Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3469: Return to Yuanyuan

"This real man is really amazing~"

Ao Sheng hid in the dark, watching Real Man Lu once again used the Five Dragons Zhao Jujue to kill the Scarlet Cloud Beast, and collected a thin stream of **** marrow from his body. He whispered, "This is the one who controls the five elements of the dragon. Means, I don’t know if it’s the previous gain or the gain from the trial of Won..."

"Boom boom boom~"

At this point, Ao Shenggang said that there was an earth-shattering roar in the surrounding space, and the dragon bodies of Ao Sheng and Qinglong couldn't stand firm at all, and fell towards two places with the shaking of the clouds.

"This...what's going on?"

Ao Sheng was shocked and exclaimed, "'Mi' has never given birth to such an abnormal change!"

"The son~"

Qinglong was also tumbling in midair. He tried his best to stabilize the dragon's body and said anxiously, "I'm afraid it's not'Holy'. This shock is clearly coming from the void. If there is no accident, it should be a big change in'Lin'..."

If there is a big change in "Lin", it is naturally because of Xiao Hua, but how could Xiao Hua cause "Lin" to change?

Just say that Xiao Hua's figure is tumbling in the whirlpool, and there is no way to control his balance. He really wants to scold his mother, but think about it, the real person Lun is his clone. Isn't he scolding himself by scolding him?

Xiao Hua took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, looked around, ready to save herself.

At this time, Xiao Hua was surrounded by broken clouds, and countless pieces of cloud beasts and cloud spirits turned over with Xiao Hua, and many fell into Xiao Hua's dragon body again, but at this time Xiao Hua still cares about this?

Xiao Hua first looked under him with difficulty. The whirlpool of his figure looked like a bottomless pit, and he didn't know where to lead.

Look around, except for the cloud pillars, all the cloud pillars are distorted, like twists!

It's just that the cloud pillars began to be covered with red at this time, and the surroundings seemed to be twilight, and as Xiao Hua's figure plummeted, the twilight had a tendency to gradually enter the night.

Xiao Hua has not experienced this dangerous situation, he thought a little, and began to try his best to maintain balance, preparing to get out of the vortex with the power of rotation as before!


It's a pity that before Xiao Hua's figure balances, the surrounding cloud pillars start to spin randomly, and that powerful force comparable to interface power begins to emerge, frantically strangling everything in the vortex!

Xiao Hua was shocked, he didn't dare to think about it anymore, hurriedly curled up the dragon's body, and the dragon's head was shrunk in the wings, as if holding his head with his hands, resisting the strangulation with all his strength.

Even so, Xiao Hua was embarrassed. He was like a projectile, rolling around in the wind pillar and the whirlpool, wanting to get out of the whirlpool with the force of rotation?

That is pure dreaming!

Xiao Hua was anxious. Although he could not control his figure, he still squinted his eyes and sneaked out to explore through the gap of his wings. At this time, the red color had begun to weaken, and the orange color was faint. This crazy place, even if there is some blood color The marrow of the marrow was also torn to pieces.

Fortunately, the ancient dragon's body was really powerful and metamorphosed, and the strength around it had long exceeded the limit that the micro-dragon could bear. But for Xiao Hua, apart from the feeling that his soul was torn, his body was nothing special.

"This **** dragon body~"

Xiao Hua gritted his teeth with pain, but he had no other way except to urge Long Xuan's method to resist again, "The poor Dao has cultivated Long Xuan to such a level, why can't the soul merge with the dragon body!"

I don’t know how long Xiao Hua has been suffering. Not only did the surrounding clouds turn from red to orange, and from orange to yellow, but the space has long been distorted. In the end, even time feels stretched...

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua sensed the messy time around him, looked at the distorted and fuzzy air column, some understood, and secretly said, "It turns out that this'Mi' is the same as'Wuyuan', except that one contains'Shiqing' and the other contains 'Mi marrow', oh oh,'圜yuan' is like a horizontal nine-color spiral like a lollipop, this'Mi' is like a watermelon's vertical nine-color folded..."

"But what if you know this?"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, "Pan Dao can't get out of it, everything is nothing!"

Xiao Hua was unwilling to be slaughtered in this way. He tried his best to get away from the side, but saw the blue appearing, Xiao Hua suddenly moved in his heart, and his eyes were incredible, because this blue was exactly the same as the blue he had seen in Xuan. exactly the same!

"Pan Dao understands~"

Xiao Hua suddenly felt, and whispered in his heart, "This'Mi' and'Yuanyuan' are connected. No wonder Ao Sheng said that'Sheng' and'Lin' are opposites..."

Sure enough, before Xiao Hua's thoughts came to life, the mysterious voice sounded again: "You... why... come again...?"

"Huh? You are improving... why are you so... fast? As expected... I chose..."

"...In this interface...the existence will...recognize are so suitable for...cultivation, no pains..."


Xiao Hua thought in his heart, ready to speak, but he swallowed when the words reached his lips. He didn't know if the voice of Tai Xuan Gu Long and this one would be confuse, he would definitely lose his words, so Xiao Hua simply stopped talking. Speaking, the left and right now know that the end of this vortex is "Xuan" and "Lin". Even if there is no mysterious voice, you can still carry it with the ancient dragon's body!

"Real man Lun, real man Lun~"

Xiao Hua sneered inwardly, "You really want to kill Pindao, but unfortunately you misestimated the blessing of Pindao. Not to mention the mysterious voice, the dragon body of this ancient dragon is far beyond what you think!"


Sure enough, seeing the blue color began to fade, an inexplicable force came out of thin air, pulling Xiao Hua towards the depths of the blue color.


Xiao Hua took a breath of air, because this force is extremely strange, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com not only cuts into the space dragon's flow horizontally, but the force actually pulled him out of the time dragon's flow, without causing any ripples, and there was no change at all around him. Xiao Hua knew that he couldn't do it at all.

The most weird thing is that Xiao Hua's figure just emerged from the light cyan air column, and the whole figure is still spinning, and there is a heavy halo in front of her eyes that looks like a curtain opened. The light cyan light column is like a blue light, waiting for light. The halo disappeared, and an extremely familiar pitch black appeared in front of Xiao Hua's eyes. Isn't it the "mystery"?

However, the darkness of "Xuan" was also torn in an instant, and another extremely shocking scene appeared!


Xiao Hua took a breath and whispered, "This... is this ‘Wuyuan’?"

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