Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3468: ?Real man ambush Xiao Hua


Xiao Hua was taken aback, "The little python won't have any trouble, right?"

All the dragons Xiao Hua who came to the trial of "Mi" can ignore, including the real person, but this simple little python, Xiao Hua can't ignore it. He hurriedly flapped his wings and rushed forward. Now he has the dragon of Lu Town. Yu Tianshu, he is afraid of a ball!

After flying straight for more than a thousand miles, Xiao Hua smiled. Where is the little python? There is no dragon at all here, and the screams are Yun Beast and Yun Ling!

But seeing that this is a vortex the size of one hundred thousand li, the vortex is full of thick cloud pillars, the cloud pillars are tangled together, like a funnel rotating straight into the ground.

The vortex not only has huge suction power, but also has chaotic clouds and silks dancing wildly around like tentacles. Countless cloud beasts and cloud spirits are entangled by these clouds, or torn to pieces, or pulled in. Maelstrom, the deafening thing is the screams of these Yun Beasts and Yun Ling!


Xiao Hua was gloating and laughed, "It's a big egg, a bunch of old Zapi, deserve it~"

However, Xiao Hua’s voice never landed, "Woo~", it was right next to the roaring wind, and there was a strong wind sounding again. There was too much wind roaring, Xiao Hua didn’t care, but he suddenly became alert and turned his head hurriedly. Look.


Behind Xiao Hua, Real Man Lun unexpectedly flew out of the wind pillar. As he waved his dragon's claws, a five-color glow was born like a mountain, and it slammed directly at Xiao Hua like a flint of lightning.

"You believe in the ball~"

Xiao Hua was shocked, he immediately shouted, "I am..."

Let’s not talk about whether Zhenren Lu can understand the dialect of Luzhen, just say that Zhenren Lu has already had the heart to kill the ancient dragon. He has been ambushing here for a long time, how could he give Xiao Hua a chance to explain? Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish speaking, the five-color glow has already hit Xiao Hua's eyes.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Hua didn't care that Yunsi entered his body. He immediately used the method of Long Dun. Unfortunately, his figure just moved, and a cloud pillar appeared in the whirlpool, and immediately took Xiao Hua catch!

"Nen Niang~~"

Xiao Hua really couldn't bear it anymore, yelling and cursing.


Following the scolding, the five-color glow hit Xiao Hua's dragon tail, and Xiao Hua's body, which was not easy to maintain balance, suddenly slanted. The cloud column pulled Xiao Hua and directly dragged him into the whirlpool...


Seeing the ancient dragon's body tumbling in the whirlpool, and disappearing quickly, the real man laughed and said, "A certain family kills you, but it is not counted in the dragon mantra!"

Then, Zhenren Lu looked up at the sky and said, "Daoyou Xiao, whether it's life or death, today can be regarded as revenge for you, don't worry, wait for a certain family's strength to recover, then look for you..."

Fortunately, Xiao Hua was not there, otherwise he would be furious!

After Zhenren Lu finished speaking, he urged the dragon body to fly forward. While flying, he took out the dragon scales to explore. He has never been to the "Holy", but this does not delay him from the hands of the Luoyi Shangmeng disciples. He got the information about "Mi", so he knew that there was a giant vortex here, and he flew into the clouds, immediately avoided the cloud beasts, and hung in ambush here, waiting for the arrival of the ancient dragon. The grievances are avenged, and the mood is refreshingly tight. If it hadn't been for fear of disturbing Yun Ling, he would have sang a little song long ago!

Real person Lun flew for a long time, the scarlet cloud silk became thicker, but Real person Lun let out a sense of longness, and did not find the real **** marrow.


Zhenren Lun simply took the dragon scale carvings, and sighed, "The marrow is certainly an excellent nourishing dragon, but there are very few marrows in the'Mi'. If you want to find it, you can find a needle in the seabed!"


The sigh of Zhenren Lu never landed, and a sharp dragon roar sounded not far away, and with this roar, the red color all around suddenly disappeared.

"Not good~"

Perceiving the blazing long feeling from far to near, Zhenren Lu was startled and whispered, "It's Chi Yun Ling!"

Chi Yun Ling is like a unicorn, with a unicorn on his head flashing red glow, and the horse-shaped beast body is trailing a dragon's tail. When this Chi Yun Ling sees the real man Lu, a fire cloud is born under his four hooves. Opening his mouth burst out red fire, directly igniting the clouds and mist around Real Man Lu!


Real man Lun sneered, and the dragon claw waved again, and the Five Dragons Zhao Jujue was displayed, but this time the blue dragon among the five dragons roared in a low voice, and a light blue water rushed towards Chi Yun Ling.


The red fire was extinguished where the water and light passed, and the water vapor evaporated and enveloped the surroundings.


Chi Yun Ling roared, and just about to pounce on it again, it suddenly discovered that the clouds and fog in the surrounding space had disappeared somehow, and replaced by blue water light!


Chi Yunling seemed to understand something, and wailed in a hurry, trying to turn around and escape.


The water disc spinning down had already covered Chi Yun Ling.

Seeing the light of the water, the Chi Yun Ling turned into a ray of blood, and Real Man Lun was surprised and delighted: "Haha, sure enough, all the Nine-Colored Yun Ling is transformed by the marrow, a family is blessed!"

As he said, there was a halo on the dragon's horns, and the dragon flew out and swallowed the blood.


Seeing the dragon's body trembling, there was a violent reaction inside, Zhenren Lu was rather regretful, "Unfortunately, the marrow in this red color is still too thin. If you want to get the pure marrow, you must Go to the inner level!"

After speaking, Zhenren Lu urged his figure again and flew to the depths of the clouds.

After Zhenren Lu went, "Woo~", the clouds and mist not far away began to roll, and there were Ao Sheng and Qinglong slowly flying out of them. Ao Sheng looked at the back of Zhenren Lu, and said in a low voice: "He doesn't seem to know this. I am wrong?"

"The son~"

Qinglong whispered, "Here is still on the edge of'Mi'. He can't remember that it should be normal. After getting the core of'Mi', he should be able to distinguish it."


Ao Sheng sighed and said, "I'm afraid I'm too impatient. How can he reach the core of'Mi' because he is not the strength of the Micro Profound Dragon now? Don't talk about Bai Yunling, it's Ziyunling. He is not an opponent. !"

"The son~"

Qinglong was also a little whispered, "If you talk about other Yunlings, I can get rid of them in advance and let him go all the way, but if you talk about Bai Yunling, I'm not an opponent."

"Let's go ahead~"

Ao Sheng nodded and said, "I'm afraid I am a little lost, especially when I was disturbed by that man. Its appearance disrupted my layout..."


Just as he said, the roar of the beast reappeared in front of his head, and Ao Sheng hurriedly took the Qinglong away, but saw another Chiyun beast fighting with the real man, this Chiyun beast was certainly different from the previous Chiyun spirit. But there were also red clouds on his body, flashing flames like animal hair.

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