Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3483: Old man?? Long Xiang?


Xiao Hua didn't understand until this time, "Can the poor dragon body actually not exist here, it can only be transformed into two double helices?"

Without Xiao Hua's urging, two double helixes, one rushed into the sky, slowly rotating, engulfing wind thunder and electric light in it, and with the influx of wind thunder and electric light, the outer layer of this double helix turned into a dragon silhouette. ; As for the other double helix, it naturally falls into the earth, engulfing the wind, fire and clouds, and gradually condensing the outline of the heavenly phoenix!

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua's consciousness was divided into two parts, and she exclaimed in her heart, "These two double helixes are definitely not the consciousness of the poor Dao. How can the poor Dao do such a desperate thing?"

Although Xiao Hua didn’t know the origin of the blood of Hao Chao, there was Tamron at the top and Tianfeng at the bottom. He naturally knew that the blood of Hao Chao was closely related to Tamron and Tianfeng, and the two double helixes turned into Tamron. One who turned into a heavenly phoenix naturally had plans to cut the grass and roots!

I don't know if the double helix is ​​Xiao Hua's consciousness or his own instinct. Anyway, Xiao Hua can't control him. Perceiving the rotation of the double helix, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and secretly said, "When will I not practice at this time?"

Immediately, Xiao Hua began to practice. The exercises were the Nine Days Trial and Long Linchan's physiognomy art.


As the exercise urged, the world began to vibrate, and the speed at which the dragon and phoenix condensed doubled.


I don't know how long it has passed, it seems that the time dragon has no longer existed in this world, Xiao Hua suddenly discovered, "The two consciousnesses of poor Tao do not seem to be in the same space!"

"Oh, even the two consciousnesses of the blood of dying old age and Andao are not in the same space!"

When Xiao Hua was thinking about it, the double helix was full and fissioned again, turning into two, so two Tamrons and two Tianfeng appeared, two of them in the sky and two in the ground.

However, what puzzled Xiao Hua was that his egg-shaped dragon appearance did not appear.

"I'm afraid the chance is not here~"

Xiao Hua just thought about it for a while, and then practiced meditation again.

The double helix is ​​still fission, from two to two hundred and fifty-six. This is the limit of Xiao Hua's current practice. However, only two hundred and fifty-six double helices still cannot condense the sky with the wind, thunder and lightning of Tenglong. , And the wind, fire and clouds of the underground condensing Tianfeng completely merge into the double helix.

Xiao Hua knew better than anyone else, even if he had two hundred and fifty-six double helixes, he was nothing but a true fairy micro-xuanlong. His strength was too shallow, and he couldn't see enough in front of this mysterious blood. What can be relied on is the dragon body of the ancient dragon of the Great Profound Realm, as well as the nine-day trial practice method that can surpass Dao Xian Hun Yuan!

So Xiao Hua was not in a hurry, and let the two hundred and fifty-six double spirals on that day and the 256 double spirals of the underground slowly spin, slowly condensing the dragon and the heavenly phoenix, sweeping the fire between the sky and the earth. Wind thunder.

Before Xiao Hua flew in, the sky was bright and the earth was dark, and the transition between light and darkness was clear. After Xiao Hua flew in, the light in the sky was divided into two hundred and fifty-six, and the darkness in the underground was divided into two hundred and fifty-six. Of course, the intersection of light and darkness was at the center. The blood-colored outline of the man, but the light and darkness are much more mixed, and after a long time, the heaven and the earth suddenly become a little confused, some light and dark intertwined.

But in an instant, the three spaces of light, darkness, and blood were intertwined for a moment, "brush~", and the unspeakable fluctuations were born. At the moment when the fluctuations were born, Xiao Hua's cultivation consciousness was suddenly shocked, and he immediately watched. The birth of Xiang Wu, that is, at this point, Xiao Hua clearly perceives the appearance of the 257 double helix!

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua was shocked. He felt as if he had seen another kind of avenue, "It turns out that the double helix is ​​not a simple fission that the poor dao thought, it... it is similar to the evolution of yin and yang, and it still blends with each other without a trace. Omission, if you are so poor, you have to cultivate to the Jinxian Jiuyao Minglong, you have to fissure 65,536 double helices, and you need to cultivate to the Jiugong Jingjinghuanglong...4.2 billion 94 One hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and ninety-six double helixes, then... what about Yuanguang Weilong, Zi Yaoluo, Dragon Lord and Dragon Ancestor?"

Xiao Hua felt astonished by the terrifying numbers!

As a Hun Yuanxian, Xiao Hua naturally does not care about the number of numbers. No matter how many numbers are, they are just numbers, but they are rules, but they are just dragons, but this terrifying number shows that the road he has to walk is different from other dragons. !

"Dao Xianjie emphasizes three thousand avenues, and heaven emphasizes three hundred and sixty Hongyun~"

Xiao Hua suddenly thought of another question, "Since the Dragon Region is focused on dragons, how many dragons are there?"

How many dragons are naturally not Xiao Hua’s ability to understand now. He only thought about it and immediately noticed the split between the two hundred and fifty-six heavenly double helix and the two hundred and fifty-six earth double helix, which were two-to-two derivation. It was discovered that the re-fission of the double helix did not fall on the sky, nor on the ground, but fell into the **** outline of the light and dark delivery!

"Pan Dao understands~"

Xiao Hua was stunned, and secretly said, "This Hao Chao should be born of Tamron and Tianfeng, oh, it is not necessarily, Tamron is transformed by light, Tianfeng is condensed by darkness, Xiao Chao may be light and darkness in an instant Born with Chachen!"

The moment is a moment of time, and the moment of dust is a wisp of space.

How Xiao Hua was born is actually not what Xiao Hua cares about. What he cares about now is that the blood of Xiao Hua is in a mysterious space, even if the light and darkness cannot be touched, whether his new double helix is ​​true. Fall in this space!

And the answer to this question can only be completely split between 65,536 double helixes, and Xiao Hua's consciousness can only be known to him!

To Xiao Hua's surprise, with the fission of the double helix, the fire, wind and thunder remaining in the sky and the ground also began to disappear. When the last double helix splits, the world is clear.

In another instant, the more than 60,000 double spirals in the **** space vibrated together, "buzzing~" A double spiral phantom was born between light and dark, like opening the world, the clear one rose and the turbid one fell, and more than sixty thousand double spirals sank. , More than 60,000 phantoms weirdly escaped from the double helix and slowly rose. At the same time, the blood color of the dust space also rose with the double helix phantom at this moment, because the blood color of the space was in a dull state, so 60,000 Yu Shuang Helix phantom began to condense the dragon's head and phoenix body, with thunder and fire wings on his back, and his body was covered with sword-like golden hair.

More than 60,000 double helixes were affected by the phantom and began to condense!

It's just that, before the elders took shape, Xiao Hua's consciousness fell in, and more than 60,000 double helixes turned into the outline of the ancient dragon. As the outline of the ancient dragon condensed, the more than 60,000 phantoms began to change and still changed. Make an egg shape!

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