Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3505: Power is poison


Ye Yukeng hurriedly explained, "The Dragons in the Dragon Territory are ignorant, and there are not many literate and hyphenated people, so they are not like our human race. Any name will have a clear meaning. They call place names. Most of the people’s names are single characters. The name of the human race, the place name of the dragon race is'Bo', and'Bo' is the name of the sea on the side of the dragon region, and the sea on the side of the sky is called'鞮'."


Wen Qu nodded, and said, "Xiaosheng understands, the Yaoshan on the Buddhist country side is ‘峚’ in the mouth of the Dragon Clan in the Dragon Region, right?"

"Yes, yes~"

Ye Yukeng nodded his head and took the tune to the camp, "This Bodan Sea is where the three realms meet. In the Dragon Clan's mouth, it is the three words Bo, Yan and Yao, which are really vulgar."


Wenqu glanced at Ye Yukeng, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. If the dragon clan is vulgar, what should the demon clan of the demon league do? Even the human race in the heavenly court? ?

Of course, maybe the dragons that Ye Yukeng touched and slayed were sturdy, he would have such thoughts, right?

Ye Yukeng said that it was a few days, but this time it was another few months. Just as Wenqu was extremely impatient and was about to leave, Dongfang Jiyu and Min Hong arrived in a hurry. Wenqu wanted to blame, but watched Dongfang Ji. Yu's face was haggard, but he still suppressed his anger.

"Vice-host Wen~"

After the Eastern Season’s respectful salute, he opened the door and said, "Can you tell me all the details of Mr. Xiao’s departure from Hurricane Strait? Say hello to the final general, Xiao Zhenren acts as a person most for the consideration of others; but you said that Xiao Zhenren greeted the guard, it must not be the final general, and the final general wants to see which general lied..."

Wenqu at this time really regretted that he had said one more sentence for the benefit of his tongue that day, and he sincerely said: "When Ye Yukeng asked me earlier, I had already made it clear, when Xiao Daoyou left from Hurricane Strait. I don’t know. No one even except Xiao Daoyou can know which warlord he greets, and he can’t say it in detail. I’m just relaying Xiao Daoyou’s message!"

Dongfang Jiyu was disappointed, and asked, "Then... can it confirm that Reality Xiao really left from Hurricane Strait? And he has already reached the Dragon Realm? Or, can you send another message, please Reality Xiao..."

Wenqu interrupted Dongfang Jiyu's words and said: "Daoyou Xiao really walked from the Hurricane Strait, and he is indeed in the Dragon Region. As for Daoyou Xiao, he is now practicing in retreat. With his strength, he If not, who can find him?"

"This is the final messenger~"

Dongfang Jiyu took out a writing instrument and said with a smile, "If you have met Mr. Xiao..."

Wen Qu interrupted Dongfang Jiyu again: "I am going to the Dragon Region, not in the Heavenly Court. Even if I see Xiao Daoyou, how can I send you a message?"

"Vice-host Wen~"

Min Hong hurriedly laughed and said, "Ji Yu may be a little anxious. When you see Mr. Xiao, can you tell Mr. Xiao what happened today?"

"Don't worry, don't worry~"

Wen Qu got up and said, "I must tell Xiao Daoyou about this matter, let's go as soon as we stay together. What kind of posture is there to make everyone embarrassed!"

"There is the deputy host of Lao Wen~"

"Thank you, senior~"

Seeing Wenqu leaving the camp, Dongfang Jiyuhao Min Hong hurriedly followed out and bowed to see him off.

Ye Yukeng even took a Xiayun Festival and handed it respectfully to Wen Qudao: "Vice-host Wen, Bodan Sea is no better than Melanie Sea. It is the intersection of Buddhism, Dragon Region and Heaven. It is extremely dangerous inside. This is the end. If you can get the most detailed information, please accept it!"


Wen Qu nodded and said, "Although I can find a lot of information in the business alliance, the information of Baidi is more detailed after all, and I also thank General Ye and Xiaosheng for talking about the origin of Baidi!"

Ye Yukeng's face was hot instantly. After all, Renjia Wenqu is the deputy host of the Zaohwa Building, and he is the owner of the Commercial League. There is no information. The origin of Baidi is just that people have nothing to talk about. Wenqu came back without being soft or hard.

Wenqu is not Xiao Hua after all, Xiao Hua can remember the old and can wait at Baidi, how can Wenqu give Ye Yukeng and others face?

If it weren't for the love they had met Li Nianxiao and Yinghuo, Wenqu would have already left.

"Monsoon rain~"

Seeing Dongfang Jiyu's figure swaying slightly, Min Hong knew that she had come all the way and was exhausted, hurried to hold on, and whispered, "Don't worry, since the deputy host Wen knows about this, he will definitely talk about it when he meets the real person Xiao. True person Xiao will definitely help us clear our suspicions."

Since Dongfang Jiyu is a fairy warrior, of course she is not that fragile, but she is really under a lot of pressure in her heart. She stabilized her figure and watched Wenqu flying out of the fortress. Will speak, the question is, will the deputy host of Renjiawen treat this as the same thing..."


Ye Yukeng took the opportunity to say, "Dongfang, you know that other people will not take this matter seriously, so why do you care? And your majesty has no intention of pursuing it at all. Your majesty is under the hands of Zhen Xiao, and I can count on it. what?"

"Your Majesty is not going to be held accountable~"

Min Hong whispered, UU reading www. "But someone wants to find his face for your majesty..."


Ye Yukeng understood it as soon as he heard it, and cursed lowly, "It's what the vice-host Wen said, Tu Shanzilan..."


When Min Hong heard this, his face changed drastically, and he said anxiously, "Vice-host Wen can call his name directly, how dare I wait?"

"Your Majesty is really blind~"

Ye Yukeng said bitterly, "Why did you find such an empress?"


Dongfang Jiyu snorted coldly, "The empress? She wants to be beautiful, if she is already an empress, how can she embarrass me, this little girl!"


Min Hong sighed, "It is said that the Dragon Warrior Team is not directly under your Majesty, but...but I can't hold back someone who wants to be an empress, and some people want to hold her as an empress!"

Power is poison, and character is fundamental. Maybe Tu Shanzili abused Qingqiu Mountain’s power in order to find Wu Danqing, playing between the immortals and the palms, but it is also her nature that created her insidious methods and deserved her. She has become accustomed to power. After she has no power, her behavior and even her words and deeds will definitely bear the mark of power.

Wenqu is naturally at the pinnacle of power, so when he heard the experience of the Eastern Monsoon, he knew in his heart that there must be Tu Shanzi's shadow in it, and he knew better that the Eastern Monsoon matter was only the tip of the iceberg. Wu Danqing still has a lot of headaches, and there will be more in the future.


Wen Qu laughed as he flew, "If Daoist Xiao knew this time, would he laugh so loudly?"

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