"As for why the dialect of Luzhen is the dragon language heavenly magic, it is even simpler. Luzhen is the upper realm of the prehistoric world. Where did the dragons of the last generation go? It must follow the Dragon God to go up to the same level interface as the Shenzhou Ruins. , In this way, the dialect of Luzhen is the dragon language heavenly technique of the dragon domain where the ancient dragon is located."

"Of course, Lu Zhen's Dragon Language Heavenly Art is only used by the ancient dragon body of the Primordial Profound Dragon. In this world, only the poor Dao can now use it!"

Since it is the Luzhen dialect, it is Xiao Hua's mother tongue. He has been "cultivating" since his infancy. This practice is almost unforgettable, and there is no need to review it again.

"You believe in the ball~"

Xiao Hua looked at a cloud beast and scolded angrily, "Dare to chase me!"


The cloud beast bursts!

"You believe in the ball~"

Xiao Mou triumphantly, looking at a Yun Ling, the dragon claw pointed and shouted, "Do you know who I am?"


Yun Ling died!

"You believe the ball, the sun is about to set, drink Tangmu?"

"If you believe in the ball, you will be clean after eating the smear, and you dare to come out ashamed..."

"You are still in the middle of the day when you believe in the ball, and you won't rest~"

"You letter ball, do you want to drink hot spicy soup~"

"You believe in the ball, the Nun girl is back?"

"You believe in the tree of the Nen family has fallen off the tree~"


The Luzhen dialect had never had such a bright moment before, and Xiao Hua also spoke with excitement, and a line of dirt was spit out from the body of the ancient dragon of the ancient dragon, killing one after another incomparably arrogant Yun Beast and Yun Ling!

Xiao Hua flew in the clouds and mist for a stroll in the courtyard!

Seeing that the surrounding crisis began to lift, Xiao Hua's mind became active. He began to think about the dragon language heavenly skills used in the mortal world before, and wanted to see how to replace the powerful Luzhen dialects with his relatives. However, these two dragon language heaven arts should not be the same system, and they can't simply correspond, but this is the only attack method Xiao Hua can break through at present, so Xiao Hua did not give up easily.

During the flight, there was already a slight trembling sound in front of his head, as if the sky and the earth were shaking.


Xiao Hua looked around in a weird way. At this moment, the clouds and mists in the neighbourhood already had a red glow, but the glow was not bloody, and obviously it was not what the horned dragon was talking about.

It's just that, because Xiao Hua tried the Longyu Heavenly Technique, the clouds and mists in the radius of more than a hundred li had disappeared, and it looked a little weird.

"Could it be that the marrow is right in front of you?"

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and hurriedly spread his wings, screaming "You believe in the ball" while rushing forward.

After about a stick of incense, Xiao Hua began to hear the screams one after another, and the screams were still whistling...

Such a cheerful chapter is still given to "the fattest cow dung"~

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