Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3484: 1The sand sculpture dragon who saves his mother

Revealing the dragon shape of the ancient dragon of the Supreme Profound Dragon, Xiao Hua looked helplessly at his dragon body, and then at the blood-colored egg-shaped dragon on top of his head, and smiled bitterly: "It's all like this, can't the impoverished fairy body be revealed? ?"

"This Lin Huan is too strong, right?"

However, think about the face of such a domineering blood, the ancient dragon body of the Supreme Profound Dragon can be suppressed by the blood, and his immortal body is hidden in it, it is nothing!

"Pan Dao understands a bit~"

Xiao Hua calmed down and said secretly, "The blood of the ancient dragon is not conscious, so even if it is strong, it can't take the blood of the ancient dragon, and the dragon can be used by the ancient dragon of the ancient dragon. The blood bred the dragon, and I'm not afraid of taking it away!"

Afterwards, Xiao Hua looked around. There was no time and space in this mysterious place. There was only a remnant of the blood of Hao. He wanted to break out of it. I was afraid that it would only be necessary to refine the blood of Hao. Can.

Xiao Hua's current strength is certainly not a real immortal, but he has experienced many dangerous places and secrets from the Taoist Immortal Realm, to the Demon League, and then to the Heavenly Court. He didn't really see this moment of dust in this space. After thinking about it, he started again. Cultivation is nothing more than nine-day trials of his Taixuan ancient dragon body, clarifying the more than 60,000 double spirals that have just been split, and his egg-shaped dragon phase practicing Long Lingchan's phase-making tactics, trying to refine the blood of stubbornness.

What surprised Xiao Hua was that he urged nine days to try the exercises, and there were immediate fluctuations around him. These fluctuations were similar to "Xuan", "珪", ​​"亶", etc. Xiao Hua understood that if there weren't such fluctuations, it would be awkward. The blood was afraid that it would have dried up long ago, but now he can continue to practice with these fluctuations.

Just as Xiao Hua expected, when he absorbed the remnants of the stubborn blood in this mysterious space, the entire space showed signs of collapse. By this time, Xiao Hua had no idea how many years he had cultivated. More than 60,000 double spirals within the dragon's body have been solidified, and the blood above the dragon's appearance has been restrained.

Although nothing can be seen from the surface of the dragon, Xiao Hua's heart is clearly tight, and an old man is gestating in the egg shape!


Xiao Hua understood a little, and secretly said, "Xiao Chao is still higher than the ancient dragon of the Primordial Profound Level!"

In fact, it was the Taixuan Ancient Dragon that the dragon phase had condensed into the ancient dragon. Xiao Hua didn't care at all, so he simply let the flow take its course and listened to whoever was good at it.

At the moment when the blood in the space completely disappeared, the face of the dragon fell into Xiao Hua’s dragon body, the space was shattered with the sound of "click~", Xiao Hua’s figure fell into a cloud pillar, and at this moment, inside the cloud pillar There are some bloodshot eyes.

Xiao Hua's eyes swept away, and the corners of her mouth suddenly ridiculed: "These bloodshots are nothing but the blood of stubbornness. After the instant dust space leaked, the existence of the evolving existence is different from the real blood of stubbornness. No, it's the difference between Xianling Yuanguang and Heaven and Earth Aura, the level difference is too far!"

"Hey, Ao Sheng came to'Mi', I'm afraid I'm going to find the blood of the old man? It's a pity that I was listed first by the poor way. I'm really sorry."

"There is also real person Lun, you dead dragon, you actually want to murder the poor road, now it's okay, the poor road eats meat, you drink soup...what **** you are drinking soup, you are drinking the poor road's footwash, hahaha ~"

While laughing, Xiao Hua's dragon body fell into the cloud pillar, and when his wings spread, the dragon body immediately turned into a twisted glow and flew up to the sky along the cloud pillar.

From the black clouds to the white clouds, it is necessary to rely on strength, but from the white clouds to the black clouds, no means are needed at all. Xiao Hua can easily pass through the nine-color clouds just by flying at will...

The clouds of "Mi" are still there, and there are still a lot of Yun Ling and Yun Beasts, but every Yun Beast evades immediately when he sees Xiao Hua, and he doesn't dare to face each other, so Xiao Hua returned to the sea of ​​clouds without any surprises.

It is a pity that it is extremely difficult for Xiao Hua to return to the place where Long Xian stopped before. He can get lost in ordinary places where the sky is clear and clear. How can he find a way in such a clouded place?

Xiao Hua looked around with difficulty, and simply found a mountain to lie down lazily, waiting for other dragons to pass by.


Xiao Hualong's body fell, and the entire mountain peak and even the earth trembled, wailing.

Xiao Hua understood that the mountains and the earth were transformed by Yun Beast and Yun Ling. He remembered what happened when he was passing by, so he "slapped" the dragon's tail and slammed it on the mountain, and said viciously: "Lao Tzu now wants to teach you a human word, don't bully the young and poor!!"


The mountains and the earth trembled and terrified!

How could Xiao Hua pay attention to them, lying there, slowly urging the exercises, comprehending the fission of the double helix in his mind, and considering how to modify the **** of treading fault!

After a few more Xu Yue, no dragons passed by, Xiao Hua thought for a moment, raised the dragon's claws, slapped the ground, and ordered: "Go, help me find this sand sculpture dragon!"

As he said, Xiao Hua breathed out the dragon's breath, and the light and shadow of the naive little python condensed in mid-air.


The earth quaked, and several mountains and rivers slip away.

Of course, Xiao Hua also understands that these people with no intelligence will carry out their orders without compromise.

Sure enough, within a few days, the little python's pitiful begging for mercy came from a distance: "Dalong, Dalong, please, I'm just a little python, and it doesn’t taste good. Don’t eat me, OK... "

"Even if you guys want to eat me, let me find him, OK? He still doesn't know where my mother is. If I die, my mother won't be saved..."

Listening to the nagging of the little python, Xiao Hua smiled. He raised his dragon claws and was about to knock out the phantom in the sky, but after a moment of thought, he said coldly: "You are a little python, and I am again Who?"


The little python looked at a little python that looked exactly like him in the distance and almost cried. It cried, " are a little python, then...who am I?"

"Yeah, I was about to ask you~"

Xiao Hua roared, "Do you dare to be like me, and see if I won't tear you up!"


The little python froze for a while, UU reading www. began desperately begging for mercy, "I am not a little python, you are a little python, okay?"

"I beg you, Dalong, no, little python, let me go~"

It's a pity that the little python is too weak. In the hands of the mountainous cloud beast, it doesn't have any resistance at all.

"I'm hungry,"

Xiao Hua continued to tease the little python, "I want to eat you!"


The little python thought for a while and nodded, "I can let you eat, but you have to let me find the Lord first, and when I tell him where my mother is, I will come back and let you eat!"

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