Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3506: The beautiful intersection of three circles

Thinking about it, Wenqu immediately wrote a Xiayun Festival and threw it into the space, hoping that Xiao Hua would see the good news as soon as he came out of retreat.

But just after Wenqu's mind swept away, he frowned again, because the perception of space was actually a little vague.


Wen Qu looked around in surprise, and whispered, "How powerful is the interface here?"

Looking at this place again, it is different from the time before Baidi. The clouds around Wenqu whizzed towards the front like a tens of thousands of horses. Beneath the barriers of the interface, the infinite innate aura was squeezed into large expanses. Irregular solids.

These solid objects are static or moving. The static ones look like mountain peaks, and the moving ones look like stars rotating. Near these solid objects, there are inexplicable charms like tassels, like waterfalls.

It’s just that all the flowing things have a tendency to drift towards the head of the wenqu, as if there is an attraction there, but on the other hand, the clouds that flow away in front of the wenqu condense into a large piece of xiacai, The sight of Wenqu was blocked, and the light of clear eyes was swept away, only to see the compressed space fault and the broken rhyme, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Wenqu is not Xiao Hua. He went to Longyu and naturally made perfect preparations. The disciples of Luoyi Business League had already sent the information they could find when Wenqu was still on the chariot of the Great. Wenqu didn’t know how to read it. How many times.

Of course, Wen Qu knew the origin of Baidi, and he knew the power of the interface here, but he didn't expect the power of the interface to be so powerful, far beyond what he thought.

"It's so light on paper~"

Wen Qu sighed with emotion, "If Xiao Daoyou hadn't traveled through the Demon League and Heavenly Court, he wouldn't have reached the third rank of Taiqing Heavenly Immortal so quickly!"


Wenqu was thinking about it, and there was the sound of wind roaring all around. Wenqu knew that this was the wind of the interface. It was caused by the collision of the three interfaces between the Heavenly Dragon Realm and the Buddha Kingdom. Where the first three realms really meet is the strongest!

However, it was just the beginning of the world wind, and there was water light around it. This water light was naturally the condensation of the heavenly charm. As the literary song flew forward, the water light began to continue, becoming a trickle, and thousands of streams returned to the sect. It is not only suitable for the rivers in the ordinary world that are flat on the earth, but also suitable for the Bodan Sea. After Wenqu flew for a few days, the sky was full of sea water in front of his eyes, and the continuous sound of sea waves drowned all the sounds.

Ke Wenqu's Xia Cai, which resembled petals, still blocked his sight, so that Wenqu could never see the real Bodan Sea, even if he flew straight for dozens of days.

It is also weird. Xia Cai, who has not seen any changes for several decades, follows Wenqu's curiosity. In the blink of an eye, Xia Cai is right in front of her. Wenqu takes a deep breath and urges her body to rush into Xia Cai. , He knew, the next step was the magnificence of the Bodan Sea.


Even though Wenqu was ready and even saw the Bodan Sea during the Xiayun Festival, he couldn't help but stare when he saw the scenery in front of him.

But seeing that there is now sea water between heaven and earth, but the sea water is different, the sea water on the heavenly court is condensed like a flower, even with three colors, without losing grace and connotation in the turbulent surging, and the sea water like the dragon is pale gold. The color of the sea, the roar of the sea, condensed into a dragon pattern, and the wild air rushes into the sky. The other place is naturally the Buddha country. The water of the Buddha country is calm and waveless, as if it does not exist, but within the water pattern countless faint Buddhas will be hidden in it. , The unspeakable force of suppression was born, and after the wave of light, there was even a huge mountain with iron blue, like a huge iron bucket protecting a place of heaven and earth, wisps of Buddha light permeated out, and there may be chanting and chanting, but Wenqu could not be heard, because all his ears were full of thunderous sea waves.

Even if the Buddha Kingdom is indisputable, the interface power is still unmatched. Right at the junction of the Buddha Kingdom’s Heavenly Court and the Dragon Realm, the interface force of the three different laws hits one place, and the interface force carries infinite sea water and condenses. Into a huge water ring.

The water ring is like a bottomless vase, standing upright in the middle of the sea!

The Hongyun on the Tianting side rolled Xia Cai with petal-like waves and rushed straight to the top of the water ring, while the dragon on the Dragon Territory side rolled light gold with a dragon pattern and also rushed to the top of the water ring, as a third-party Buddhist law belt. With the Buddha's light, the Buddha within the Buddha's light will rush into the top of the water ring fiercely.

Heavenly Court Hongyun naturally struggled with Longyu Longyu, but with the intervention of the third-party Buddhism law, the Three Realms Law unexpectedly formed a temporary balance.

However, the balance is only at the top of the water ring. As the law of the Three Realms on the water ring rolls the sea water straight down, the sea water containing the three laws begins to rotate, twist, and even rush together...

In this way, the three kinds of seawater poured straight for hundreds of thousands of miles in the fusion of fights.

But at the bottom of the water ring, the three laws were in balance with each other. The Buddha made a moving picture of the dragon pattern and the Wenhua, and when the force of the strange interface was intertwined, the sea water rolled back again, carrying the impact of all circles. The fresh law of entry, once again fighting fusion along the way, rushed to the top of the water ring, and merged with the magic circle that rushed above, and fell again and again!

The huge outline of the water ring has not changed particularly, but with the impact of sea water every moment, the details have been changing, and there are still invisible brushes that are constantly rendering, and even Wenqu's eyes can be seen by Wenhua. Birth and death, the breaking of the dragon shape and the evolution of the Buddha's light.

" the real good fortune of heaven and earth!"

Wen Qu watched the power of the Pang Ran interface clash with each other, forming such a miracle, and was sighed, "Even if the Xiaosheng is too clear and the third rank of the Tianxian, I feel insignificant in the face of this power."

Speaking, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Wenqu urged his body to fly towards the water ring.

As we approached the water ring, the huge interface force began to tear Wenquxian's body. This interface force may be a threat to the Yuqing immortal, who is equivalent to the golden immortal, but for Shangqing Dixian, as long as there is preparation, There is no danger, so the Wenqufei of Taiqing Tianxian is in it, and the surface of the body is full of Xia Cai, which has long blocked the power of this interface.

The impact force of the water ring is great, and the sound is also filled with sea water. But when it really gets closer, the sound becomes weaker and weaker. Looking at the figures and dragons on the water ring one after another, big or small, broken or broken Distorted, Wenqu thought about it: "Within the water ring is the hub of the Three Realms, and the real mixture of fish and dragons is in the inside. Xiaosheng goes to the Dragon Realm to find fellow Xiao Daoist, it's better not to be troublesome!"

Just thinking about it, within the water ring, a light of Buddha flashed, and then a distorted Buddha washed the outline down...

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